Atkin Jones Limited

About Atkin Jones Limited

Travel Risk Assessment Consultants

Atkin Jones Limited Description

Atkin Jones Limited is a UK-based consultancy business specialising in travel risk assessment. It owns and operates Sanderson Phillips, who act on behalf of 57 travel businesses auditing accommodation, transport & excursions. Other services include the auditing of supply chains for compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.

Sanderson Phillips has been trading successfully since 1997, initially providing accommodation risk assessment services to specialist UK tour operators to help them comply with their legal obligations under the Travel Package Regulations. The self-assessment auditing procedure ensures there is a robust process of due diligence in place to demonstrate that ‘all reasonable skill and care’ has been taken by accommodation providers to ensure the safety and well-being of their guests.

Since 2016, Sanderson Phillips has been developing its services to now include bespoke extended self-assessments, audits for transport & excursions, the Modern Slavery Act, training and safety consultancy projects. In addition to some long-standing tour operator clients, Sanderson Phillips acts on behalf of travel industry memberships associations, agents acting as principals, event organisers, bed banks & intermediaries, DMCs, tourist boards and hotel companies.