About Apptaste

We design beautiful apps rooted in a wonderful user experience! We offer: - Complete UI /UX design: We'll design your entire app from the ground up. Your app will be beautiful, intuitive and designed to succeed in the App Store. We know what intrigues and pleases your users, and how to get them to convert. - Screenshot design: Your app's screenshots are the first thing users see. You could miss out on a huge amount of downloads if you don't nail the design. Let us handle it for you! - App logo design: A successful app logo is bold, bright, and unique. It should also look good scaled to different sizes. Let us create you a gorgeous app logo!
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www. linkedin.com/company /apptaste
Employee Count: 1
Keywords: design

More about Apptaste

Apptaste is located at 160 City Road, London, England EC1V 1AR, United Kingdom
+44 20 8144 9229