Ayurvedic Yoga Massage With Talitha

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00

About Ayurvedic Yoga Massage With Talitha

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is a powerful, tension relieving method of bodywork combining traditional Indian deep tissue massage with yoga stretches. £70 p /h.

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage With Talitha Description

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is a powerful, tension relieving method of bodywork which combines traditional Indian deep tissue massage with yoga stretches.



There is an unlimited amount of love in the world. The deficit, when it comes to love, is not how much there is ‘out there’ but how much we are willing (and able) to let ‘in’. Why we often see finite love when there is really infinite love is that we often reduce l.o.v.e solely to exist within the parameters of a romantic relationship/ situation. It’s also about how much we feel we deserve. How much (or little) pleasure, abundance, peace, connection, success we have been prog...rammed to think we are worthy of. One of the keys to healing toxic sex and love behaviour is to shift our perspectives so that the source of our fulfilment, replenishment and nourishment is not solely the romantic partner but multiple different things. And not things as in bags, shoes, holidays and houses (though in cases of codependent under-earners who have forgotten how to support themselves in the physical world and who avoid earning money as a form of self-sabotage these things would be beneficial to recovery). By tuning in (and becoming receptive) to the universal love that flows through the water we drink, the air we breathe, the earth that we stand on, that manifests in relationships of all kinds - friendship love, sister love, love for our service, for our path, for the animal kingdom and relationships between humans not as prospective partners but as brothers and sisters, members of the human family and as children of Sacred Mother Earth - we begin to ‘fill up our cups’ and the obsessive need to ‘find the one’ begins to recede. The sense of needing a partner to be complete loosens its grip as we realise our innate wholeness in connection with the entire universe and all that is beyond it. Through connecting to nature - the ultimate source - we become aware that love is limitless but that WE are limiting how much of it we experience based on our perception. Meeting a soulmate then becomes a pleasant possibility, rather than the thing that makes or breaks our value as a person ✨🌎✨
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Abuela Cristi (otherwise known as Abuelita Fuerza) doing what she does best. Laying down the k*n*o*w*l*e*d*g*e for the kiddies! 🥰 #therealdeal


Learning with Xochimilco medicine woman and elder Abuela Cristina in her lab and healing centre ‘Tipactimeni’ in Mexico 🌱 @ San Andrés Ahuayucan, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Eeek! How many times has someone or something messed with your yoni and womb in a way that left you feeling less than 100% sacred, soft, sensual, empowered and in peace? I’m guessing a lest once right? Unfortunately for the majority of us the list is long. Whether toxin laden tampons, STI treating big pharma antibiotics, life denying ‘feminine hygiene products', morning after pills, metallic instruments used in check ups and procedures carried out by disassociated doctors, lu...bricants, derogatory comments about the vaginas smell/taste/look (in private, in the media and in the school halls), labiaplasty advertising, waxing, hasty penetration before the yoni is wet, open and willing, forced vaginal, anal, manual or oral penetration (rape) and for many this abuse taking place when children and at the hands of aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, cousins, babysitters, carers, teachers, priests, doctors, family friends...unfortunately the list goes on. The result of all this trauma is blockage in the yoni and the womb. This can manifest in an almost infinite variety of ways but some common issues are: fear of sex, vaginismus, pain or discomfort during sex, sexual compulsion, fantasy addiction, intimacy avoidance, toxic relationship patterns, inability to orgasm, inability to ejaculate, alcohol/ sugar/ food/ porn/ drug/ exercise or work addiction, eating disorders, body hatred, low self esteem, tension, anxiety, insomnia, inability to have a stable job, under-earning, overspending, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, no period at all, adhesion in the pelvis, back problems, loneliness, rage, self-abuse, self harm, codependency, fragile boundaries, depression, bi-polar, suicidal ideation etc. And what to do? Well, start healing. Womb work and tantric therapy are vital tools to reverse the years of personal, generational and cultural conditioning which have separated us from the power, beauty and intense sacredness of the feminine. Despite mainstream data programming us to think the opposite, women are intensely sexually alive and awake creatures: givers AND receivers of pleasure and a lot more than sexual objects of the toxic masculine's (and feminine's) attached desire. Let’s explore more. Next womb workshop 11/10/19 @lashantivida - Barcelona 🌋
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Dear Family 🐝 Super excited to be sharing womb wisdom and Wild Woman ways at the beautiful @lashantivida yoga and healing studio in Barcelona 🇪🇸 from the 11th to the 15th of October. On Friday the 11th evening there will be a womb pulsing workshop and womb awakening ritual from 7.45 - 10.45 to which you are warmly invited 💛Individual womb healing sessions will run from Friday the 11th afternoon to Tuesday 15th evening. The workshop is €20 and the individual sessions are €80. Get in touch with @lashantivida to find out more and to book your spot! ✨🏜✌️🌅✨ Beautiful photos by @charlotte.jward and Manka Bajaj #wombhealing


SOS Amazonia 🌎 Our sacred mother, the heart, lungs and womb of the earth, the Amazon is on fire and is burning. Fire is tearing across millions of acres of forest obliterating everything in its path - plants, animals and humans. The fire has been raging for weeks. Tribes who have lived in the forest, and who are her guardians, have been displaced, murdered and injured, everything they have burned. This is genocide. The vast majority of these fires were started intentionally w...ith the demonic aim of allowing access, first for gold and other precious metal miners, and then for agribusiness to grow soya crops and raise cattle for the dairy and beef industries. Please join us in 5 minute meditation every day at the 17:11 (11:11 Acre, Brazil time) to pray for sacred WATER 💦🌎🙏 There is a reason why this is happening. We are both part of the problem and part of the solution. By opening our hearts to our highest purpose we can give our mother what she needs from us - transformation #sosamazonia
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✨Womb Wisdom Sunday✨ On Sunday the 25th of August I will be doing a special day of Womb Pulsing sessions for you and your sisters, cousins, lovers, mothers and friends. £70 per session with a wholesome £20 discount to be had if you advance book 2 sessions (recommended). So £70 for one or £120 for two. Limited spaces available for Sunday. Get in touch on info@talithacolchester.com to reserve your spot! ✨WOMB Pulsing and Massage will: Release blocked and stagnant energy around... the womb Connect you to your womb space and your cycle Empower you and improve self-worth Energise you if your are stagnant, lethargic or depleted Ground you if you are anxious, stressed or frantic Treat antenatal trauma (anxious or depressed mother, tobacco, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy, domestic abuse during pregnancy, unsafe conditions) Treat birth trauma (umbilical cutting, forceps, slapping, incubation, physical neglect, postnatal depression in mother) Release sexual trauma (childhood abuse, assault, rape) Heal the emotional or physical wounds of miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion Detox and purify your physical and mental body Help to balance your masculine and feminine aspects Direct vital energy (Prana) into your sexual centre Help you to let go and flow Soothe tension and dissolve stress Recharge your batteries and revitalise you Quieten your mind and bring you to a state of embodied presence 👌 PULSING benefits these conditions: Depression PMS/ Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation/cramps) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and fibroids Infertility and difficulty giving birth naturally Anxiety disorder and panic attacks Insomnia and other sleep related problems Repressed trauma Anger/ aggression issues: self/other Self-harm: cutting/ burning Intimacy issues: sex/relationship addiction/ avoidance, infidelity, compulsive masturbation/porn, fantasy Alcohol/ drug addiction Co-dependence Body-mind issues: Dissociation, Dysmorphia Eating disorders: Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder, Sugar Addiction Contraindications: Pulsing is not suitable if you are pregnant or have recently undergone surgery on your back/ lower back/ abdomen 🌷
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Sigh...😉😊😘 thank you @marlize_joubert ♥️✨


Our maestra Xochimilco Elder Abuela Cristina Rivas queen of the plants, planets and all that flows between them 🌎🌙🌍✨🌏⚡️A teacher of love, light super hot salsa ✨🍅✨Abuela Cristina we love you. Thank you for all the teachings, guidance, healing, blessings and ♥️


Do you call these weeds? Or gifts? The innumerable things that come without us asking sometimes hold the most potent medicine... As we travel on our journey to healing, to finding a new wholeness, removed from past trauma, loss, lack, grief, we often come to hurdles as to how we hold oursleves through these processes. Sometimes, when the night is so dark, it is difficult to see the stars or to find the candle flame. To our ancestors, plants would have often been this light. E...very single plant has its roots, its knowledge, its spirit. Where we have forgotten, they remember. As we approach the wholeness of plant we can ask, how can I heal the broken parts of me? All we need is stillness in order to hear the response. Modern life rarely gives us that chance, so we need to be mindful to take it for ourselves. A space to stop. Wild Woman opens this door, come and step through it with us! 🌿 It is a time of deep connection, learning, remembering... 🔥
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Naturaleza ✨🌳✨ Wild Woman is a medicine retreat with a difference. In this country we have been blessed by the teachings of master plants from across the world: Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Gabon, Australia, Egypt...Through this gift awakening has taken place in this country. Awakening to the medicine of THIS land. To her ancient traditions, spirits, formations and the plant teachers that reside right here under our feet, in our meadows, in or hedg...erows, in our forests and on our streets: nettle, rose, dandelion, comfrey, lemon balm, birch, black walnut, samphire, sorrel, cramp ball fungus, reedmace, clover, wild garlic, elderberry and willow to name a few of the plants we learn from, honour and pray with across our seasonal retreats. Through engaging with the healing propensity of this land and honouring her elements with song, movement, meditation, reflection, attention, purging, purification, healing and offerings we awaken and strengthen the energetic formations of this country that will heal and sustain us. Knowing the medicine of this land brings about profound root healing for ourselves, but more importantly - for the generations to come. Join us 💚 Latecomer discount ends tomorrow at 00:00 - don’t miss out! ✨
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Lol! Damn straight. Courtesy of @halleberry - never looked before but always been a fan!✨ Use this solar eclipse to cut the SHIT from your 💓 life to make space 🌌 for something special and spectacular - if only it had room to enter! True love is waiting for you...let the light in 🌄 Recommended watching for those wanting to use this astral portal to manifest deep and spiritual, romantic love: @ciara’s #beautymarks video and her appearance on @redtabletalk ♥️ Heard it here first 😘 #truelove #romance #selflove #solareclipse #cancer #lovestartswithyou #healing #healyourself #healyourselftherestwillcome


Kundalini Yoga and Siddha Healing Circle with Cacao ~ hosted by Shakti Karan and Talitha Colchester ~ Saturday 6th of July ~ 6.30 PM - Studio Up N16 9HP ~ £22 Advance Booking £33 On the Door ~ Email shaktiearthprayer@gmail.com to book ~ Limited spaces! ✨🙏⭐️See you there ✨🙏⭐️ #kundaliniyoga #kundalinihealing #cacao #shakti


We all move to a slightly different beat. The beauty of shared prayer is that the beat of the drum, the wind at the door, the owl's wing, your heart, can all coexist with each other, feed each other, and grow together. With our soulfully sonorous beat we weave beautiful magic in song, dance and voice, freeing ourselves from the constraints of trying to tie ourselves to one mode of being. Wild Woman is that place, where the musical web is woven. Join us sisters, this summer 31st July - 4th Aug. Our early saver discount ends TONIGHT at midnight, so get in touch today to add your beat to the song 🕸 photo by @charlotte.jward 🖤 #prayer #cacao #soundhealing #song #drum #divinefeminine #wild


Beautiful community of trees for a beautiful YOU on this beautiful morning ✨🌳✨ A couple of days to go on our super Saver discount price for the summer Wild Woman retreat. Email info@wildwomanuk.com to book! Wild Woman is a nature immersion retreat. The intention? To empower women to treat themselves with love, acceptance and respect. All women are wild women at heart. Modern life creates holding patterns that separate us from our inner grounds (our bodies) and the ground of ...this planet (Mother Earth). Different ailments result from this: toxic relationship patterns, stress, low self esteem, anxiety, insomnia, addiction, overworking, overeating, overthinking...we can become frazzled. The elements are alive and talking to us. But sometimes we forget to listen. Wild Woman helps us to remember.
The medicine of the soil - the flowers, the trees, the leaves - this is heart medicine. The medicine is also inside the blood that flows through our veins, the liquid that pours from our vaginas, and the breath that fills our lungs. The medicine is within us. And it is us.
Within each of us is the divine force that is – Mother Nature. Nature which will both teach us and heal us. If we are willing to surrender to her song. If we are willing to face ourselves. These retreats are safe and secure spaces, but ones that will help us all to flourish by pushing us beyond our comfort zones. Like this we unlearn the mental and visceral holding patterns that have collectively and individually separated us from our inner grounds and the ground of this planet. This is an opportunity to unwind, unplug, de-stress, decompress, reset, relax, celebrate, explore and give thanks for the beautiful gift that is LIFE. #wild #wildliving #wildfeminine #wildfeminist #naturepower #naturelovers #love #earth
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Given this beautiful bottle of organic green juice by @alkalizeme_ as a gift yesterday after giving a treatment to my massage teacher and Ayurvedic Yoga goddess Despina of @aym.uk and lunching with her new student Ed. Thank you very much Ed! Delicious, organic, plant based living. Green goddess goodness also to be found at former employer and all round ally @getjuicedbar in @tootingmarket 🥬🥒🥦 Juices, food, cakes and cleanses and everything is gluten free, vegan and delish. A...fter that make sure you check out @amruthauk for the most incredible, love filled super high vibration vegan food 🥥 Amongst the many amazing things they serve is this @fusionchutney which is locally produced, made with LOVE and super delicious. After our meal the head chef gave us a bottle because he’s THAT nice and it’s THAT good. So good in fact, that we couldn’t accept and happily paid. Get some. Support small businesses. Be healthy. Yay. All of this is in South London ps! It’s where the plant based party’s at 🍇🥝🌽🥑🍓🍌
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When your massage teacher says something like this ✨🙏🦅🍄✨ Come and get a massage. You heard her!


"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language only known to the heart." ~ Rumi ❤ Wild Woman Summer Retreat: a call to witness and honour ever-unfurling compassion 🌹 Join us. Saver discount runs till 15th June, be in touch via info@wildwomanuk.com... see you in the wild sister 🌿 #wildwomanretreats #rose #rumi

More about Ayurvedic Yoga Massage With Talitha

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage With Talitha is located at Furzedown, Tooting, London, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00