Artemis Rising

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Artemis Rising

Plugging you in to Gaia's great dream for YOU! Re-enchanting your life and awakening your full potential with deep Earth connection, magic and play.

Artemis Rising Description

Nature connection and healing sessions and workshops using UK native plants, trees and fungi. Plant ceremonies, blessings, land healing, soul path guidance, bespoke healing sessions.



Many Blessings for Samhain!
At this time the veil is exceptionally thin and there is opportunity to learn directly from Great Mystery. Ancestral wisdom and karmic patterns are more available to witness and integrate. The rules that you have lived by are most easily changed, into something more fitting to your magnificence!
... Navigating this wonderful healing opportunity can be difficult, as for many there is no roadmap or light to guide their way. Getting lost in the story and confusion, it is sometimes easier to numb out and bury it all again. I did this myself for many years, until I learnt that the plants were here to help and guide.
This Samhain I wish you ease and gentleness on your path. May you know how much beauty lies in your shadow and the fullness of love the Earth and plants have for you.
It is such an honour to guide so many tonight through this gateway and hold space for them to receive Mugwort plant medicine. Can sense the ancestors and ancient healers of the land celebrating that native plant ceremony is returning...
Much love, Mugwort and Clare ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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Coming to the caves is like stepping through a portal into ancient time. Your body and breath sink into rhythm with the Earth and you are held in a way you may not have experienced before. Drifting on mugwort visions, the sound of the drum and the warmth of the come home.
Two places are left to receive this beautiful healing and plant medicine at the caves. If you haven't yet claimed your place in the circle this is your chance. It is unlikely to run again until 2...019. 07551 055079
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A fascinating article by one of my inspirations and teachers - Stephen Harrod Buhner. Plants contain very similar neurotransmitters and receptors for feeling and conscious processing as humans, how can they not be intelligent?


Exciting News from Artemis Rising!
I've just announced today that I will be selecting one apprentice who has attended a plant medicine ceremony to receive a free scholarship in: The Path of the Earth Alchemist - teachings in working with plant and tree consciousness, creating ceremony and healing the land.
... This will begin in January 2019 and encompass group workshops, one-to-one guidance and online support. The value in monetary terms is around ยฃ400 and priceless in terms of stepping into your soul path!
If you have taken action and stepped into your commitment to this work by attending a ceremony in Sept, Oct, Nov or Dec 2018, then your name will be included in the selection.
If this calls to you and you've not yet been to a ceremony then it's not too late. Chose one from the Autumn and Winter calendar by going to:
If you have attended a ceremony but do not feel it is right for you to embark on this scholarship then please let me know, and I can take your name off the list.
The plants and I look forward to sharing this journey with you soon.... ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒณ
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Samhain blessings and news ๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ”ฅ


On the longest night of the year, I call you to be held by your soul tribe and welcome in the return of the light. With such a modern focus on Christmas, it can be easy to forget the significance of this threshold and not receive the blessings and support we need. This Winter Solstice I invite you to come celebrate together and open to the gifts of our sacred plant teachers. I will be creating ceremony with the powerful combination of Mugwort and Mistletoe.
Mugwort - aligned ...with the Dark Feminine, aiding insight and restoration of us to our full power and self expression Mistletoe - aligned with the Divine Masculine, light bringer and illuminating our paths with his blessings (please note, we will be working with mistletoe essence not ingesting plant material!)
We will explore our fullness as beings, welcoming in the polarity of light and dark, masculine and feminine and radiating it all with unconditional love. You will emerge renewed, focused and empowered, ready to make 2019 your most extraordinary year yet!
Held in the presence of May Hill, there will be a focus on joy, lightness and soul nourishment to keep our inner fires burning for the rest of winter. You are welcome to bring drums and other instruments to join the celebration.
Early Owl Tickets (purchased by 30th November) - ยฃ30 Full Ticket price - ยฃ35
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Nature in winter may appear quite barren, even hostile, but she is simply resting. As the trees send their nutrients and energy deep into the soil and rest, they can teach us to do the same. The simple, rawness of their naked forms can bring about a very different relationship to trees, a mirror which can reveal the depths of our essential nature and truth. Come and be held by the forest and allow the trees to calm you and restore your natural state of being, which is one of ...connection and bliss.
We will be exploring themes such as:
Receiving life nourishment, where are we blocked?
Allowing space to stop and rest
Working with tree wisdom to reveal what we most need from life, but may not be receiving.
With comfort and nourishment a high priority, we will be offering you a fire, hot chocolate, delicious nibbles at this event, so you are held whilst in nature.
โ€‹Investment - ยฃ35
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Samhain magic is in the air and a circle of plant medicine adventurers are gathering at the caves. Two places remaining to join the clan and accelerate your soul path with Mugwort. ๐ŸŒฟ Your tribe are waiting...
Book your place now:...
Unsure if the ceremony is right for you, contact me for a chat: 07551 055079
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What a glorious day for the Autumn Tree Connection workshop. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ Thank you trees for your holding, wisdom and healing. More apprentice tree whisperers are off to follow their own paths and share their gifts with the world. ๐Ÿ’œ


Yesterday I had the huge honour of birthing a beautiful piece of healing with the seven ancient Yews of Capel-y-ffin and seven magnificent people. Each of us chosen by a Yew, opened to receive activation and guidance in the path of the Dragon Keepers. Deep gratitude to those who followed their soul calling and courageously let their inner dragon roar! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ’œ


Ooh just look at what my awesome soul sister and ceremony co-creator Rebecca-Anuwen Kane is preparing for tomorrow! My heart is filled with so much joy at what is birthing through us right now.
The energy is buzzing for tomorrow's Yew ceremony - Let's get waking some dragons!! ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ”ฅ


Good morning Magical Beings! At this potent time on Earth the land is calling forth her alchemists, priestesses and medicine men to reclaim their power! I know this longing in your soul to remember your gifts, uncover your wisdom and step fully into your path. I hold space for you to embody your truth and offer plant medicine of these lands.
So many of you are ready, yet something holds you back. Is it that little voice that tells you your magic is not real? Is it a nagging ...doubt that the power you long for is unsafe to allow through? All of these fears are natural, but they are part of the fake prison, created to keep you from your true self. You may have inherited this cage of limitation, but you also have the key to set yourself free.
If you are ready to unlock your wild, unlimited power and be who you really are then I want to support you, the plants want to support you.
I have two places left for this ceremony, is one of them yours?
It fills my heart with joy that so many of you are ready. I am creating a list for future ceremonies which you can join and receive early notification of events and also one-to-one plant medicine support if you need. Contact me if you would like to be included: 07551 055079 ๐ŸŒฟ
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When you have a spare 30 mins, nourish yourself with this fascinating BBC radio programme talking about the immortality and magic of Yew!
This power tree of the UK landscape is woven into the ancient wisdom and alchemy of our ancestors, and a group of us are holding ceremony with these teacher trees on Friday.
The seven Yews of Capel-y-ffin have called forth their seven guardians. ... Each taking a unique role in an unfolding of magic, long forgotten from these lands. To say I'm excited is an understatement! ๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ’œ
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Excited to see new research showing the measurable benefits to brain function and stress reduction from spending time in woods. A topic very close to my heart, for personal reasons. My journey with severe anxiety and recovery from mental health problems as been intimately connected to my love of trees. For many years my anxiety was so bad I feared leaving the house and reached crisis point in 2010, when I had a nervous breakdown. Reluctant to take medication to numb out, I s...ought support from my local woods, where I could rest and release locked up emotion. I understand that crippling fear and how much it sucks the joy out of life. I am a living example of how tree connection can heal deep seated issues and bring the peace we so crave. To share this with others means so much, I don't want anyone to struggle on without knowing this support is available. ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ’œ
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The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper - W.B Yeats
This Sunday treat yourself your some Autumn forest nourishment and deep tree connection. Perfect for lifting the spirits and calming the mind after a busy week. We will be exploring themes of Autumn with a "letting go" ritual and abundance mandala crafted from woodland bounty.... Lean into the vast support system of the forest, it's a relationship that will transform you life. ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ„
Autumn Tree Connection Sacred Tree Spirit Whitchurch, near Ross-on-Wye
#treelove #foresttherapy #natureconnection #autumn #workshop #healing #support #magic #treewhisperer #abundance #lettinggo #naturewisdom #ecotherapy #treewisdom #receive #guidance #followyourbliss
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Greetings Forest Playmates! Hope you are feeling nourished and abundant in every way. I've not received a clear commitment from enough people to go ahead with these forest play discovery sessions so have decided to put the group events on pause until Spring 2019.
I intend to explore nature play and states of ecstasy through plant and tree energy work with others one-to-one at this time. If you would like to part of this more individual bliss party then get in touch! I have sp...ace for two more practice clients. ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒณ 07551 055079
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Hello Earth Alchemists, those that have honoured your place among the Yews may be feeling the pull and expansion in your sacral chakra. That inner knowing all is about to change and power you never imagined is returning. I celebrate your courage at stepping into this path.
For anyone called but that is yet to commit, I understand the resistance. Those convincing voices of the parts of you which are fearful of your power. Anxious about investing in a soul calling rather than s...omething "practical". I too have spent many years kept small by those parts, old programming designed to keep me safe. I also know that numbing boredom in your soul from playing safe and the urge to see what lies beyond... Rebecca and I are closing booking in 24 hours to begin opening energetic space with the land and Yews. The doorway is open until 11.11pm on Wednesday 24th October
Unsure whether this is right for you to take this step? Please contact me to discuss what is coming up for you. 07551 055079
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Hey, check this out! Love this detailed and eye-opening article about Mugwort for physical, emotional and energetic healing.
If I was pushed to pick one plant ally, that brings the biggest life transformation for my clients, it would be Mugwort!๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’œ


I am privileged to share nature experiences with many extraordinary people from all walks of life. Powerful feelings can emerge in the process of deep nature connection, all welcome and all valuable. Tears of joy at remembering you belong and are loved. Waves of grief and numbness at all you have witnessed done to the Earth. Relief as your body softens to let in the support and guidance all around you. Many need to heal inner barriers to connection, such as the sense of wort...hiness to receive and feeling like you need to get something right.
You see Wild One, the path of deep nature connection is also a journey back home to meet your Divinity. Nature is already aligned to Divine Order. If you allow, she will mirror back any parts of your wonderous being, that has yet to feel the touch of unconditional love.
Holding space for this magnificent unfolding of you is more than a privilege, it is my soul gift to you. This is why I chose to work with those ready to go deep and experience their beauty and bliss.
Together we explore the natural world through all senses, creating, playing, allowing and celebrating. You are held softly yet securely to journey where you most need to go.
These soul guidance sessions are individually tailored and I can offer several packages depending on your budget and requirements. If your soul is saying "YES", contact me this week to discuss your unique soul guidance session. 07551 055079
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Legitimate and compassionate healing opportunities abound when assisted by Clare. Knowledgeable and skilled , she creatively and effectively sets us up to reach our full potential. Coming from a perspective of true empathy and concern Clare is a true healer.


I really enjoyed my Mugwort ceremony, it was the first experience I have had of plant medicine and I didn't know what to expect. I felt like Claire was abundant in sharing her time and knowledge, and patient with me also so I was free to ask questions and gain a greater understanding. The ceremony itself was blissful and I particularly enjoyed the fire part after; returning things that no longer serve me to the soil to grow into something new - what a beautiful concept! I loved it and being in the company of such a wise soul without feeling the least bit intimidated. Thank you Claire xx


I had my first plant healing treatment with Clare last week, I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I hadn't had this type of treatment before, although I knew I'd come out feeling relaxed and grounded as I always do when I see her! I suffer from serious back pain as a result of a car injury and a hyper flexible lower back and am on constant pain relief. I have tried many different treatments both conventional and unconventional: from physio to reiki to cranial therapy all have helped with short term relief but never lasting more than a couple of weeks. After my treatment, as expected I felt relaxed and grounded and the pain in my upper back had eased. The following day I had full movement in my neck and the day after I was completely pain free through my shoulders and upper back. This has continued for the rest of the week and I still feel grounded (which for me and my lifestyle is highly unusual, but massively desired!) I have since booked a second appointment to see if it can ease my lower back pain. I have been really impressed with this method of healing and would definitely recommend it to others. Thank you very much Clare :)


I had a blissful plant treatment from Clare a little while ago. It was at just the right time and was deeper and more powerful than I expected, to the point that I couldn't work out where I was when I opened my eyes. The tension had dissolved from my body and I was re-started and re-set ready for new challenges. Thank you Clare.



Do you really want to clear out your past and move on? Then you need a session with Clare. She did a simple, yet incredibly powerful mugwort ceremony with me, and wow. It worked almost immediately. Still amazed at the effect it has had, and honestly, I wish I had met her years ago to do this!

But as they say, it all happens at the right time.

Thank you Clare. You have just saved my life.


Clare provides a wonderful space for connection, compassion and guidance. So far I have attended her women's circle and found it a gentle and healing space to be my true self and express anything I needed to. Looking forward to taking part in future workshops with this knowledgeable and kind lady.


Clare creates a safe space where her connection guides her to work in a targeted way just for you. Utilising a connection with nature and its knowledge Clares treatment and coaching has been a catalyst for change in my life.


Clare Barnes offered a subtle guidance through her woodland workshop with a pinch of humour & an understanding of the more serious side to human nature!

I was blown away by the experience I had....

A powerful and personal dip into the realms of what feels like 'tree magic'

Thank you Clare for your teachings & wisdom

I am truly grateful


A wonderful experience with a very knowledgable and understanding teacher. Highly recommend

More about Artemis Rising

Artemis Rising is located at GL17 0ED Flaxley
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -