Article 36

About Article 36

Article 36 is a UK-based NGO doing research, policy and advocacy on the humanitarian impact of weapons and methods of warfare.

Article 36 Description

Article 36 is a UK-based NGO doing research, policy and advocacy on the humanitarian impact of weapons and methods of warfare.



New paper: what are the connections between humanitarian #mineaction and the #SafeSchoolsDeclaration in principle and practice - and why we should work to reinforce them for broader humanitarian principles and international norms at a difficult time #17MSP (pic: UNN Photo/Isaac Billy)


Out today: new report with Center for Civilians in Conflict looking at military policies and practices and protecting civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas - based on workshop discussions bringing in civilian and military perspectives earlier this year. Read here:… /mil-workshop-report/ (photo: © Yann Libessart/MSF)


Read our new report on protecting civilians from the use #explosiveweapons in populated areas #EWIPA out now - looking at effects, global crises, and structures for preventing and responding to harm (photo: Reuters)


Harm to communities from #drones must be prevented and addressed: with more states seeking this tech, read our new papers on ways forward for an international process on the role drones should have in the use of force (photo: Reuters) #FirstCommittee #UNGA pers-2018/


Read our new short policy analysis on the UK goverment's definitions of autonomy, and the opportunity they present for more constructive policy-making dialogue in the #killerrobots #CCWUN discussions:…/shi fting-definitions-uk/


One year ago today, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons #nuclearban was adopted. The path to a world free of nuclear weapons - and to address the ongoing harm they cause - is there in the treaty, now we must push until all countries join it


"Any policy that makes nuclear weapons more useable is unacceptable": watch our Elizabeth Minor talk about the US Nuclear Posture Review and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons for Article 36 and ICAN on BBC World last night #nuclearban #EndofNukes #NuclearPostureReview #TrumpNuclearDoctrine


Media Advisory: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) to collect Nobel Peace Prize on 10 December 2017 for treaty banning nuclear weapons. Any use of nuclear weapons would be a humanitarian catastrophe. The treaty is the way forward for nuclear disarmament, and shows the positive change that committed states and civil society can achieve by working together:…/media-ad visory-nobel-weekend/
#nuclearban #NobelPeacePrize #endofnukes


This weekend, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is collecting the #NobelPeacePrize for the treaty banning nuclear weapons. It spells the #endofnukes. Read about the what and the why here!
Beatrice Fihn, ICAN's director, and Setsuko Thurlow, survivor of Hiroshima, will be receiving the prize on ICAN's behalf.
#nuclearban #roadtoOslo
... (photos: ICAN/UN Photo Eskinder Debebe)
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In a series of papers released today, Article 36 sets out why consideration of developments in science and technology is important in the context of multilateral legal and policy discussions on weapons, methods and means of warfare, and suggests the need for a framework that can help to ensure that legal and policy considerations keep pace with changes in technology.


With autonomy in weapons systems developing at a fast pace, states must urgently draw a line, through new international law, to ensure that meaningful human control is retained in the use of force. Read our new discussion paper on how national level weapon review processes could provide one implementation mechanism for an international legal commitment to ensure adequate human control over weapons systems: #killerrobots #CCWUN ns/evaluating-mhc/


This week states are meeting on #killerrobots in Geneva - and urgently need to make progress. The UK government should show leadership on defining global standard for control over weapons systems - read our letter to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ministry of Defence with United Nations Association UK (UNA-UK):â €¦/uk-letter-gge-nov/

More about Article 36

Article 36 is located at London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)7515 575 175