


It’s that Janus time of year again…
Traditionally the first Baccus News entry of the year is a retrospective of the last twelve months linked to a somewhat futile attempt to outline a production schedule for the coming year.
This year is no exception, so if you want to have a look at how well we performed in 2018 and check out what we have planned for the next 12 months have a good read at /It'sthatJanustime/
... Enjoy, and please share any thoughts you have or questions that come to mind.
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As we all tumble headlong towards the Yule/Midwinter.Christmas/insert festival of your choice holidays, we have now downed casting ladles and Baccus Megacorp Industries is now officially closed until January 2nd.
We've worked very hard, day and night, to get as many orders out prior to the shutddown, but we've not managed to get them all done. Demand has been unprecedented in the last few weeks, and we have all done our best to keep up. If you are waiting for an order I do a...pologise and we'll get on to it immediately we return.
I'll be posting a round up of 2018 and a suggestion of what to expect from us in 2019 in the next few days.
Team Baccus would like to wish all our customers, past, present and to come a great Xmas and we look forward to making little toy soldiers for you in the 2019 and beyond.
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We have a new team member here at Baccus Central. Not a person, but definitely a positive addition to what we do. Let me introduce you to our new casting machine!
Not only will this be more efficient and speedier than our current no2 machine, (aka 'The Beast), it will also give us the option of running three machines at once during peak demand periods. This will enable us to get those waiting times for orders down.
It will take us a little time to bed the new addition in and get all three machines in place, along with trained casters, but its looking good for the coming months.


It's been LONNNNNNGGGG show season and it's taken it's toll. I'm stood here at my last show of the year and so far I've had three people walk past and say, 'Paint them? I can't even see them!', and I've let them all walk on by without working them over....


The new releases are now arriving in a veritable dribble of Biblical proportions! This week, we're adding some final codes to finish off the Great War Russian range. Strangely enough, our range entered the fray without any cavalry. Yes, there were Uhlans and Cossacks, but no run-of-the-mill bog standard chaps on horses. Well, they are here now, and to go with them, we have dismounted versions, and not be left out, there are some dismounted cossacks.
I've given you a sub...tle little picture clue as what to expect next from us...
Finally, we'll be at the Recon show in Pudsey this Saturday. It's the last show of the year, (Hooray!), but it's also a show at the tail end of an extremely busy season. Our shelves are so depleted that we could very well be in the businesses of selling gaps, holes and general lacunae (look it up) rather than little men. If you are going to the show and have a list, no matter how small, please let us know as soon as possible and we'll make sure we have it ready for you. If, on the other hand, you are after a nice bit of empty space to hang on the wargaming den wall, then we may well be just the stand for you to visit...
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Some new releases, Battleground and Recon
We will kick off with the MKIV male tank featured in the last post. For those of you not lucky enough to be able to pick some up at Warfare this weekend, they are now available where they join our steadily growing group of Great War vehicles.
Secondly, and at long last, we have some mounted troops of the WEC Scottish range. These come in the form of standard pistol and sword wielding Horse and some rather natty looking Lancers.
... Importantly, these enable us be able to once again offer our Covenanting Scots army and booster packs and and English vs Scottish boxed starter set for the period.
We do have lots more bits and pieces coming through the pipeline as we slowly get round to processing a mini-mountain of master figures and models so expect more new goodies to be coming out before Christmas.
Now, I must have said a million times that I'm not one to over-exaggerate, BUT, what I am about to say is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT if you intending to do some Baccus retail therapy at the upcoming Battleground and Recon shows. We have just had two hugely busy wargames shows at Crisis and Warfare and our stock levels in certain areas are critically low or even non-existent. If you know what you would like to pick up at either show, even if it is only one pack, please email or call and let us know so that we can ensure that you get it. This is particularly true, for Wars of the Roses, Napoleonic, Colonial, Great War and WW2 purchases, but there are holes in the stock across the board.
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I am delighted to say that the Baccus shopping cart is now back online. The Tech Chappie's work has finally paid dividends and I am assured that all is as well as it can be.
We're in the final stages of getting ready for Warfare, and we'll have a few bits and pieces available at the show ahead of their general release. FIrst off the blocks is a Great War MKIV male tank. An impressive piece of engineering in any scale.
Behind that we'll also have some ECW Scots Horse and Lancers. No pictures as yet, although to be fair as I'm only cutting the moulds in today, that would be a bit tricky...


Many apologies all round, but I've had to take the Baccus shopping cart offline for what I hope will be a very short period. Paypal recently 'updated' their gubbins and in doing so changed things which caused a number of issues with our (and many other) shopping carts.
In effect this means that:
The customer pays and we receive the funds.
... However, the customer does know that the transaction has gone through.
Our system does not update the order to 'paid' status.
Neither of us gets a confimatory email of a completed order.
As a result, although the order has been successfully done, no-one knows this!
The Tech-Chap is busy scurrying around his Hamster Wheel of Ultimate Solutions and what passes for 'normal' round these parts will be reinstituted as soon as is possible.
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We are about to embark on the lunacy that is the Late Autumn show season. This will see the Baccus road show supporting five shows in a period of just six weeks. 'Madness!', I can hear you all shriek, and you would be absolutely right.
Things will kick off this weekend with a trip to Fiasco in Leeds, move on with our annual visit to Crisis in Antwerp. After a weekend off, we then move through the gears and tick off Warfare in Reading, Battleground in Middlesborough and ro...unding it all off at Recon in Pudsey. After that we fall over in a gibbering heap.
It really is a packed schedule and despite our very best efforts this will have a knock-on effect on mail order delivery times. Apologies in advance, and you can be assured that we will not have any order wait a day longer than it has to, but there are only so many hours in a day available to us. It also means that we not be able to keep our show stock levels topped up, so as ever, if you can drop us a line with specific items to bring to a show for collection it really is in your best interests.
On a more positive note, you will soon start to see the new releases appearing more regularly, albeit in a trickle rather than a flood.
Looking ahead, we are retrenching and restructuring how we go about things in order to ease some of our all too regular supply issues. Firstly, I'd like to introduce you to John.
John has joined us in the role of Casting Assistant, and is currently learning what is an extremely complex and demanding set of tasks. Over the course of the next few months, we'll be adding and training more personnel and with the acquisition of a third casting machine we'll be able to vastly increase our production capacity, We're at the start of this process, so please bear with us as we got through the training.
I hope to see some of you over the next few weeks.
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After a fairly lean few months, I am really pleased that we've got some new releases on offer in the form of three Great War vehicles. The first is a beautiful model limousine, which is sure to add a touch of class to any aspiring general's HQ.
The French get their first tank if the shape of the Renault FT 17. A nice model rendered all the more striking by the French camouflage scheme.
And finally the British can now field their Medium Mark A Whippet.
... We've more bits and pieces in the pipeline as we get the Baccus machine slowly back into gear. If all goes to plan there should be some additions to the WEC Scots range coming soon, more 20thC vehicles and another nation added to the Great War range.
All the above models are available now and can be ordered from
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I know it's a long time between updates, but to paraphrase one of the late Terry Pratchett's wonderful literary creations, 'WE ATEN'T DEAD YET'! In fact we've been tearing into the backlog of orders and getting the pile down very steadily, so delays in getting your wee men will decrease rapidly. Not much in the way of new items for you, as master and mould making have been the casualties of this process, but I've put up some nice new teaser photos for you on my News page....
I've added a piccy of a lovely little staff car to add to the all those Great War HQ sets.
On the scenics front we've not got available some superb latex field sections. These paint up really easily and look great on the table top as they conform to any bumps and inclines giving you a much improved look over similar offerings made of more rigid materials.
Finally, an oft-repeated question from customers to us is, 'How do you separate individual figures from the metal stips?' Well we now provide the perfect solution in the form of a sprue cutting tool.
We've sourced these specially for use with small scale figures as they allow the cutting blades to access small areas, but the handles give you sufficient leverage to make clean cuts. We now use these ourselves in the Baccus workshop for cleaning up castings and removing vents.
You can find more details if you Click Here.
Back to the casting machine!
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Well, almost...
As most of you will have gathered, of late I've been manacled to a casting machine fulfulling orders rather than gadding about trying to get new stuff out. To be honest, that's still the case, but with the Derby Worlds going AWOL this year, there is a six week window to catch up on things and get some progress made.
As you can tell from the picture above, a little headway is being made and you get the first peek at our forthcoming MKIV male tank and Renault ...FT17. They are really cracking little models and herald the start of some nice new releases for the this period once we get over the current bottleneck.
I'll try and get some more advance piccies of the new items as I get them processed to at least give the impression that we're actually making progress!
With all this in mind, Colours at Newbury racecourse is coming up this weekend. With the best will in the world, it will be nigh impossible for us to fully restock our drawers, so I'd encourage any of you to contact is with pre-orders if you know what you are after. Even if it's only one or two packs.
Finally, I'd like to announce that we have a new member of the Baccus team. John is working for us on a part-time basis learning the dark arts of casting. I am sure you'd all wish him well in his studies as he consults the dread grimoires while tending the bubbling cauldrons of magic metal.
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Just to say that the shopping cart is now back on line, but judging from email alerts, quite a few of you already know that. We are still running a backlog on orders, but with the new school term fast approaching I'll be able to get more time in work to tackle this.


We're gearing up for the other Partizan show which is coming up this weekend. Sadly, we've not been able to restock in full following a very busy show at Claymore, so if you know what you'd like to collect at Newark this Sunday, please do get in touch and let us know so that we can be sure to bring it for you.
We'll be switching off the shopping cart on the site very shortly for a few days in order for us to do some catching up on mail order. We've got a bit of a backlog at the moment and I'd like to clear that down. I apologise for any hassles this may cause, but it is only temporary and we'll be back up and running in a few days time.


Travelling to JOS18? Please Read!
Important update to anyone travelling to the Joy of Six on Sunday. Sheffield City Council have arranged to host a mass City Centre bike ride on the 15th which will result in some road closures and traffic calming in the morning. Unlike last year, the route is well away from the venue, but there are a few points you need to be aware of.
The suggested route to the venue can be found here. 8.pdf
... This will be free of mass bike riders, but Arundel gate may be down to a single lane. This should slow things down a little, but not cause too much disruption.
The main issues will arise for anyone travelling in from Manchester via the Snake Pass. Hanover Way will be closed, which is the direct route to get to the City centre from that direction. You will have to take the longer way around, joining the Ring Road and then following the main route via Arundel gate.
Apologies for the lateness of this information. After last year’s fiasco, we asked both Sheffield City Council and the HSBC who sponsor the event, if they had anything planned for this weekend. The reply in 2017 was, ‘we don’t know’, and ‘we can’t confirm anything.’. Subsequent enquiries received broadly similar results.
Despite signing up for any updates we didn’t get any information on this at all until a couple of days ago, our contact at Sheffield Hallam University told us that they had just received the information that there was something going off. Even at this point, there are no published details of the times and points of road closures.
JOS18 has taken over a year to put together on a shoestring with minimum staffing. Two large organisations appear to have thrown together a major and disruptive event on a wing and a prayer and not bothered to tell anyone who may be affected. Argh!
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We're facing a HUGE amount of work over the next few days in the run up to the Joy of Six. As a result I've had to turn the Baccus online ordering system off until this time next week.
We can still accept pre-orders for collection at JOS but you'll have to make them by phone or by email. To be honest if you know what you want I'd recommend that you do get in touch. It's going to be busy and we can't stock in too much depth.


Less than two weeks to go to the Joy of Six.
This year we're trying something different. One of the seminars at the show will be a panel consisting of John Treadaway (Miniature Wargames), Wayne Bollands (Wargames Illustrated) and Neil Shuck and Mike Hobbs (Meeples and Miniatures). We'll be doing a 'Question Time' format trying to address why 6mm has such a poor profile in the hobby and what if anything can be done about it.
I'm really looking forward to this one! ...
If you've any mates who don't think much of the wee chaps we're once again running our free entry for 6mm Sceptics scheme. All the details, as usual at
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I've just posted the line up for this year's Joy of Six. A great mix of traders, an awesome list of games and advance details of a special seminar session. All the details at
We've still got places left for the workshop tours on Saturday 14th, so get in touch quickly to save your place...

More about Baccus6Mm

Baccus6Mm is located at Unit C, Graham House, Bardwell Road, S3 8AS Sheffield
+44 114 272 4491