B4Sn Broadband For South Norfolk

About B4Sn Broadband For South Norfolk

Hyperfast Broadband for South Norfolk - installed by volunteers



Digging in Shimpling nearly dug Scole route 2


Digging in Shimpling


Hi we have a update for you So far we have done about 14 km Starting at the community centre in Scole heading east to norgate lane As far down as the mill at billing ford heading north up norgate lane connecting properties including billing ford hall farm splitting east towards upperstreet connecting with property’s along the way Heading north down Norwich road with connections either side of the road as far as new road We then go down new road and continue to conne...ct properties as far as the railway line at Burston Also heading north from new road Thelveton connecting properties as far down to the Shimpling road ! All this has been installed since September 2018 We still have a few chambers to put in and house kits are in the process of installation on the Thelveton estate We need more volunteers to help us continue the build and help connect houses Tivetshall is next on the agenda Followed by Burston Gissing Heywood and also a new service for Scole incorporating the Buisness centre on dark lane and properties along the way Rome wasn’t built in a day but B4RN can certainly be built a lot faster if we have more help Don’t forget this is a community project built by the community No open reach Bt ! Just very fast reliable broadband at a very reasonable price ! If you are interested in being apart of this amazing project You can contact me on 07944769812 Clive
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It’s a bit cold and wet out there today ! Meet graham one of our volunteers Nothing stops him


Ok folks we need someone to help run this project in Scole and thelveton Lots of houses to contact we are planning Connecting up the existing Route ... Within the next month or so .
Someone who has time to visit households and explain how great this broadband service is And how easy it is to get connected We have laid 8km of duct In the last two months Working seven days a week We need a champion to take on the project for Scole and thelveton To get the community interested in community broadband No bt no open reach. No slow speeds or break of service 1000mps up and down and all for 30 quid a month B4rn will only go where they are wanted tivetshall Burston gissing and Heywood are next on the plan and they will have a champion working on their projects Scole is very lucky as it’s here and turned on currently serving a few houses in the village basically connected by B4rn at considerable cost to themselves also making Scole the hub of the project installing the first cabinet at our community centre This is a community project so we need some community minded people To make this happen
You can contact myself either on here or on my mobile 07944769812
Or B4rn on 01379788242 Www.b4rn.org.uk
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Fabrication day !


New addition to the fleet


Machine working well in thelveton


Completed the first section of Thorpe Parva today moving forward slowly We need some volunteers to join our team!