B-Pat Tested Portable Appliance Testing

About B-Pat Tested Portable Appliance Testing

Carrying out PAT Testing in accordance with the IEE Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment

B-Pat Tested Portable Appliance Testing Description

• Formal Visual Inspection - equipment of environment, nature of work being undertaken, user feedback, appliances, leads, plugs and extension leads.

• Checking of fuses and correct fuse ratings.

• Appliance Testing includes tests for Earth Continuity, Insulation Resistance and Protective Conductor / Touch Current (also known as Soft Test), where appropriate, and Functional Checks.

• Testing for Microwave Leakage.
• Pass or Fail Labels.
• Re-test date on all appliances tested, if required.
• Courtesy reminder when your appliances need re-testing.
• Certificates
• Invoices.

Free Repairs:
Minor faults found during the course of the inspection will be repaired as they’re found and the appliance re-tested. All minor repairs are carried out free of charge, including the following:

• Replacement of faulty or damaged mains plug (BS1363)

• Replacement of damaged or incorrectly rated fuses

• Re-wiring of incorrect connections in the mains plug

• Repair to faulty cable grips in the mains plug

• Minor repairs requiring less than ten minutes labour

• Re-test following the repair

What Appliances Need PAT Testing?
PAT testing (Portable Appliance Testing) is required for any electrical item that is mains powered by a plug, like the examples below:

Hand Held Appliances - irons, hairdryers, drills
Portable Appliances - vacuum cleaners, toasters, food mixers
IT Equipment - computers, monitors, printers, copiers and IEC leads
Movable Equipment - electric fires, air conditioning units
Stationery Equipment - fridges, heaters, dishwashers
Fixed Equipment – hand dryer, electric towel rail

More about B-Pat Tested Portable Appliance Testing

B-Pat Tested Portable Appliance Testing is located at Cambridge, Cambridgeshire