Baby Steps Prematurity Ltd

About Baby Steps Prematurity Ltd

Baby Steps Prematurity is a leading supplier of Premature Baby Clothes and essentials specialising in some of the smallest clothes sold worldwide because even the smallest of babies deserve an equal start <3



Have a lovely Saturday and share the love 😍 Don't forget your host! X


Might aswell do some networking while waiting for our little one to make an appearance! Share those links and spread some love 😁💖

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I was the 1% 💔 Who else suffered from Placental Abruption? 💖


To celebrate international happiness day why don't we have a networking session and share some love 😍
Drop your links below, leave new likes and love and don't forget your host. Have a wonderful day all 💖


Tell us what #NICU your baby spent time in! 💖
#preemie #preemiebaby #prematurityawareness #preemielove #nicuawareness #nicuawarenessmonth #nicujourney #nicumum #nicudad #nicunurse #preemiestrong


We've got 2100 likes!! 💖 It's so lovely to see that likes are still growing despite me being on maternity leave. Thank you so much you lovely lot have an amazing Wednesday 😍


I had this the other day at the midwife 😂
Midwife: Your iron levels are extremely low, do you find that you're feeling tired and breathless?
Me: I'm 8 months pregnant with a 1 year old and 2 year old of course I'm tired and breathless!! 😂😂😂


Cannot recommend this lovely lady enough! Amazing business and supporter of Baby Steps, please give her a like 😍