Axtelera Ray

About Axtelera Ray

AXTELERA RAY™ is an exciting new series of forthcoming superhero-fantasy novels that blend mythology and adventure.

Axtelera Ray Description

An original creation by Alroy Jovi, 'Axtelera Ray: Rise of Astrone' is an epic fantasy tale which blends superheroes and mythology. It has been surmised and illustrated since 2009 by Jovi himself and his team of exceptionally-talented individuals. The first book, ‘Axtelera Ray: The Chronicles of Astrone’, is being written by British fiction author, M. J. Gallagher, best known for his unofficial novelisation of the popular videogame, Final Fantasy VII. It is due for release in 2015.

A FREE download of the 40-page preview edition of 'The Chronicles of Astrone' can be found at www. /free-downloads-6909185

To mark the 10th anniversary of the project’s conception, we are thrilled to share with you this documentary film about our forthcoming novel series:

More information is available at our website, www.

The current concept of Axtelera Ray was first introduced in 2009, and it is the ambition of the production to create a unique universe which can be enjoyed by children and adults alike through novels, television, stage, games, and cinema. It is a story which depicts the conflict between good and evil in a new way, capturing the imagination of thousands, fusing the idea of gifted individuals with real life and history. In addition to numerous traditional global themes, the series borrows characters and ideas from Norse, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Persian, Asian, Egyptian, Mayan, Native American, African and Polynesian mythology among others.

"The term 'Axtelera Ray' does not bear any meaning in Greek, Latin, or any other language. However, Axtelera Ray represents power itself. "
- Alroy Jovi

"I've been writing for a number of years and have participated in some very cool projects, but I have never been part of anything quite as exciting as this. "
- M. J. Gallagher

To date, work is underway on the following novels in the series:

#1 Axtelera Ray: The Chronicles of Astrone
#2 Axtelera Ray: Order of the Star Spell
#3 Axtelera Ray: Race to Dertrox Fountain
#4 Axtelera Ray: The Atrix Pearl of Theia
#5 In process
#6 In process

Contact us at: or

Axtelera Ray links:
http://www. Axteleraray. Org
http://www. #! /axteleraray
http://uk. /axteleraray
http://www. /AxteleraRay

Soundtrack on iTunes:
https://itunes. /fight-faith-single-soundtrack /id523148931?v0=9. . .

Soundtrack on Spotify:
Soundtrack 001 : http://open. /7L4VIvNmeCBzs3uZWxiQOE
Soundtrack 002 : http://open. /0v3kUmOWAX78uGWqmAgDzi
Soundtrack 003 : http://open. /5Fthutld35ZMqrUPVruOWi





MYTH MONDAYS: U is for "Uranus"
Uranus (meaning “Heaven”) was an important entity in the Ancient Greek pantheon, considered to be the Sky Father. Depending on the era and religious cult, there are a number of legends that explain his origins, the oldest and most prominent of which is that he was the son and consort of Gaia (Mother Earth). Together, they produced the first generation of Titans (the ancestors of the Olympians) as well as the one-eyed Cyclopes and the hundred-ha...nded Hekatonkheires. According to the creation myth, Uranus was a foul being who hated his children, and imprisoned them deep within Gaia in the vaults of Tartarus (the Greek equivalent of Hell). To end her suffering, Gaia shaped a great sickle with which to castrate her husband, though only Kronos – youngest of the Titans – was brave enough to use it. Kronos defeated his father and claimed rule over the universe, but was foretold to be overthrown by his own son (Zeus), and thus became just as wicked. In his weakened state, Uranus could no longer visit Gaia, but remained an ever-present feature of the world.
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Ever wanted to learn about the Norse mythology that appears in the Final Fantasy games...?


Have you guys seen this yet! Produced by our creator, Alroy Jovi!


MYTH MONDAYS: T is for "Tuath Dé"
In Ancient Celtic lore of Ireland, the Tuath Dé (literally “Tribe of Gods”) were the deities who represented various elements of life and nature. They were believed to dwell in the Otherworld, a collection of islands far to the West called Tír na nÓg (Land of the Eternal Young), but had means of communicating with the mortal world. They controlled everything from the flight of the sun and the flow of particular rivers, to healing spells and l...anguage, often depicted as beautiful and red-haired. In later mythologies, their name evolved into Tuatha Dé Danann (Peoples of the Goddess Danu), and were said to be the old kings and queens of Ireland who had once travelled from Tír na nÓg with the blessing of Danu (the primordial “Mother”), bringing their culture and knowledge. When the Celtic religions were replaced by Christianity, the transition was explained as the Tuath Dé retreating back into the earth, eventually called the Aos Sídhe (a fairy- or elf-like race).
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To celebrate the E3 showcasing of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, Our author's unofficial novelisation project ( Final Fantasy VII Unofficial Novelisation ) is getting a branding overhaul courtesy of the wizards at The Mighty Compass. New logo and promo video launches 9pm BST/4pm EST tomorrow!
#finalfantasy #ff #ffvii #finalfantasyvii #ps #sephiroth #cloudstrife #playstation #fanart #squareenix #topman #futurehusband #greeneyes #soldierfirstclass #swordsman #babe #deepsexyvoice #canihavehim #holycraphesbeautiful #silverhair #onewingedangel #mybeloved #strong #abs #sculptedchest #tall #damn #adventchildren #remake


Axtelera Ray chapter 16.2 is now available to read online. Access this new story section, download our free preview eBook, or delve into a plethora of behind-the-scenes content here -


MYTH MONDAYS: S is for "Svarog"
Until about 1,000 years ago, Svarog was a name for the celestial abode of the gods according to the Eastern Slavs, often associated with the Western Slavs’ eternal paradise of Rai (however, the latter was actually closer to an underworld). Very little is known about Old Slavic culture in general, but some details of their cosmologies and pantheons have been preserved in medieval texts. Like the Norsemen and Saxons, they believed in a World Tree..., though it was only separated into three realms: Heaven (Svarog), Earth (Zemlja) and the Underworld (Irij). Svarog – also the name of the East’s chief deity (similar to the West’s Perun) – was described as a bright place filled with joy, very much mirroring the field-, forest- and river-based topography of the mortal world. Here, the air was never too hot or too cold, there was a floral scent on the breeze, and airborne chariots could often be seen. The word “Svarog” itself is derived from the Vedic “Svar” (literally meaning “Heaven”), thus sharing a root with the Svarga of Hinduism.
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You don't want to miss out on this!


Check out this amazing artwork of Matthew Croke's Aladdin from the West End musical Aladdin - The Musical by artist Marjolaine Lebrasseur! Follow her at Mighty Compass.
Marjolaine also drew fan art of West End musical artist Jade Ewen as Jasmine and Trevor Dion Nicholas as Genie (coming soon)
Check out more at... Axtelera Ray website - Axtelera Ray Youtube - The Mighty Compass -
#aladdin #aladdinwestend #aladdinbroadway #matthewcroke #trevordionnicholas #jadeewen #art #drawing #sketch #artist #sketchbook #illustration #artwork #draw #sketching #quicksketch #fanart #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #abu #jasmine #princeali #genie #aladdindisney #mightycompass #axteleraray #photoshop #westend
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Check out this amazing artwork of Matthew Croke's Aladdin from the West End musical Aladdin - The Musical by artist Marjolaine Lebrasseur! Follow her The Mighty Compass.
Marjolaine also drew fan art of West End musical artist Jade Ewen as Jasmine and Trevor Dion Nicholas as Genie (coming soon)
Check out more at... Axtelera Ray website - Axtelera Ray Youtube - The Mighty Compass -
#aladdin #aladdinwestend #aladdinbroadway #matthewcroke #trevordionnicholas #jadeewen #art #drawing #sketch #artist #sketchbook #illustration #artwork #draw #sketching #quicksketch #fanart #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #abu #jasmine #princeali #genie #aladdindisney #mightycompass #axteleraray #photoshop #westend
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This summer, our author has teamed up with Final Fantasy Forums to produce an extensive article analysing the Norse mythology behind Odin in the Final Fantasy games. It will be legendary!


MYTH MONDAYS: R is for "Ranginui"
In the creation story of Maori legend, Ranginui (Great Sky) was the primordial father of the first generation of gods. According to the myth, he and the earth mother, Papa (World), had been lying in a tight and loving embrace since the dawn of time. They had given birth to many sons, each of whom were crushed in darkness between the pair, until one day they were able to prise their parents apart. Ranginui thus rose into the heavens, and becam...e like a distant stranger to his children. Tane – the god who had eventually succeeded in the forceful parting – believed his father to be inappropriately dressed, and so sent him the celestial light of the sun, moon and stars to make him handsome again. It is said that Ranginui will forever grieve for his beloved Papatuanuku (World Separated), and that rain is the tears he sheds for her.
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Very cool


MYTH MONDAYS: Q is for "Qalupalik"
In the folktales of the Inuit peoples of the Arctic, there is a terrifying creature called the Qalupalik who is said to abduct children who disobey their parents. The Qalupalik is described as a half-aquatic-half-humanoid female with long hair, green skin and fingernails so protracted that they look like claws. She lurks beneath the surface of the seashore, waiting to snatch stray youngsters into her amautik (a native garment with a hooded p...ouch for carrying little ones) and take them to her underwater lair where they will remain forever. It is believed that she draws energy from the kids so as to retain her immortality as they grow older. Children are often warned to steer clear of the water’s edge if they hear an unusual sound, for the Qalupalik will try to lure them with distinctive humming before she strikes. Some Inuit tribes claim that there are multiple monsters (Qalupaliit), while others say that the Qalupalik always eats her catch.
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More about Axtelera Ray