Bait-Ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre

About Bait-Ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre

Bait-ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre has a capacity of around 2, 500 including spaces for female worshippers.



Asalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah
There will be four Eid jamats on Tuesday 21dt August 2018, inshaAllah
7am... 8am 9am 10am
Please let others know
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Last day party at Baitulaziz evening madrasa.


There are 6 days left of Shawwal, last chance to fast the 6 fasts of Shawwal.
Fasting during Ramadan and then following it with the 6 fasts of Shawwal is like one has fasted the whole year.


We're coming up to the half way point for the month of Shawwal (13th on Wednesday), don't forget the 6 highly rewarding fasts of this month. Don't delay them too long because of the weather! :)


Don't forget the six fasts of Shawwal


There will be Four Eid jamats
7.00 am 8.00 am 9.00 am... 10.00 am
Please ensure you have paid your zakat ul fitr or pay it asap inshaAllah.
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Saudi Arabia confirms first day of Eid Al-Fitr will be on Friday:


Live Tarawih and Dua


Final Juz of Qur'an


The recitation of the Qur'ân is completed in this 30 th Juz, which commences from Sûrah Naba , ending with Sûrah Nâs, the 114th and final Sûrah of the Qur'ân.
In Sûrah Naba (Sûrah Amma), Allâh says that the punishment of Jahannam has been prepared for those people who deny the truth of Islâm. When the trumpet is sounded for the Day of Qiyâmah, the skies will be divided into many roads through which people will pass in droves towards the Plain of Re...
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Summary of Juz 30
The final Juz of the Qur’an is often referred to as Juz Amma’ after its very first word and contains the final 36 chapters of the Majestic Qur’an. As these chapters are short and the verses generally also brief, it is a popular Juz for one to begin their memorisation of the Qur’an. As with the previous Juz, most of these chapters were revealed during the Prophet’s Makkan period. As such, the verses are consoling to the Prophet and the believers with promises... that the small community upon the truth will overcome the powers that be. The believers are advised to remain firm in what they believe, and in one of the Qur’an’s constant themes to patiently persevere in their trials and tribulations. The verses contain not only many warnings of the Hellfire but also beautiful descriptions of Paradise – “Countless springs will flow therein and there will be thrones raised high, and goblets ready, and cushions ranged, and carpets spread out ...” May Allah make us from its inhabitants. Amin.
• About the events of the Last Day; • Aspects of good and bad character; • Allah swears by various objects of creation - ponder these and also reflect on what the oaths were made for; • To reflect on life itself and the end of man and leading from that the need to work for more deeds and follow the truth; • The first ever revelation to our Prophet (eace be upon him), which begins with the command to read, and the best thing to read is the Qur’an; • The third from last chapter, al-Ikhlas (Sincerity) encompasses a third of the Qur’an – Consider why this is the case by reading it and learning it; • To cling firmly to Allah and to abandon everything besides Him.
78. Al-Naba 79. Al-Naziat 80. Abasa 81. Al-Takwir 82. Al-Infitar 83. Al-Mutafifin 84. Al-Inshiqaq 85. Al-Buruj 86. Al-Tariq 87. Al-'Ala 88. Al-Ghashiyah 89. Al-Fajr 90. Al-Balad 91. Al-Shams 92. Al-Layl 93. al-Duha 94. Al-Sharh 95. Al-Tin 96. Al-'Alaq 97. Al-Qadr 98. Al-Bayyinah 99. Al-Zalzalah 100. Al-'Adiyat 101. Al-Qariah 102. Al-Takathur 103. Al-'Asr 104. Al-Humazah 105. Al-Fil 106. Quraysh 107. Al-Ma'un 108. Al-Kawthar 109. Al-Kafirun 110. Al-Nasr 111. Al-Masad 112. Al-Ikhlas 113. Al-Falaq 114. Al-Nas
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Imam Rownoq Islam


Live Taraweeh


This place is like a peice of heaven in a busy part of london,especially 4 cabbies,easy parking ,great wudu facilities, builing looks absolutly beautiful, ppl looking after it are great, during ramadan its a life saver 4 wrking ppl like us, when if at iftari time ur in south east london.




Alhamdulillah such a beautiful place mosque



Very good place

I prayed Many times



A very nice place with nice people. I work just around the corner.

More about Bait-Ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre

Bait-Ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre is located at 1 Dickens Square, SE1 4JL London, United Kingdom
020 7378 7764