Art Classes And Life Drawing

About Art Classes And Life Drawing

Church Farm Barn Studios

Offering weekly art classes, twice-monthly life drawing, life painting weekends, sculpture courses and one day workshops

Art Classes And Life Drawing Description


- There are four ten week terms per year, with no classes during school holidays
- The classes are three hours long, with the flexibility to come in either the morning or afternoon on a Tuesday
- Price includes all paper and materials can be ordered through me at cost price

Monday 12. 00 - 3. 30 PM
Maximum 5 people
£200 for each 10 week term

Tuesday 9. 30 - 3. 30 PM
Maximum 9 people
£150 for each 10 week term

The weekly classes lead people, at their own pace, through a broad range of exercises with the aim of building confidence, understanding and skill. We first work through the fundamentals of line, tone, colour, mark making, space, composition and form, through the practice of drawing, painting, mixed media and print making.
During this time people become increasingly aware of their own interests. Discovering the work of other artists as well as gathering interesting imagery, they naturally begin to explore and develop themes that are beginning to take form in their work.
Encouraging experimentation is central to my way of teaching. It is through the exploration of media and techniques and accepting the unexpected detours that occur in the creative process, that ideas can be developed and pushed to their full potential.
The group environment enables people to support and inspire each other whilst the ongoing creative dialogue helps individuals develop confidence in talking about their own practice.


Every 2nd Saturday of the month 10. 00 - 1. 00 PM
Every 4th Wednesday of the month 10. 00 - 1. 00 PM
£28 per class, absolutely everything provided!

Life Painting Days and Weekends :
1 day class 10. 00 - 4. 00 PM
2 day class 10. 00 - 4. 00 PM

The York Trust chapel provides a beautiful and spacious working environment which is an ideal space for life drawing.
Classes are tutored and can be independently booked, meaning that people can come to as many or as few as they wish, by contacting myself and being put on the emailing list you will always receive notice of the forth coming classes.
Everyone from total beginners to full time artists are welcome.
Full size easels and A1 paper and boards as well as all media for the day are provided in the cost of the class, you need to bring nothing with you. Working at an easel means that you can stand back to view both the model and the drawing simultaneously, which is a crucial element of my teaching. . Each month different media and techniques are explored, to challenge old approaches and encourage fresh ways of working.
Life drawing is an important way of developing observational skills and the understanding of form which is necessary in every area of art practise.
Each class begins with a series of quick poses, in which what we see is directly translated into a line drawing capturing the essence of the pose. It is often in these drawings that the liveliest sense of weight and balance is achieved.
The longer poses provide time to experiment with mark making and tonal qualities to create form and a sense of space, always addressing aspects of composition, fore-shortening and proportion.

More about Art Classes And Life Drawing

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