Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching

About Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching

Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching offers coaching services and support to endurance athletes of all abilities.

Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching Description

Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching offers coaching services and support to endurance athletes of all abilities. With our roots fixed in the world of triathlon we offer a range of services including our Aylesbury based triathlon club (originally Stoke Mandeville Tri Club), Bespoke On-line Coaching Programmes and cycling analysis on our Wattbike based at Halton Tennis Centre.



After a few years away, the Risborough Aquathlon returns on Sunday 30th June 2019. With races for adults and juniors, this is a great GO TRI event and an excellent opportunity to dip your toe into the world of multi-sport racing. For more information please visit the links below.
Adult Race;вҖҰ/cвҖҰ/risboroug h-adult-aquathlon-2019вҖҰ
Junior Race;вҖҰ/risborough -junior-aquathlon-20вҖҰ


Best of luck to our guys and girls racing at Nottingham and the Cotswolds this weekend рҹҸҠрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҡҙрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ ј.Best of luck to our guys and girls racing at Nottingham and the Cotswolds this weekend рҹҸҠрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҡҙрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ ј.


A few of our guys and girls working hard in last weeks turbo session....more to come tonight рҹҡҙрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’Ә


Happy New Year,
We hope your goals and achievements surpass those of last year.


Our guys and girls are well into their winter programme now,with sessions designed to prepare you for next season. If you're looking for structure in your programme and a great group to train with then get in contact and join us for a trial week.


Our guys have put in some pretty epic efforts on two wheels over the last 7 days:
A massive congratulations to Neil Dingle for a finishing in 3rd in the Single Speed category at the WEMBO 24 Hour Solo World Championships last weekend in Fort William. He's recovered enough to get back out on the bike this weekend!
And a fantastic weekend for our 4 man team at the Red Bull Time Laps 24 Hour Race. It was their first time at riding anything like this....hopefully they've warmed u...p! A big thank you to Gareth at #PlatformNutrition for helping fuel the team.
Well done all, what's next?
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What a weekend we have for our athletes this weekend; best of luck to all our guys heading up to Nottingham for the Outlaw ,I hope the weather is kind to you!!! Rachel takes on the London to Paris bike ride, Beth is in the Cotswolds for her first Olympic Distance Tri, Nigel heads to Marlow for the Fugitive Aqua-Bike and Carole takes on the big swim at Nottingham before marshalling the Outlaw.
Best of luck everyone, you've all worked hard and deserve to enjoy the results рҹҸҠвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҡөвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ

More about Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching

Aspiring Performance: Endurance Coaching is located at Thame
07976 903738