
About Arisesaints

AriseSaints: Co-Labouring In Reformation.

A prophetic resource linked to AriseSaints labours to be faithful to the move of Holy Spirit in Reformation and to communicate the prophetic heart of God to impart vision and equip the Saints.

Arisesaints Description

AriseSaints co-labours in what many prophetic voices around the world consider to be the final reformation of the Church before the return of Jesus Christ.

This Final Reformation will raise up a people of radical love, faith, and holiness. It will impart a deeper revelation of the Kingdom of God and His puposes, bringing a fresh realignment of the Church to the Father's will. The Church, - the Saints, will walk in a restored realisation of the abundant life, power, and transforming love of Jesus Christ.

The Saints will be a living testimony of the salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, demontrating that He is alive, and that God is passionately and deeply concerned with the lives of every person, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to know Him and have eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Saints will live sanctified lives of faith working through radical love. The love of God and salvation through faith in Christ Jesus will be demonstrated in the everyday lives of everyday Saints through the powerful ministry of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with words of wisdom and knowledge, and through prophecy, healings, miracles, the casting out of demons, and signs and wonders.

Most of all, the Saints will demonstrate lives of sacrificial radical love and holiness, and will fulfil the scripture: "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. " Revelation 12: 12