Baby Sound Asleep

About Baby Sound Asleep

Baby Sleep Consultant - Maternity Nurse - Night Nanny





It is a very common mistake to think that protecting your baby from sunlight in the pram, with even a light blanket, is safe but it is actually putting your baby at risk. The lack of ventilation creates soaring temperatures for your baby.


Wishing them a speedy recovery.


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Once you have contacted me via phone, email, Facebook or Twitter, I will get back to you to assess the current sleep problem and tailor a sleep-troubleshooting package to your child’s and your family’s requirements.
Every baby, parent and family is different and sleep issues can vary greatly, and, therefore, so do our plans. Whether you are breast feeding, bottle feeding, don’t wish to allow your child to cry out, or have lots of other siblings to consider, we will make a plan that you can feel comfortable with, that will make a real difference to your family life.


Run out of ideas to help your baby get to sleep? Get in touch.





Scary! Which conducted a study into different blankets effects when covering a pram . Here are the results .....


Do you know the signs of sepsis? Share to help raise awareness


Aptimal statement. Give them a call if you are experiencing problems with the new milk


Hands up if 5 hours would be a good night! âś‹


Being a mother myself allows me to empathise with my clients and to give realistic practical advice not only as a professional but also as a mother.
My programmes are designed around you, your family and you parenting style – I never impose my ideas on the clients I work with.


Be aware.


Have you had problems with the new formula?
PS there is 100grams LESS too 🤦‍♀️


Find out what number baby 🍼 born in the NHS you or yours were...


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Need some help getting your little one to sleep? Not sure how to start sleep training? Want to start with some good sleep habits? Get in touch.


With our 8 month old baby waking every couple of hours, being breastfed back to sleep and co-sleeping and our 2 year old also up several times in the night most nights we were so sleep deprived we were at the end of our tether.

We had tried various sleep training methods with our first child with limited success so we were a little hesitant when we first contacted Abi but it is the best decision we’ve ever made!

Abi put our minds at rest straight away. She was confident that she could help and understood our problems immediately. She provided a plan to address the problems. The very first night we started to implement the plan our baby stayed in her cot all night, in less than a week she had slept through for the first time in her 8 months and within a month was sleeping through consistently and getting decent naps which meant she was refreshed and happy.

Abi gave support throughout the process morning, afternoon and night on holidays and weekends she was always there if we needed her which helped us grow in confidence in the techniques. We had such success that we also asked Abi to help with our 2 year old.

Before the sleep training we were so tired and stressed we felt unable to enjoy our children, now we are a happy family. We cannot recommend Abi highly enough.


This lady is amazing! She deserves an MBE for services to mummy's on the brink of madness! Florence was up 6-8 times a night and I was living on about 2-3 hours sleep on a good night! Mentally I was struggling due to sleep deprivation and the trials and tribulations of looking after a baby and toddler and never able to catch up on sleep. Within a few days she was sleeping through and life has been made a lot more easier and enjoyable! The programme Abi puts together is not easy and you have to be dedicated to it but it does work within a few days. Obviously there are the nights and days that don't go exactly to plan but Abi is always there to reassure you and has an answer to the problem. She also explains why this and that is happening so that as a mummy I have more of an understanding. I would recommend Abi to every one and anyone! Amazing!! Xxx


My 8 month old had turned into a nightmare sleeper. He was waking multiple times in the night, sometimes for up to 2 hours at once. The only way i could get him back to sleep was bouncing him in his baby bouncer which he was rapidly growing out of!

He had also completely stopped drinking any milk throughout the day and so consequently wanted feeding more during the night. I was absolutely shattered and quite frankly miserable, and with a 4 year old to consider as well I needed to do something quickly.

I got in touch with Abi and she put together a personalised plan for us, she was confident that my baby would soon be sleeping through the night (which i found impossible to believe at the time!)

Of course she was right! Within 2 weeks he slept through for the first time in his life! Seemingly small changes that Abi had encouraged me to make had drastically changed his sleeping habits for the better. Now a month or so later he is still sleeping through with only the occasional bump in the road that Abi has helped us over. Couldn't be happier and honestly think it's the best money I've ever spent.


Like many others I was abit worried about how this process would actually work. But after spending 2 hours wondering the streets trying to get my little monster to sleep I had enough and contacted abi.

I have to say it was the right choice. Don't get me wrong the process is hard especially if you have a child like mine who needed to be constantly rocked or moved to go to sleep but the changes were definitely for the better and once we all go used to the new routine it's been great. Of course you have a odd night which dosnt go to plan but it's never been as bad as my midnight wondering.

We now enjoy peaceful night sleeps with a child who goes to bed at 6:30 and only wakes up once ! A huge change from waking up every hour ďż˝.

And we have achieved naps in the day ��

The phone support really helped as I just did not know what to do and having someone else advise and support you when you utterly exhausted was a god send !

I have definitely recommended abi to all my parent friends as she really did save mine and my partners sanity. She really is an investment in your ongoing health and sleep, And if your anything like me, youll need sleep too !!

Thankyou abi ! X


I was having real trouble getting my son (4months) to sleep throughout the night without feeding him multiple times or giving him a dummy. Abi was amazing, she re structured his schedule so that within 4 days he was sleeping through with just 2 dreamfeeds. Within 2 weeks he was down to 1 dreamfeed and sleeping for 12 hours. After 3 weeks of help from Abi he was sleeping solidly for 12 hours with no dreamfeeds or anything. Abi was there for me the whole time over WhatsApp and helped me adjust things accordingly. She helped me with everything and anything. Abi changed my life and both I and my son, now sleep! Thank you Abi.


I was having massive problems with getting my 2 1/2 year old to 1) Sleep in her own bed 2) go to sleep without me needing to sit with her for hours 3)sleep through the whole night or to self soothe when she wakes up. My diary was an eye opener once I wrote it down and Abi's ability to identify the problem from my diary and provide a step by step plan to solve my problems was amazingly fast and simple to implement.

3 nights and the routine was working like a dream.

I thought having a remote support wouldn't help. I really wanted somebody in the house watching me like you do on 'Supernanny!' - I was sceptical- but now, I have no idea why I was. Perfect process and it worked - quick!

After months and months of fighting a non sleeping child and fighting for 'adult time' with my husband, why I didn't seek out help sooner I have no idea!

Can't recommend Abi and Baby Sound Asleep enough. It's the best value for money I've ever experienced! ďż˝


I remember reading these reviews with 5 stars and have to be honest was a bit sceptical, as was my partner, about how it would all work but here I am giving Abi 5 stars. If there were more I would give her a million.

I was at my wits end - at 4 months my little one decided he would wake up every 3 hrs for a feed which then progressed to every hour. Waking up crying and couldn't settle himself every night for 2 months. I've been breastfeeding and thought it must be the only way he can settle. In the day he would only sleep if I rocked and held him and then I could never put him down.

Having had a chat to her over the phone, she said it would be over the phone support I was quite panicky. I was hoping for a night nanny type to help me in the night and show me what to do but Abi was confident I would pick up the techniques and that I would be able to do this - she wasn't wrong! It was tough but Abi was with me every step of the way, she responded on text and guided me through what to do. She was a lifesaver!

Now I can put him in his cot for naps and he actually falls asleep, in the nights he has been sleeping through and if he wakes more often than not he settles himself. I can't thank Abi enough! I was absolutely shattered when I first got in touch with her and now I can finally get some shut eye and more importantly so can the little one!


I have read SO many baby sleep books! But a lot of them say different things that contradict each other! They don't have all the answers, or offer you alternatives, they don't virtually hold your hand when you're in the thick of sleep training, or tell you when you're doing something right and that it will get better, Abi does!

I had a relatively text book first baby so was totally thrown when baby#2 arrived and was a snacky feeder and 30 min napper. Nothing I tried worked!

Abi gave us a feed and sleep plan to work towards, baby#2 started to feed and sleep better within a week but more than anything we had a routine and life quickly became more predictable for us and baby#2!

Which is just what you need when you have a toddler to deal with as well.

Now baby#2 has put on weight, gets himself to sleep and he can settle himself if he wakes during naps or at night!

If we have a blip for one reason or another Abi is there to give advice on how to move forward!

Can you put a price on sleep and sanity? We certainly don't think so!!

I can't thank Abi enough for her support and am eternally grateful to my friend who put us in touch!!!!! I would recommend 100%!!!!!!


I cannot sing Abi's praises enough!! I owe her my sanity. My son was a great sleeper from 10 weeks to 7 months. Then after he got a cold, started teething and crawling all at once he turned into a nightmare. After trying everything that worked for my first, and some new things, Abi's add popped up on fb. I was sceptical, thinking what does she do that I can't do myself.... but after weeks of not sleeping and having a child that screamed the house down all night long I gave in. Within 2 weeks, he was in his own bed! In his own room! And not using a dummy! Then very shortly after he was sleeping through again! I was shocked! It was hard! I won't lie, but she was there coaching me through it all and not letting me give up. She is so lovely and reassuring. Her plan was so gentle straight forward. And she knew my son better than I did! I was hesitant to put him down to one nap.... but she knows! That night was the first night he slept through! Iv been singing Abi's praises all over to everyone. To be able to put my baby down at bed time and know he's fine for the next 11-12 hrs is freedom to me! Just throw your money at her!!!! It is soooo worth it.


I cannot rate Abi highly enough. From a desperate text to her only a few days after my daughter was born she has always been there, on the end of a phone, with advice and support. As my daughter (now nearly five months) is my second child, I really wanted to get into a good routine with her from the start so that I could have time to spend with my four year old son and get enough sleep to function properly as a mum to both of them. So far so good, long may it continue. Thanks Abi for your help (which included a fabulous selection of photos showing me how to safely swaddle using your daughters teddy bear :)) over the past 20 weeks and beyond. I have already recommended you to lots of people x


I actually can't recommend Abi enough. If you are reading this review and are having problems with your baby sleeping then don't hesitate in getting in touch with Abi. My only regret is that we didn't use her earlier. Prior to getting Abi's help I wouldn't believe that anyone could help transform our little boys sleep the way she has. At 9 months old he was waking several times an hour, just standing in his cot and crying. Myself and my partner were absolutely exhausted and couldn't see how things were ever going to improve. I had friends with newborn babies who slept much better than my 9 month old ever had!! Within 2 days of using Abis sleep training techniques Charlie slept from 6.30-6am. Whilst the first few days were difficult (nap times) seeing some positive results made it instantly worthwhile. We have been in contact with Abi now for a couple of months and I can count on my hand the amount of disturbed nights we have had. While my boy still wakes very early in the morning (about 5.30) Abi is helping to improve this and we are currently in the process of cutting down his daytime naps. Abi is so supportive and always replies promptly to her messages. She has been amazing and I can't thank her enough for the change she has made to us all.


Hi Abi , just thought I would share our experience of Baby sound asleep sleep training program .

This morning I read back to a month ago when I first contacted you and Austin slept from 9pm till 6am with 2 hour get ups through the night and an hours sleep through the day if we were lucky in 20 min slots . I really was tearing my hair out at this point . I was dreading going back to work when I was up every 2 hours most nights .

So a month on I can't say it's been easy but your program works and we now have a happy settled baby who can fall asleep on his own without a dummy . This means no getting up every 2 hours to put it back in .

It has been tough for us as a family to stick to a routine because we are very active and have 2 teenagers in the house . Hence we have lots of running around to do with them .

Saying this now we have broken the back of it and Austin knows his routine now we are able to stick to Austins routine but do this on the move as Austin will take his naps while we are out and about .

The biggest result is that now Austin goes to sleep at 7pm and sleeps through till 6:30 am . We could push to get him to sleep till 7 am but 6:30 works for us because of my working hours, giving me time to get Austin ready for nursery in a morning .

The support you have given had been great . Having you at the other end of the phone at sleep times has been brill .

I really would have been at the end of my tether by now having returned to work his month if I had still been sleep deprived .

It has made such a difference to Austin having his routine as his awake times are now much more settled . He burns off so much energy all day and dreams the night way.

I have already recommend you to a few people and can't speak highly enough about your program.

Thanks so much Abi xxx


Abi, was absoulety amazing when helping my son with a range of sleeping issues. He fell ill quite a lot while we were working together and she was so patient, supportive and understand during this time. She had a fountain of knowledge on his sleeping issues and I have and would continue to recommend her to anyone else as she is amazing at what she does.


Abi was amazing guiding us to sleep train my 8 month-old son. Before the training, my son would wake up almost every hour crying and screaming which was very exhausting for me and my husband trying to get him back to sleep. It has drained our energy making us sleep-deprived and difficult to function during the day. After consulted with Abi, she suggested a combination of different methods & tricks to help him to self-settle. We then worked together to adjust the plan throughout the process. From 2 weeks into the training, I started to see massive improvements in his sleeping pattern. After we finished, he could now do at least 11 hours of sleep at night. I would recommend Abi to anyone who is like me and is not quite sure how to go about sleep training your baby. Abi was wonderful giving the professional adice as well as emotional suport. I couldn't have done it without her!!


Abi saved our sanity as well as our sleep! Our 6month old had been waking every hour but within weeks was doing 2 naps a day and a cracking 12hours a night! I absolutely recommend her to ANYONE and everyone! She literally saved my mental health and my marriage :)


Abi is wonderful. We debated contacting her for a few months as our daughter was around 18 months and still it was hit and miss how long it would take her to go to bed or wether she would sleep through.

After just a few nights there was a noticeable improvement. If we came across a stumbling block Abi altered what we needed to do accordingly. It was the first time we had consistent nights of unbroken sleep, bliss!

Then we went on holiday and when we came back we had problems at bedtime again! Abi was on hand and after only 3 nights, calm was restored. It's just so nice and reassuring to have an expert to tell you that you're doing the right thing, keep going. Without that I think it's easier to give in if you're having a bad night. Thank you so much Abi.


Abi is just amazing, our little boy was about 9 months old when we started our program with her. He was still waking up several times a night, having a bottle in the night, only having about an hours nap all day. We made a few small changes to our routine and Abi has been on the other end of the phone the whole way through helping with any questions or problems we had... he will celebrate his first birthday next week and we now sleep through the night & have a brilliant solid nap during the day. Could not recommend her services enough, massive thank you Abi ďż˝


Abi is amazing! Our 16 month little girl’s sleep had got progressively worse since she turned 1. We had to rock her to sleep and she woke many times in the night and we had to settle her. Sometimes she was up for hours in the night. We were desperate for help when we approached Abi. Within a week of following Abi’s routine and support she was settling herself and sleeping through. We really couldn’t believe it! It was worth every penny and I would highly recommend Abi to anyone. We are now 3 months on and our little girl sleeps and naps like a dream :-) thank you Abi


Abi is a total lifesaver. 3 months ago and at well over a year old, we were still up at least 7 times a night and naps longer than 40 mins were the things we only heard about. Now, we sleep 10 hours straight and have a 2 hour nap. I was so worried that Abi wouldn't be gentle, or use any CIO methods as I align with more attachment parenting, but she worked with us in this and I never felt uncomfortable with any advice. We had a very happy baby throughout! If you have a tiny baby, let them wake and do what nature intended- feed and cuddle- they are only tiny for such a short time. But for those that have bigger rascals and you just need some rest, Abi is your woman!

More about Baby Sound Asleep

Baby Sound Asleep is located at Crescent ave, BL51E Bolton