Aylesbury Sailing Club

About Aylesbury Sailing Club

Aylesbury Sailing Club, is a fun a sociable club, where we all get along with each other, and have fun days out

Aylesbury Sailing Club Description

Aylesbury Sailing Club was established in 1954. We are very much a family club and wish to encourage an all-round interest in sailing both recreational and racing. You can find us at Weston Turville Reservoir.



Push the Boat Out 4th May 2019


Openin gof the Season


Come and try sailing booking required to do this please visit the club wed site events page


Try Sailing at Aylesbury sailing club on the 5th and 25th May Booking is required Please visit the club web site events page for booking form


Photos form the club development day held on Saturday, August 8th. A special thanks to Chirs Cousins for comming down to help our club set up a 5 year plan. We had some great fun out on the water in the afternoon, along with some fantastic ideas on how we want to see the club develop. Some of these ideas have been sent out in our news letter, with other ideas going into our 5 year development plan, waiting to be put into action.
If anybody has any ideas on how they want to s...ee the club develop than please leave a comment or email the club, this will allow us to make sure that the club progresses in a way that best suits our members, while also encouraging new members to give sailing a go.
We hope to see members enjoy our club facilities more over the next couple of years, whilst also trying to get back to being able to offer courses like we have in the past.
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Once again Aylesbury Sailing Club is partaking in the annual Bart’s Bash event. The event is being staged on Saturday 15th September. This is a great opportunity for all members of all ability and ages to come down and have a great day within the club community, and also compete with other sailors from around the world.
This year we have been asked to fundraise for a local charity rather than Bart’s Bash. The Sailing club has decided to raise money for the ‘Cancer Care and Ha...ematology Unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital’. We would love it if club members could raise even a couple of pounds to go towards our choosen charity. We have set up a JustGiving page to make this easier. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ay lesburysailingclub
In previous years this event has encouraged members to take to the water more than any other. In the first year of this event we had over 30 boats on the water with 25 boats in the second year. Although subsequent years have been less we still anticipate having large numbers competing.
As an added attraction we shall be holding our second Paella buffet, as it was a real hit with members last year!
For members looking at taking part, the following web link will take you to the official Bart’s Bash page where you can sign up. https://www.bartsbash.com/
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Good Day had by all up to 44km/h winds. All home safely.


Fantastic comet for sale located at the sailing club - £650 with aluminium launching trolley or £800 with combi road and launching trolley!

More about Aylesbury Sailing Club

Aylesbury Sailing Club is located at Weston Turville Reservoir, Worlds End Lane, HP22 5PS Weston Turville