Art Space

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Art Space

Tutored weekly lessons for you to follow, or adapt to your own style.

Art Space Description

The group meets every Tuesday morning, 9. 30am - 12. 30pm, for three terms of ten or twelve weeks each, with the same holidays as Wiltshire schools.

Lessons are usually tutor led, often in a step by step form, but members are welcome to work at their own pace, on their own projects. We enjoy seeing lots of different styles and approaches!

New members are very welcome to join the group at any stage throughout the year.

The fees for each term are £120 for 12 week term /£100 for 10 week term, per member.

The projects we cover will equip you with the confidence and knowledge to:

- practise your drawing and observational skill in still life,
portrait /figure drawing, and landscapes – using a variety of
different media;
- use watercolour paints in both traditional and contemporary styles;
experiment with a variety of different media and processes –
including acrylic paint, pastels, coloured pencils, mixed media and
- adapt your own photos and images to create unique projects;
- improve your understanding of composition and design;
- develop an appreciation of well known artists’ work that will
enhance and inspire your own creative style;
- understand and assess your own work and discuss how you would
like to develop your skills further.

Most lessons are presented as directed projects with specifics aims, but none of the lessons are so rigidly planned that you can’t adapt them to your own skills and tastes. All of the projects within each term give you the freedom to begin exploring and developing your own style – using any other medium you wish to experiment with and receive advice on. It's great to see how the same project can result in such a range of different pieces of work!

The current members are a friendly and cheerful group who are very welcoming, and enjoy sharing ideas and skills with each other in a relaxed and creative atmosphere.

All of this is fitted around frequent cups of tea, and home-baked treats.

More about Art Space

01380 730 864
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -