Aspley Garden Services

About Aspley Garden Services

Aspley Garden Services provide professional grounds and garden maintenance services to businesses and homes throughout Milton Keynes and the surrounding villages. We are passionate about providing good value, high quality services



Your Garden in March
By mid March we're ready to welcome Spring and there is plenty to do in the garden!
To give plants and shrubs in flower beds a boost, work a general purpose fertiliser such as pelleted chicken manure or fish, blood and bone into the soil.
... Refresh your containers by removing a couple of inches of soil and replacing with fresh compost.
Trim your winter flowering heathers and deadhead winter pansies. Deadhead your daffodils as they discolour but allow the leaves to die back naturally.
Prune your roses! If you are unsure how to do so, have a look at this handy Royal Horticulture Society guide: =186
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Your Garden In February
February is a turning point in the garden. It's still cold outside but there are clear signs that spring is on its way.
Now that it's leafless and dormant, it's time to cut back Wisteria. Trim back to 2 or 3 buds to tidy it up. This will ensure that the stunning flowers aren't obscured by large volumes of leaves later in the year.
... Also vines such as Ivy, Virginia Creeper and Boston Ivy should be cut back now. Doing this will help keep windows, roof tiles and gutters free.
This is the last chance to prune apple and pear trees if you haven't done already. Leave cherry, apricot and plum trees to prune in the summer. Fruit trees would also benefit from a mulch around the roots.
Lastly, make sure your hedges are all pruned before the birds begin nesting!
Should you require help with the above or any other garden work, please send us a message via Facebook or contact us at For information on all services please visit
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Your Garden in The Snow
A snowy garden is undoubtedly beautiful but you may not realise the very real damage a heavy snow fall can cause to your shrubs and trees. One benefit of snow is that it actually acts as an insulator, protecting plants from the cold and frost. However, a heavy layer of snow can cause leaves and branches to break, so it's important to know how to deal with it:
- Shake excess snow from the branches of large trees, shrubs and hedges, to prevent them from... becoming disfigured or even break under the weight.
- Remove heavy deposits of snow from the roofs of greenhouses or cold frames to let in the light and prevent the structures from bending under the weight.
- Use lengths of string to support the branches of conifers and stop them being pulled out of shape. Branches that move away from the main plant won't spring back into place when the snow melts.
- Avoid walking on snow-covered grass as it will damage the turf beneath and leave unsightly marks on the lawn. It can also encourage the growth of fungal diseases which thrive in the cool damp conditions.
If you require help with damaged trees and shrubs or any other aspect of gardening, please call Aspley Garden Services or send us a Facebook message.
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Aspley Garden Services are proud to be providing all aspects of garden and grounds maintenance for the residents of historic Wavendon House. The gardens are stunning and it's a real pleasure to be looking after them.
For all garden maintenance, tree, hedge and lawn care enquiries please call us on 01908 941263, email or message us via Facebook Messenger.
For more details on all services visit


Your Garden in January
January is the height of the dormant season and a good time to prune climbers, shrubs and trees that could cause problems during winter storms and high winds.
Whilst the colder temperatures discourage many from venturing out into the garden at this time of year, it's a great time to relocate or plant new trees and shrubs while they are still dormant.
... This time of year often sees an increase in mole activity. To prevent lawn discolouration, simply remove the soil from the molehill. These areas can then be over-seeded in the Spring. Any remaining fallen leaves should also be cleared to ensure a healthy lawn.
If you don't fancy braving the cold, Aspley Garden Services will be happy to help.
Please send us a FB message, contact us at or call 01908 941263.
For information on all services available please visit
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More about Aspley Garden Services

Aspley Garden Services is located at Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes