Atlantic Audio Recording Studio

About Atlantic Audio Recording Studio

Atlantic Audio recording studio. Professional hybrid recording studio Based in Annfield Plain, Stanley.

Atlantic Audio Recording Studio Description

Atlantic Audio recording Studio is Making music the old fashioned way.

Influenced by the great studios of the 50's, 60's and 70's like Sun Records, Abbey Road and Sound City. We try an untalise the timeless techniques used in those great studios along with combining the fanstasic technology that the modern music industry has to offer.

We have created a unique take on the recording process. By utalising the space we have and taking advantage of the buildings great natural sound we have been able to create what we think is 'that timeless sound'.

Day to day we work on many different projects and artists from different genres. We look forward to every project we have the pleasure of being a part of, and we love hearing our stamp on the finished product.

Whether your a beginner or an established recording artist we believe it's always good to get an outside perspective of your sound during the recording process. Sometimes it's as simple as an honest opinion. We want to work with artists to create the best possible project they can and not just sit and hit record, of coarse if that is all you want from us that's ok to!

One of the most important parts of making and recording music is the environment you do it. knowing from first hand experience. Your not likely to perform your best if you feel uncomfortable with your surroundings or the people you're working with. So when creating the studio one of the most important factors was that it feels like a home away from home.

Located at The Venue /Morrison Busty
Morrison Road, Annfield Plain, Stanley,
County Durham

(See our photos for a map)

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1) Recording
- Professional Studio Recording
- Live Multi-tracking
- Production /Engineering

2) Song Composition
- Original material, fully recorded and mastered for artists
- Original cinematic compositions (Full pieces or 'jingles')

3) Mix & Mastering
- If you already have your songs recorded but need them mixed /mastered, we can do that for you

please contact us for a chat about what you want and how we
can achieve it!


studio@atlanticaudiorecording. co. uk

More about Atlantic Audio Recording Studio