Aurora'S Love

About Aurora'S Love

I work as a channel for Spirit and the angels. I can provide spiritual guidance through a reading and also channel divine healing.

Aurora'S Love Description

I work with my Higher Self, Angels and Guides to give you the information you need at this time.
I believe we should all feel good, all the time!

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Message for 7th January ~*Strength*~ ‚ú® When pressure is applied to coal it transforms into glittering diamonds. We are similarly tested at points on our soul journey so our hearts can let in more love, our wisdom can deepen and we can rise higher into our light. ‚ú® You may be facing a challenge, be grieving for a loved one or have had your heart broken. You may be feeling scared and alone. Call on the unicorns to hold you, love you and support you. Let them carry you on their ...backs as you go through this deep initiation. ‚ú® Let yourself grieve or feel vulnerable for as long as you need to in order to fully heal. Know that you do have the strength to come through on the other side and you will. You have been through many trials in many lifetimes~ and you have prevailed through all of them. ‚ú® When you are ready, look for the hidden gift in this experience and the reason your soul called it in for you at this time. Know that just like that piece of coal, you will emerge from this experience glittering and bright, like a diamond. ~
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Just a reminder that I am back at work this week for angel readings, spiritual guidance and healing.
Readings start at £20, Healing is £40.
Please check out


Message for 6th January ~*Miracles*~ ‚ú® Your prayers have been received and a miraculous outcome is already in motion. The unicorns invite you to relax, and have fun whilst you wait for your blessing to take physical form. They remind you that you are the miracle you seek, and everything you desire is already within you and one with you. ‚ú® There is no desire too big or too wonderful for you to co-create with the Universe, and because the Divine operates outside of time, can happen in an instant when you let it. Make space for miracles by releasing the belief that anyone or anything in the physical world is the source of the good in your life. Instead place your full focus on the Divine as your infinite, unwavering, unlimited Source, and let the joy and gratitude of that truth open gateways of abundance. ‚ú® The unicorns also remind you that the miracle you are asking for may not come in the form you expect it to. The answer to your prayers may come in a series of stepping stones, and some may not immediately make sense or seem related to your request. Stay open to your guidance, follow your intuition, take aligned action and surrender your expectations of what, how and when your miracle will arrive. Let the Divine handle the details, and demonstrate to you that 'impossible' can actually be easy when you surrender, step aside and trust the magic of the Universe. ‚ú® ~
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Message for 5th January ~*Innocence*~ ūüíę Your inner child is the innocent aspect of yourself that still believes in magic and miracles without question. This inner child can be your greatest ally in creating your dreams, but only when he/she feels loved, safe and is given permission to play. When your inner child is hurt, scared or neglected, he/she can create sabotage, procrastination or hold you back from achieving greater things in your life. ūüíę... This gentle unicorn mother and her sweet baby encourage you to pay attention to the child within and give him/her plenty of love, healing and nurturing. Let them know it is safe to play. Put them in charge of engaging with the fun and magic in your life. If you suffered childhood abuse, bullying or any other trauma, this may be a message to seek out deep healing for those wounds, so you can move on with your life. It may also be a call to live in more innocence, by seeing the good in people and believing life is magical. ūüíę Call on baby unicorns to help you honour and love your inner child, to reclaim your innocence and to spend more time living in wonder. Miracles will happen when you do. ūüíę ~
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Message for 4th January ~*Leadership*~ ‚ú® The time has come for you to be the leader you came here to be and to make a stand for what you believe in. This situation or opportunity is calling on you to speak your truth powerfully. There are others who need to hear your message and they have been waiting for you to show them another way. ‚ú® This unicorn urges you to rise up and be seen and heard. Do not be afraid of standing out. Dare to shine your light more brightly than ever a...nd let your passion for making a difference be greater than any of your ego's insecurities. ‚ú® Being a leader is not always the easiest path and it may require you to be courageous. Be assured that the Universe would not have put this opportunity in your path if you weren't ready. Ask the Divine to guide you as you speak out. ‚ú® Rise up, leader of light. You came here for greatness, and it is your time to be seen! ‚ú®~
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Our thoughts and energy are SO powerful. We can literally heal or destroy with our thoughts. So try to keep your thoughts as loving as you possibly can. You may find it helpful to repeat a mantra in your head such as 'Love, Compassion, Peace,' or words that are meaningful to you. ‚ú® I find it helpful to count everything that I am truly grateful for, my health, my daughter, my husband and friends and home, the food in my cupboard, my bed, etc. ‚ú® Our thoughts and feelings the basis from which everything else follows...our health, our joy, our abundance, our friendships, our whole lives. So really really make it your intention to take control of your thoughts. ‚ú® For those of you who aren't aware of Dr Emoto's water crystal experiments in which he demonstrate this in action, here's a link to a video, but there are more resources online. ‚ú® EU
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"Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are important to you.
Do not write your story like a factual documentary, weighing all the pros and cons of your experience, but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful, magical story of the wonder of your own life and watch what happens.
It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before yours eyes, but it is not by magic. It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment... with those Laws."
Abraham-Hicks ‚̧ x
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Message for 3rd January ~*Release*~ ‚ú® Forgiveness and release form the gateway to new experiences and opportunities to discover more of who you are. Often, passing through the gateway can be painful or difficult, especially when someone has hurt you in some way. No matter how hard you try, the pain seems to resurface time and time again. Just when you thought you had dealt with it and let it go, something happens to trigger the same old feeling. You have chosen this card beca...
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Just a reminder that I'm still on Christmas Break, but will be back for readings and healings next Tuesday :)


~*Intention*~ ūüíę On an energetic level our world is like a giant fish bowl. Our thoughts are like little fish. When a fish swims, its moving fins create ripples that flow throughout the bowl and are felt by all. In the same way, your thoughts create movement that affects and changes the balance of things around you. Energetically, we are all connected. We exist within once collective consciousness. ūüíę Our thoughts, feelings and intentions are living energies. Therefore, each t...hought and intention you hold creates ripples that energetically affect all upon the Earth. Thoughts, feelings and intentions are the fabric and structure of our world. This means that we each, individually, have the power to change the world. This power stems not so much from what we try to do, but from the thoughts, feelings and intentions we carry. Remember, that thoughts and intentions are energy. They radiate our into the collective consciousness of our world. ūüíę Every intention you hold resonates to a particular vibration. Love, joy, hate, fear and so on all have a unique vibration. Each of these energies flows out into the world and becomes part of the collective consciousness of that particular thought field or vibration. Loving intentions join with all the love that exists in the world to create more love. Fearful thoughts join with all the fear that exists in the world to create more fear. ūüíę So, if you want to change the world, you must start with yourself. Only allow positive and loving thoughts about yourself, other people and the world to flourish. your intentions and thoughts are the greatest power you hold. Commit yourself to creating more love in our world! ūüíę ~
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Message for 1st January ~*Lady Of The Rose*~ ūüĆļ ‚ÄúCast in an ocean of stars, Her reflection fills the galaxy, sky and oceans.‚ÄĚ ūüíę Lady Of The Rose represents purity, innocence and wisdom. She holds mystical powers that are born of these qualities and is here to mirror these qualities, which also exist within you. We are led to believe that in order to gain knowledge we must study existing formulas, doctrines, and beliefs. While study may be a rich and rewarding experience, it i...s also true that all you need to know is inside you. ūüĆļ Your purity, innocence and wisdom are clouded at the moment as a result of too much formality and theory. You do not need further formal qualifications in order to validate what you wish to do with your life. Do not search externally, for all you wish to know is already inside of you. A vast treasure of knowledge and sacred truths exists in the mystical power you hold and it is now tie to access this wisdom and claim your power. Lady Of The Rose is here to help you access the endless knowledge you hold in the light of your heart. ūüĆļ Here is an exercise that may help you. Sit quietly and comfortably and let all your thoughts and worldly concerns just drift by. Watch them float away and let go of any expectations you have ~ simply relax and breathe. The more you can switch off and relax, the easier it will be to connect with your inner self. Knowledge may come through feeling or intuition, or your mind. Remember, the secret is to not make this process a struggle; use it as relaxation without attachment to the outcome. Ask the Universe to help you connect to all the knowledge that would best serve you at this time. ūüĆļ ~
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My New Year’s wish for each of you for 2019 is a still mind, a peaceful heart full of joy and love and infinite blessings! I’m not a big believer in resolutions, just keep on keeping on and shine bright my friends! Love Jojo xxxx ✨✨


‚ú®‚ú®‚ú®Happy New Year to all of you!‚ú®‚ú®‚ú®‚ú®


Message for 31st December ~*Dreaming Landscape*~ ūüíę Nature is magic, a wondrous creation forever changing. You have picked this card today to help you remember the importance of spending time in Nature and connecting with its healing qualities. ūüíę Allow the sunlight and breeze to caress your face. Observe the sense of timelessness that is felt when surrounded by Nature, all in perfect order, all in perfect union. Spend some time alone and allow your mind to be cleared of all th...oughts and concerns. Sit in silence and listen to the breeze, feel the trees sway, hear the birds sing and feel the warmth of the sun. Perhaps you have lost your perspective on life, forgotten what is truly important. ūüíę Remember, you take nothing but your Soul with you when you pass from this world, so pay attention to your soul ‚Äď nurture it, allow yourself to dream and be filled with the magic and healing energy of Nature and the Universe. ūüĆą ~
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Don’t stop believin’! ✨


Message for 30th December ~*Oceana*~ ‚ú® Oceana is the balancer of emotions and the gift she brings is one of healing. This will help you to better cope with the everyday stresses that you experience. You are a sensitive soul and because of this, the world can seem rather harsh at times. You are being asked to imagine the life you truly desire. Start to live your own truth regardless of what others expect of you. ‚ú®... You would benefit greatly by expressing yourself creatively in some way. Explore your creativity and allow it to be expressed imaginatively and emotionally in whatever way you choose. ‚ú® A creative pursuit will eventually lead you to a new career. Your future work will be emotionally rewarding and enable you to live an imaginative, creative and fulfilling life surrounded by like-minded people. ‚ú® ~
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Message for 29th December ~*Rose Quartz*~ ūüíě As you weave the tapestry of your life, allow each stitch to be sewn with love. ūüíě True love radiates in every direction without discrimination. It is kind, yet seeks no recognition for it‚Äôs kindness. It gives and receives without condition. To truly love is to show compassion towards every living thing, including yourself, which is perhaps the most difficult thing of all. Peace and happiness can only be achieved through love. World ...peace relies on our individual ability to find love within ourselves. ūüíě The Rose Quartz card has shown up in your reading today to encourage you to reflect upon how you feel about yourself and your life. Is there enough love in your life? Do you celebrate and honour who you are in every moment of every day? The truth is, you are equal to the greatest being that ever lived. Whether you realise it or not, your power is beyond measure. Your physical body and personality are merely a shell, only a speck of who you are. ūüíě Deep in your heart, radiant energy and feelings wallow in an ocean of light ‚Äď this is the real ‚Äėyou‚Äô- the eternal light of your spirit, the timeless, all knowing, eternal love that transcends your physical form. YOur angels ask you, dearest one, to embrace the awesome power, beauty and wisdom that you truly are. ūüíě Love yourself. Embrace the beauty that lies within you. ~
ūüôŹūüĆąūüíěThank you for liking, sharing and commenting on this post! ūüíě #healing #tarot #psychic #psychicreading #angelreading #peace #spiritual #spiritguides #spiritguide #faeries #fairy #angel #angels #guardianangel #auroraslove #innerpeace #energy #guidance #dailyreading #oracle #divineguidance #earthangel #starseed
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Message for 28th December ~*Abundance*~ ūüíę You may feel as though your life is currently lacking in some way. In turn, you may be searching externally for something that can only be found within. Abundance is the natural state of the universe. It stems from the loving heart of God - Goddess, a blessing which the creator bestows on all living things. ūüíę In order to manifest abundance in your physical world you must first feel the abundance from within you. Take a deep breath in... right now, hold the breath a few moments and then slowly release the breath. Repeat this for a few minutes. As you breathe in feel yourself filled with the magical life force of creation, imagine this life force as pure gold light. As you breathe out release any fear or negativity. Feel yourself bathed in light and love. ūüíę Feel the blessing that God/Goddess bestows upon you this very moment. Give thanks for the many blessings in your life. When we are grateful for what we have the universe bestows its blessings upon us. ūüíę
Also start to give and receive freely without conditions. Above all, know that you deserve abundance in your life. Nothing is ever truly lacking if you keep an open heart. Life is an endless flow of blessings. ūüíę
"I am eternally blessed. I am eternally protected. I am abundant on all levels. I am one with the eternal heart of creation." ūüíę ~
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i ve felt it a lot, there is a fact: i assure you i ve seen some flash of light and i was feeling so good like joy, hapiness and inexplicable wellness. I can say it it s right and true. i advice to anybody to test it and about me i will paid to send healing to my family too or people around me i love very much. it s important to be near to the angel in life. ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Wow jo has such a gift , she brings joy and inspiratiom through her unique vision . I have just had a reading and jo was spot on , so much that i felt very emotional when reading it x thank u so much i will check in again with u jo on a regular basis xx :)


What can I say about this wonderful insightful lady, I asked for a card and physic reading. the reading was on the point, giving me conformation of what I needed. She was on the point, even down to feeling my arthritic hip whilst doing the reading. Thank you Jo, for your light and guidance. She is my go to lady for readings when I need help and clarification. Thank you Jo.xxxxx


WOwZers ive just received and read my reading by jojo/auras love. I feel amazed how acurate and true the whole reading was it has helped me gain more confidence in my own endeavour of comunicaiting/working with and asking for assistance with angelic realm and building more trust with them in day to day practical ways in wich i need to conduct myself and heal old phycological patterns i feel less alonewith some difficult problems now its beyond what i could have expected but still simple and true for me thankyou x


Thanks Jo for a very inspirational and intuitive reading. A great reminder to get back to the things that matter most in life. Also for your open and honest videos that provide motivation, especially for those that feel there are few like minded people around them.


Thank you so much for your healing session !

I was amazed I woke up this morning and saw a red crested bird on the lawn . I ran to get a camera and as I was setting it the bird flew away to freedom !

A year ago I saw a similar bird , but the cat next door pounced on it and I later found it’s beautiful feathers all over the veg patch .

This was a sign the Phoenix was arising and finding new freedom .

The reading reminded me of a school report as a little girl “ Barbara spends her days “ Away with the fairies “ and must learn to pay attention “ . My mother made it clear fairies were not O.K .

So as a 67 year old crone I get a healing reading about reconnecting with fairies !

I laughed . Laughed about clown puppets , frogs, fishes , crazy props and the joys of music and imagination , glittery costumes , dancing , singing and angels ! Wings ! So fairies are part of the “ in crowd “ again !

So I took myself to a rehabilitation group meeting and enjoyed an imaginative discussion with a great friend !

I bought myself some lovely new clothes , some new knickers ( yes just basic joys ! ) and all the time I was so content I forgot to worry about my husband who is recovering from a stroke !


Thank you very much .

I will report later on my observations of the improvements in my husband after the healing session he had from you tonight !

Already , he is showing positive change !


Thank you so much .


Thank you for the reading, it has given me messages to help me with personal things I have going on in my life. I'm very grateful!


Jojo, my reading was one of immense light and encouragement, which I truly need. I listened to you this morning on your live stream and found that afterwards I felt amazing from the inside out. I felt cleansed which goes to show how blessed you are and how powerful your love is. Thank you ÔŅĹ Love & Light xxx


Jo is a bit like my very own guardian angel... She is the real deal! She is heaven sent. She blows my mind every single time I get a distance healing from her. Her magick healing angel fairy powers are unmatched by anyone else and her healings and readings are like drinking a warm delicious soothing cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows for your heart, mind and soul... She is literally an angel in human form and I really don't know what I would do without her! Please do yourself a favor and get a distance healing from Jo and see for yourself what an amazing, beautiful healing angel she is!!!!!! xxxxx Peri


I recently had a reading from Jo, and it was so enlightening and uplifting. She really connected some dots about what was going on in my life and also shared some visualizations that I can use on a daily basis. She pinpointed something that I have been working on and gave me loving support in moving forward with hope. Thank you, Jo, for sharing your remarkable insights and love. <3


I received a healing yesterday. I needed physical healing and I felt my knees mostly... couldn't keep them still even. As if they were jumping with joy. At first energy wasn't flowing further than my knees (from above to knees, hence always cold feet). But yesterday energy started oozing through my knees and that made them move. After the healing I felt very calm and peaceful.


I love Jo's work! She does a daily card reading for everyone & every day she's so spot in with the energy, I find them of great comfort to read.

I also had a private reading sent to me a little while back & again the message was so spot on. She takes great care when doing these & they are always sent with divine blessings. I like to go back & re-read it often as it's very positive about the future.

Fantastic job Jo! Bless you lovely lady!

Xx ‚̧ Xx


I just had my 4th reading from you, amazing as usual and always spot on. I see a different perspective in life since knowing you. I trust the angels and listen to them now and my life doesnt seem so gloomy even at its worst times. You are truly my favorite angel. Thank you so much for what you do ...<3


I had a reading from Jo, and when I wasn't clear on what she wrote to me she went over and beyond to help me understand it. She made time to reconnect with the angels and share their guidance with me.xx She helped me 'whack that egg on the head!'ÔŅĹ

Jo is so very kind and her readings are beautiful xxÔŅĹ


I got a psychic reading from jo and it was just mind blowing, there was incredible detail in the reading and was able to pick up on so much with complete accuracy, she is amazing inside and out and so genuine, i love her daily readings aswell, i highly recommend ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I contacted Jo after experiencing a horrid illness that I am now convinced was my body just playing out how I was feeling. Jo did an amazing healing, it was eye opening, within an hour all of my stomach discomfort was gone and whilst it did come back a few days later that was indicative of something I needed to clear within myself and my life at that given time. She gave me a beautiful description of what she saw, it had me shedding tears it was that wonderful and once I aligned my mind with my body and spirit, I started to feel well again. I couldn't have done that without Jo ÔŅĹ I have recommended her to everyone that I see who is open enough for this type of healing and I would be sure to contact her again at a time in need xxx


I am truly grateful to Jojo for the most amazing reading she has done for me this week...she was able to tune so so much into my thoughts/feelings/emotions it was beautiful...i almost felt i was standing in front of a mirror and hearing back from my reflection,thats how accurate it all is...i could resonate to it all..its also been a wake up call for me and a learning curve at this time in my life when i so need Jojo will know what i mean when i say...."its time to click together the heels of my red shoes!" again many thanks and also for sharing my experience...X


Had a wonderful reading from this took your time and told me quite alot and you was spot on with everything..not been feeling myself and you have given me hope im on right path thank you!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹx


Dearest Jojo

Thank you from my heart and soul for my angel reading.

Oh my goodness, you are accurate beyond belief. What an incredible gift you have. ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧Գ Ź‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ.

I've just finished reading it and tears are rolling down my cheeks. Not from sadness, but for the illumination of all that is going on within me, which you have named. Not only named, but offered love and support for the way ahead from my angels and the universe.

Thank you, dearest soul. You have been blessed with such a gift and I am so incredibly grateful you are sharing your gift with half and the world.

Love and blessings and so much gratitude.

Joanne ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ