Babymoon Birth Brighton Hypnobirthing

About Babymoon Birth Brighton Hypnobirthing

Childbirth education for safer, easier and more comfortable birth.

Babymoon Birth Brighton Hypnobirthing Description


A Celebration of Life


Everything you need to know to achieve safer, easier and more comfortable birth

To explode the myth that pain is a necessary accompaniment to labor

What’s wrong with labor as it exists with most other childbirth methods

Techniques of deep relaxation to help you eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome

How your body is naturally designed to conceive, nurture and birth your baby with ease and comfort

To create your body’s own natural relaxant, the only safe labor enhancement

Natural ways to bring your body into labor without artificial chemical induction

How you and your birthing companion can create a birthing environment that is calm, serene and joyful, rather than tense and stressful

Gentle birthing techniques that allow you to breathe your baby into the world without the violence of hard physical pushing

To use your natural birthing instincts to birth your baby in a way that most mirrors the way that nature intended

“My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth for both her baby and herself—one she’ll not need to forget. ”
Marie F. Mongan, 1999
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Teaching mothers and birth companions techniques for
safe and satisfying birthing
through guided imagery,
and special breathing

About HypnoBirthing®:

The HypnoBirthing® Childbirth method is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free method of birthing. HypnoBirthing® teaches you, along with your birthing companion, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner. You will learn to call upon your body’s own natural relaxant and thus lessen or eliminate discomfort and the need for medication. When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth and when mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same will-designed manner that it does with all other creatures.

You will be fascinated as you view HypnoBirthing® films showing laboring mothers, awake, alert and in good humor as they experience the kind of gentle birth that you, too, can know when you are free of the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome.

HypnoBirthing® teaches you to release all prior programming about birth, how to trust your body and work with it, as well as how to free yourself of harmful emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and unyielding muscles.

HypnoBirthing® will teach you the art of using your own natural birthing instincts. With HypnoBirthing®, you will be aware and fully in control, but profoundly relaxed.

“I love the philosophy; I love the instructor’s teaching manner. Thanks to HypnoBirthing® and the support I received, my baby’s birth was wonderful. I was confident and free of fear. ”
Kristin Miranda, 1998

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Parent Testimonials:

“HypnoBirthing® gave me a most priceless gift—a childbirth experience that was free of fear. ”

“Nothing can describe the beauty of our birthing experience with HypnoBirthing®. I never dreamed after having two children with another method that I could have so easy a labor. ”

“Our daughter came into this world so much easier than either of us could have hoped for. With Godspeed, keep up the good work of HypnoBirthing®. ”

“The nurses said they had never seen a woman so calm, yet so strong. They couldn’t put the HypnoBirthing® book down. ”

Medical Testimonials:

“This is the way all babies should come into the world. It’s beautiful. Keep up the good work. ”

“I’m a labor and delivery nurse. I work in the field of obstetrics every day. I can hardly believe my eyes as I watch HypnoBirthing® mothers in labor. It’s amazing! ”

“Several of my patients have used HypnoBirthing®. The result: little or no medication and yet, a calm and more comfortable mother. ”

“I’ve been delivering babies for twenty years, and I’ve never seen anything like this method. It’s incredible. ”
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Course Highlights:

How the mind and emotions affect the body • Why labor hurts and why it doesn’t have to • Releasing fear, the enemy of labor • Preparing your mind and body for birthing • Avoiding artificial induction and episiotomy • Developing ultimate-depth relaxation • Understanding the stages of labor • Preparing your Birth Plan •Tapping Nature’s own relaxant • Breathing your baby down for birth
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More about Babymoon Birth Brighton Hypnobirthing

Babymoon Birth Brighton Hypnobirthing is located at Bn1 6 Brighton