Babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham And Windsor

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham And Windsor

Welcome to babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham and Windsor. We teach award winning pre-school dance classes to babies, toddlers and children

Babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham And Windsor Description

Where little boys and girls love to dance. Pre-school ballet classes for children 6months-6 years in a friendly and caring environment with the focus on having lots of fun!

Hi I'm Miss Vicki and I run babyballet classes in the Bracknell and Wokingham area. Please do get in touch via here, e-mail or phone and we would love to welcome you to one of our classes!

3 week trials are available for ВЈ20!




The struggle is real рҹҳӮрҹӨ·рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ


рҹҢҹOur new term starts today and we cannot wait to see you all! Have a great week dancing with your friends little stars! рҹҢҹx


рҹ’•Wow! Just got home after a fantastic weekend at the annual babyballet conference in Halifax! ItвҖҷs always so lovely to meet up with the rest of the bb family.
рҹҢҹ I got a special surprise too!!! This September babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham and Windsor will be celebrating turning 10!!!! Eeeek! Time certainly flies when you are having fun!
рҹҺү So watch this space as we will most certainly be celebrating with you all in September!
... Miss Vicki xxx
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Miss Vicki is super excited!!!!! ItвҖҷs babyballet conference time!!! #bbconf2019




вңЁ OK! Magazine gives our babyballet classes the royal stamp of approval! вңЁ
Twinkle and Teddy enjoyed reading this Royal special edition of the magazine and couldnвҖҷt wait to share with you that our classes have been recommended for Royal Baby Archie Harrison.
babyballet classes really are fit for a Prince!! рҹ‘‘


рҹҢҹWhat did you do this Bank Holiday Monday? рҹҢҹ
We hope you had a lovely day! Gorgeous Orla practised her good toes and naughty toes and we think she is just super cute! Thank you to OrlaвҖҷs mummy, Emma for sharing рҹ’•
#babyballetstar #goodtoes


What even is alone time? рҹҳӮ


Good luck Babyballet Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne & Lewes! Have an amazing show day! Xxx


рҹҢҹCAW 2019 рҹҢҹ
We are so incredibly proud to announce that babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham and Windsor raised an amazing ВЈ466.86 in cash donations at classes last week for ChildrenвҖҷs Activities Week!
рҹ’•Not only did you donate this fantastic amount in class, we have also been blown away with the amount that has been raised through sponsorship! You have raised AT LEAST an additional ВЈ765 this way!!!! And this is just from the families we know about!
... Caudwell Children will appreciate this money so much and will go towards helping families affected by autism. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the effort made last week. The children looked fantastic and we had such a great time! We just love the highlights below....
Well done everyone! вӯҗпёҸ Miss Vicki and the team xxx
#WatchMeFly #CAW2019
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What a great half term weвҖҷve had everyone! Hope you enjoy certificate week рҹҢҹ


A huge thank you to all of our photo entries!!! We LOVED seeing them all! It was hard to pick the winner but we just adored Bonnie and her wings рҹ’•
Well done Bonnie, Miss Amy will bring your goodie bag to class on Saturday


Happy Monday everyone! We have loved seeing all your photos from ChildrenвҖҷs Activities Week рҹҗһрҹҰёрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҰёрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҰ Ӣрҹҗқрҹ§ҡрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ§ҡрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ< br> Tonight we will be announcing our winner! ItвҖҷs not too late to enter. Simply post your pic in the comments below. рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»
Here are our wonderful entries so far....
... рҹҳҚрҹҢҹрҹ“ё
#CAW2019 #WatchMeFly
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Miss Vicki, Miss Louise and Miss Bonnie had the best day today helping at Babyballet Romford, Chelmsford, Brentwood & BillericayвҖҷs show today! Well done little stars, you were all amazing! рҹҢҹрҹ’•


рҹҢҹWowee!!!! What an amazing morning of classes to finish ChildrenвҖҷs Activities Week!
We really have had the best time with all of our little stars this week and we hope you have had a great time too!
DonвҖҷt forget our competition! Simply post a picture of your little star dressed up in the comments of any of our #CAW posts рҹҰёрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҰёрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҗһрҹ§ ҡрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ҡрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҰӢрҹҗқр ҹ“ё
... We will give you an update of our fundraising total very soon рҹ’•
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рҹҢҹCAW Online and paper sponsorship fundraising
рҹ’•Hi everyone! Thanks once again for your generous donations in class all of this week! We know that there are quite a few families that have raised money online or who are sending paper sponsor forms in with cheques to be able to receive your gifts (pictures below)
рҹҰёрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸIf you have done the above please would you be so kind as to send us a PM or comment below with the amount you have raised. It will help with our totals as a franchise
Thanks so so much! Miss Vicki xx
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рҹҢҹEeeek!!!!! Today is the last day of ChildrenвҖҷs Activities Week! We canвҖҷt wait to see our Saturday stars for more #WatcMeFly fun and dancing рҹҢҹ
Have the best morning everyone and thank you so so much again for all your donations рҹҳҳрҹ’•

More about Babyballet Bracknell, Wokingham And Windsor

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -