Aquasplash (Permanently Closed)



Like so many other reviewers I have to reiterate that this place is filthy. I have given it two stars because the kids enjoy themselves, but today there were two rides not open and no discount given on the admission fee. Furthermore the charge for using a debit or credit card smarts more than a little given that the entrance isn't cheap in the first place.
But, and here is the big but, the overriding complaint is that this place is not being cleaned at all well. You can see in the toilets from the staining to the wall panels that a bit of bleach has been splashed around, but there has been no attempt to perform a thorough clean of the premises. Stout rubber gloves, a scrubbing brush and plenty of elbow grease are required along with a quick splash of some chemical or another. Around the pool area the cleanliness is MUCH worse. Under the 'bowl' ride there are pools of filth and litter which has clearly been there for days. On the stairs up the tower you can see literally hundreds of abandoned hairbands and several discarded bottles etc. I can't help but think that the management have absolutely NO pride in their establishment, or that they sit blissfully and naively unaware in their ivory towers off-site somewhere.


DO NOT GO HERE! I have just returned from taking my 2 children, we lasted 15 minutes. I cannot comprehend a business that charges £19, with no refund policy I might add, who can open its doors knowing that it has not been cleaned for DAYS.

I complained about a dirty pair of knickers that were by the side of pool. The bins were over flowing with sanitary waste and nappies. There was no loo roll in the toilets. The stairs leading up to the slides were littered with plasters and chewing gum. I didn't go in to the showers as I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. The whole place smelt of a stagnant garden pond. The mildew that surrounds the pool sides make you feel sick just looking at it.

It is disgusting. be warned. I actually feel violated.


2 stars for the fun I had with my son. Only two slides my 4 yeard old could go onto though being accompanied of course. Otherwise the place is dirty! I could not understand how the place couldn't be cleaned up or kept up to some sort of standard. The changing rooms - disgusting! The showers - unisex.The tiny changing rooms - dirty again and tiny!. There were some family changing rooms but unfortunately taken. Funny enough there is no lighting in, I believe, most of the changing "spaces". I did not even want to shower there - horrible. All I wanted to do is to put my clothes on and leave.


They must have cleaned up the place since the previous reviews because it wasn't dirty. OK, the place isn't brand new, but the kids (and I!) had a great time for a Sunday morning. You can easily fill a couple of hours there. I took a 6 year old and a 14 year old and they had as much fun as each other.
Definitely worth going to, and reasonably priced.

More about Aquasplash (Permanently Closed)

Aquasplash (Permanently Closed) is located at Jarman Park, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4JS, UK
+44 845 872 5799