Attain Solutions Ltd

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Attain Solutions Ltd

There is little more rewarding than working closely with a business, understanding its needs and aspirations, then working together to deliver them well.

Attain Solutions Ltd Description

Specialist help with marketing, advertising, websites, PR and Sales /Business consultancy.

Having accumulated 26 years of sales, advertising and marketing experience at one of the UK's largest independent media organisations, Julian now shares his knowledge to help local entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
Through his career Julian has advised hundreds if not thousands of businesses on the most effective way to promote themselves. As a Sales Director and previously Director of Digital and Business Development Julian has an extensive understanding of all media formats complemented by hard earned sales management experience having run sales teams up to 120 in strength working in media.
Julian was a founding member of the Eastern Enterprise Hub a 'not for profit' organisation and the leading provider of entrepreneurial support in the East of England. In 2016 he became the Chairman. The Eastern Enterprise Hub was was set up by the private and public sector community in 2011 to offer in depth support to new entrepreneurs.
Until 2016 Julian was also a board member of the Bury St Edmunds Chamber of Commerce.
Julian is currently a Board Director of the Suffolk Coast Destination Management Organisation a non profit making membership organisation working to boost the visitor economy, develop the tourism infrastructure and support businesses along our coast.
Having started work in a family business with village shops, then a recruitment agency and a holiday letting business Julian has a true hands on feel for small and large businesses and truly understands the essence of running a business.



Re Covid 19 - The key new government measures are:
ŌĆó Everyone should avoid gatherings and crowded places, such as pubs, clubs and theatres ŌĆó Everyone should work from home if they can ŌĆó All "unnecessary" visits to friends and relatives in care homes should cease... ŌĆó People should only use the NHS "where we really need to" - and can reduce the burden on workers by getting advice on the NHS website where possible ŌĆó By next weekend, those with the most serious health conditions must be "largely shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks" ŌĆó The UK is now "three weeks" behind Italy - the worst-hit country in Europe ŌĆó If one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days ŌĆó Those people should, if possible, avoid leaving the house "even to buy food or essentials" - but they may leave the house "for exercise and, in that case, at a safe distance from others" ŌĆó Schools will not be closed for the moment ŌĆó Chief medical adviser Prof Chris Whitty said the group of people who should take "particular care to minimise their social contact" were: o People over the age of 70 o Other adults who would normally be advised to have the flu vaccine (such as those with chronic diseases) o Pregnant Women
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This took me back a few years! Ec


I wasn't expecting that - consumer confidence took a lift in January.


I'm running a little Valentines promotion for E W Revett butchers in Wickham Market. Visit their Facebook page for a chance to win two Sirloin Steaks and a bottle of red wine


Looking for something to do tomorrow? The Wickham Market Sportive starts at 8am tomorrow - you can turn up and ride - more details here ortive. Alternatively you can pop along around lunchtime and see the riders return, there will be a beer tent and a hog roast too. (the pork is from Revetts who kindly donated it to support the fund raising effort for the Wickham Market Community First Responders - you know it will be good :-) )


Wickham Market is attracting cyclists from across the county on Sunday 8th September with the 2019 Wickham Market sportive.
The sportive is a legacy from from when the Women's Tour came through the village back in 2016, originally attracting just local riders the appeal has grown and the distances have increased.
Wickham Market is a very popular meeting point for cyclists and provides a safe route to get across the A12 to coastal cycling routes.
... There are three courses planned covering 25 miles, 50 miles and 75 miles - all riders pay a fee to enter and the profits raised go to the Wickham Market Community First Responders.
The event starts at Bridge and Ivy Farm (preventing any congestion on the market hill), there will be refreshments and a hog roast for riders, friends, families and spectators that are seeing off the riders and welcoming them back.
There is still time for you to join - book your place here. (
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One of my clients has work suitable for students in July. ┬Ż9.00 an hour, the work involves carrying window frames and glass onsite, up and down scaffolding, as such, will require lots of physical activity. Thought I would share that here in case anyone knows someone! The client Colourchange UPVC is based in Rendlesham and the site is in Ipswich.


Hi people that know me :-)
If you really know me you know I am about to ask you for something and you know I do various challenges for charity.
Well..... this time "daddy Julian" is very proud that his son Eliot is proving to be a chip off the old block.
... Eliot has set himself a mission to climb a 12,198 foot hill, well a volcano, with a friend Tom. Both have had been impacted by mental health issues and have elected to do something to raise money for MIND.
It is wonderful that both these young men can raise this issue openly, and what a fantastic development that is compared to the hushed mutterings of my youth. So, please follow the link and make a donation.
When I did the London to Paris bike ride one of the things that motivated me most was that nearly everyone at the East Anglian Daily Times (Archant) gave me something, even just a pound meant the world to me. It will to Eliot and Tom.
Please follow this link and offer the price of a beer to support this fine adventure - once done it won't be the last for Eliot Evans (I am thinking of my next venture too!) iot-tom
Please share and spread the word. Every pound raised can make an enormous difference to someone in need.
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Free trade stands for Suffolk Businesses. If you are in Suffolk you should have heard about Suffolk Day, Friday 21st June. Easton Farm Park are offering a no strings attached free exhibition space for Suffolk companies that trade in Suffolk products. There is a marketing campaign supporting this event. Thanks to all those that have applied so far. To attend send an email to or visit the website and download the stand application form and email the completed form to Please share the news - more details can be found here day-2019 look for the links to the trade stands


Last chance to have your say. Whether you believe that Sizewell C and D will be good or bad for your business if you do not participate in the consultation you will not be heard. https://edfsizewellconsultation.traverse. The document also revealed some facts I didn't know so it is worth a read. For example they expect 5,600 employees and will only have accommodation for just over half of them. A new junction near Easton and Otley College to cope with the back road traffic. There will be queues of cars and lorries everywhere! I was doing a little calculation on the expected lorries for Sizewell C and D plus Scottish Power Renewables and with a conservative estimate of 700 lorries daily on the A12 if they lined up bumper to bumper the queue would be from the A12 turn off all the way back to Ufford. (that's daily!)


Just doing a bit of analysis on the value of Tourism in Suffolk and had to put aside my trusty old calculator for something that could do bigger numbers. The value of England's Tourism in 2017 was a staggering ┬Ż106,000,000,000 with Suffolk breaking through the ┬Ż2,000,000,000 barrier - can't wait for the 2018 numbers to come out.


Cashless society? I hope that Dan Poulter MP is listening. I have a couple of clients that have to hope the wind is blowing the right way to get their card readers to work quickly. 4G ha, 3G? you'll be lucky there's no mobile phone signal. Hey you guys in the can you work on getting rural communities connected a little faster. Vodafone, BT, Virgin are focusing on the 5G plans for London when great swathes of Suffolk have no signal.


My daughters latest work, at 16 she is studying art!Ō Ć”


Even I am counting down the days now! This is a message I did for my son. 19 years old and at university he asked for something connected with the kitchen.ŌĆ”/vide os/10210558060702626/


Busy time of year, working on a number of tourism projects for Suffolk. Looking to attract visitors to the area in the quieter months.,,


For all the DIY'ers I know!


A real deal!


If you are looking for a little help with understanding Google Analytics this is a free course I am offering. Beginner level, you just need it set up with a log in and will leave feeling confident that you can start to understand who is visiting your website. lytics-made-easy-tŌĆ”

More about Attain Solutions Ltd

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -