Aunty M Brain Tumours

About Aunty M Brain Tumours

Aunty M Brain Tumours is an Interactive Support Online



Jo Barlow mother of 4 was diagnosed with a Hemangioblastoma
After being given the frightening diagnosis that she had a Hemangioblastoma. Thankfully, after successful brain surgery, Jo is brain tumour free and there is no sign of reoccurrence. But, that was not the end of her troubles. Jo was left with many side effects.
She decided to write her experience through a blog to share her journey with the ups and lows... Read her blog here an...d follow on Facebook: Jo Barlow - It's all in my head
Here is Jo's story....
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Amber Spicer was diagnosed with a Central Neurocytoma on October 23, 2016. She shares her experience and how after her ordeal, she decided to make every day count and put together a to-do list.
Interview: Brain Tumour Story
How did you find out about your diagnosis?
... While driving home from work one night, all of a sudden I had no idea how to get home. I called my boyfriend at the time, and when I read the street signs to him, he told me that I was only two blocks from the house and asked if I needed to go to the hospital since I was very confused.
By the time I got to the hospital, I couldn’t walk, couldn’t raise my arms, and had forgotten my social security number and the year I was born. After a CT scan, a nurse came into the room and broke the news to me by saying, “You have a big problem.”
Brain Tumour Symptoms
What were your symptoms?
Oh my gosh, I had a lot of symptoms. In retrospect, it was super obvious that I had a brain tumour, but at the moment it seemed dramatic to even think, not to mention a voice that concern.... urocytoma-story/
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Russell Watson on the 'proper ups and downs' of his 20 year career #auntymbraintumours


So glad to see all your hard work is being shared in the media. All about your charity run for 'Brain Tumour Research' warriorsteam



The Poetics of Space
Michelle Charles will be running a drawing and mixed media workshop on March 14th 2020 from 10-4pm.
Location: The Meditation Centre... St Mark's Myddelton Square London , EC1R 1XX set=1&id=292
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for all levels: No prior skills or recent art experience needed, whether you have not drawn since you were a child, or you are an artist. Michelle Charles will work with you to support you to develop ways to fully appreciate what is around you, through the medium of drawing and colour. In addition to this core workshop, there will also be the opportunity to take a guided mindfulness nature walk.
In our current world, we are often bombarded with news items and difficulties that take us away from our every day peacefulness. During this time, we will discover what it is to spend time looking at drawing and creating artworks about objects and examining their relationship to form and space whilst creating moments for our own space.
About your workshop facilitator
Michelle Charles is a highly experienced and inspiring workshop leader. This will be her second time with us by popular demand. She has taught for many years in art schools and worked extensively running curative workshops for the NHS and Tate Modern in London and in New York. Having just exhibited in New York, she was recently invited to show some art works at the Royal Academy in London. In addition to her artist credentials, Michelle brings to us her incredible passion for mindfulness and the joy that can be found in the everyday. We are excited to welcome you and offer you a holiday for one day.
“Yesterday is already gone, Tomorrow is not here yet. Today is the only day available to us; it’s the most important day of our lives.”
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Brain Tumour Research ❤🦲👑👒🎩🎓🧢⛑


Blogging is often quite difficult to do – getting the balance right between honesty and oversharing isn’t always easy. ......


Sending positive vibes to everyone with an appointment next week x


Jay Jayamohan: saving lives as a children’s brain surgeon
For parents, a paediatric neurosurgery ward is the most terrifying place in the world. For Jay Jayamohan, it’s the office. He tells Hilary Rose about the life and death decisions he makes every day on behalf of the most vulnerable patients


Top tips for managing behaviour and personality change ( brainstrust )


'My Brain Tumour Left Me In A Mess'
"My Brain Tumour Left Me In A Mess. I know we all have trials, some more than others. But God loves me, and He is always there for me"... Carol
Carol Vaughan is one of the strongest people I know!... In July 2016 I had the pleasure of interviewing Carol on my radio show. She talked about her experience with her brain tumour diagnosis and all the operations she has had to overcome.
On the 28th July 2008, Carol went to a courthouse for jury duty and was excused early. When she was going back to her car, she fell on the ramp. Because she fell, someone coming to her aid called the ambulance. In the ER after a CT scan, they found a brain tumour....... read her story
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Wellbeing: 'After a tumour, I was hit with anxiety'
BBC South East Wales


Trauma, Anxiety & How Thoughts Can Change the Experience - Jo Barlow - It's all in my head

More about Aunty M Brain Tumours