Balanced Rider Uk - Biomechanics & Fitness Training

About Balanced Rider Uk - Biomechanics & Fitness Training

Helping competitive riders rid themselves of bad posture habits, straightness issues or pain affecting results. 1-2-1 posture sessions, classes & workshops



Last day to get your tickets for the Kent workshop tomorrow!
Click on the booking link below to save your space. The link shuts at 7pm tonight. We cannot do entries on the door. Looking forward to meeting all you head droppers, wonky sitters, forward tippers and stirrup losers tomorrow and getting to work on the habits that have been hindering your riding progression.
... Ellie
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Today’s musings, there’s never a better time than NOW...


If you’ve not already, why not like us on Instagram and find useful videos and tips to help you perfect your riding position and improve your results this summer? Find us @balancedrideruk 👍


Last few days to get hold of your tickets before this off-horse position workshop in Kent. Booking link below...
We’ll be looking at:
- Addressing the most common position problems and increasing stability, core power & control in the saddle with some simple body changes
... - how to increase engagement and suppleness by using your body the correct way
- how to target and work on specific problems that may have been affecting you and your horse.
All in 2.5 hours! There is also cake (yay!)
If this is for you, don’t miss out on your ticket for the 11:00 workshop as we’re almost fully booked. I keep group sizes small and personal so I can work with each one of you.
Book your ticket at: Https:// .
This is the ONLY time we’ll be in Kent this year, so don’t miss out!
Ellie x
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If you’re sick of hearing your instructor repeat the same mantra every lesson, you’ve picked up position destroying habits like sitting wonky, head dropping, stirrup losing, tipping forward, connection problems, you’re worrying your problems affect ponio or you’re struggling with confidence when riding... quite simply, you need to be here!
Fix My Riding Position clinics help you break bad habits, change position ...problems and boost confidence levels so you can enjoy your hobby again. You’ll have never experienced anything like it! It is not a Pilates session. This clinic will show you:
- where the bad habit starts in your body & how to test it
- how to make 'now' changes for immediate position improvement
- specific fixes for bad habits that hold you back, with homework exercises you can do on and off-horse.
- lightbulb moments on problems like: 1. engaging your core 2. sitting to the trot comfortably 3. improving effectiveness of the half halt 4. maintaining an upright, secure, stable yet relaxed position.
All in 2 hours, and without a horse in sight. There is also cake!
Book your space here:
I look forward to meeting you soon!
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I just love this 🤣 Happy hump day


After a few days away, I can’t wait to get back to my boys. I love to be around their individual personalities. William and I take time to play as well as work in the school, and he loves to be the centre of attention!
Any photos of you loving time with your furry besties?


If you’re sick of hearing your instructor repeat the same mantra every lesson, you’ve picked up position destroying habits like sitting wonky, head dropping, stirrup losing, tipping forward, connection problems, you’re worrying your problems affect ponio or you’re struggling with confidence when riding... quite simply, you need to be here!
Fix My Riding Position clinics help you break bad habits, change po...sition problems and boost confidence levels so you can enjoy your hobby again. You’ll have never experienced anything like it! It is not a Pilates session. This clinic will show you:
- where the bad habit starts in your body & how to test it
- how to make 'now' changes for immediate position improvement
- specific fixes for bad habits that hold you back, with homework exercises you can do on and off-horse.
- lightbulb moments on problems like: 1. engaging your core 2. sitting to the trot comfortably 3. improving effectiveness of the half halt 4. maintaining an upright, secure, stable yet relaxed position.
All in 2 hours, and without a horse in sight. There is also cake!
Book your space here:
I look forward to meeting you soon!
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How many times have you been upset, frustrated or down about how bad position habits affect your riding? You’ve tried lots of things, but nothings really worked, and you’re worrying that your horse is suffering.
Posture habits can creep up on you unnoticed and, before you know it your riding is suffering. Holding your baby repeatedly on the same side, crossing the same leg, sleeping on the same side... they cause muscle memories that become ingrained.
I like to liken our bo...dies to a computer. Too much unnecessary stress, information overload or poor use of our systems can cause us to slow down and be ineffective. Similarly we can install and upgrade new muscle memories, and delete old ones which are slowing down our performance, just like we do with a new phone or computer.
Think about position correction sessions doing this for your body. After looking at how your body and brain are performing together, and how that affects your everyday posture and riding position, we take your body and brain through movement patterns that install new muscle memories, straightening your body and improving your performance.
Results like the picture below show changes after just one session. This is a way to hack your body and override problems like wonky sitting, forward tipping, head dropping and more from the inside out. The possibilities are endless.
Want to know more? Drop us a comment or PM and we’ll get in touch to find out how we can best help you address your position problems
The pictures below show a before and after correction of a few minutes on just ONE muscle. Straightening out the upper body and helping with problems like wonky sitting and back pain.
If you need to address position problems you haven’t been able to solve, and need a different perspective, why not see if it’s something I can help with. Pop me a message
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Struggling with wonky sitting, head dropping, stirrup losing, forward tipping or frustrating habits like a lack of connection stopping you enjoying & progressing your riding?
... If you could target and STOP these habits in as little as 10 days, would you do it?
This online video training programme will help you do just that!
- Bitesize videos no more than 7 mins long - Immediate access, start today! - work through 1 video daily for 10 days - Daily emails to help & support you - Members only Facebook support group - Videos are yours to keep - Repeat programme as many times as you like, you don’t have to do it in 10 days.
To book your place on the 10 days to better riding programme click here:
Https:// rriding
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And we’re off again... If you’ve been frustrated by bad riding habits like sitting wonky, head dropping, stirrup losing, tipping forward or struggling with fear when riding or connection problems, this clinic will open your eyes to what’s been causing the issues and give you some light bulb moments to change your riding for the better.
Working through the body systematically we’ll:
... - test common areas of the body causing main bad riding habits - target the areas of your body holding your riding back - learn fundamental secrets to improving your riding position almost immediately to create a secure, stable rider
There is also cake might I add!
Come and get into a fun, enjoyable off-horse clinic, just for riders to improve your position exponentially and get back to really enjoying your hobby, which is what we all do it for!
Book your space here:
I look forward to meeting you soon!
Ellie x
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One of the most rewarding things for me as a equestrian posture coach is looking back at all the people I’ve helped at workshops, one to one sessions, or via my online programmes, and seeing progress, positivity at seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and the feedback one people apply the changes when they ride and feel the difference.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with you all, and help show you how to enjoy your riding again and help your partnership grow and be the best it can. Here’s to more this year.
Thank you!


WONKY SITTER, FORWARD TIPPER OR OTHER FRUSTRATING BAD HABITS? Last few days countdown to the workshop near Sutton Coldfield!
We’re only in Aldridge once this year, so if you want to be at this riding position revolutionising workshop, grab the last few spaces quick via the link at the bottom.
... We’ll be looking at:
- How your horse feels when your position gets in the way - What happens in your body when you develop a bad habit - Testing & targeting parts of the body holding the root of your bad habit habits - Corrections to take home and practice to short circuit your habits and re-wire better muscle memories so you don’t have to think about them anymore
Book your place at:
The booking link will shut on Wednesday 10th April, so there’s still 48hours to grab your place.
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Good article with some helpful reminders for spring. Let’s get to it. #SummerIsOnTheWay #Yay ings-every-horse…/…


Anyone have a similar ‘stylish dismount’ photo? If so, pleeeeeease post it! 🤣🤣 I think I’ll award a prize for the best one... #bravepantsaward


The most important factor in changing posture? Self awareness. Sense check yourself regularly when doing things that promote poor posture like driving, riding and desk working.
Make sure your ears are over the shoulders and your chin is tucked in slightly to avoid the head moving too far forward, which throws off your balance, and over time worsens overall posture, which is a big factor in your riding stability
Watch this space for a tips video shortly on improving head position


Being a balanced rider means balancing not only your body but your mind too... which is the main driver of all results. 'Think and you do'. Your body is a slave to the mind and will reflect the emotional state you’re projecting, even if you think you’re not giving anything away.
How many times have we taken our horse in the arena to 'school' them, but not with any clear goals or markers in place to measure the session. This doesnt allow your horse to learn, or for either of to feel like you've acheived anything.
So... every time you ride, ask yourself
What are my goals for today? How important are they to acheive today? Why do I need to acheive them?
Having a sense of purpose will help you start each session with clarity and focus and allow you to take something away from each ride so you can take out the positives, not frustrations, which are usually as a result of poor planning.
So, to school for success, have a clear goal for that session in mind, stay calm and quiet, allow your horse plenty of breaks to relax and take in what you're asking, and keep sessions short and sweet, ideally finishing when they give you what you want, or a step towards it.
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Wonky sitter, forward tipper, stirrup loser? Sound familiar? If you’re sick of being frustrated with your riding position, worrying about how it affects your horse and want to do something about it, time to get your behind to this off-horse position workshop designed to identify your bad body habits, and set you back on the road to straighter, effective and above all enjoyable riding!
We’ve helped over 750 riders fix their position problems over the last year, and I’d love yo...u to be one of them.
There are just a few spaces left on this workshop so if you want to be here, be quick! Book your space at
Look forward to seeing you there!
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More about Balanced Rider Uk - Biomechanics & Fitness Training

Balanced Rider Uk - Biomechanics & Fitness Training is located at 30 Borneo Street, WS4 2HY Walsall