Balancing Eel

About Balancing Eel

Fish and Chips prepared the traditional way.

Opening hours are 12. 00 til approx 2. 00pm and then 5. 00pm until approx 8. 00pm. Phone for today's hours



With thanks to Whites of St Ives for this photo - you can see the Balancing Eel in the picture :)


Please, once again may we request that customers use information found on search engine and review sites with caution. With particular reference to opening hours written on sites like Google, Yell, Foursquare, Yelp, Sugarvine, 192 etc... The information contained on these sites is not provided by us, is not sanctioned by us, and is not possible to maintain quickly and effectively by us.
If you wish to know our opening hours please pop in and ask, or call us or refer to the information on here. Our Facebook page is the only official online presence we maintain.
Please do not get offended at us when the information obtained from any other source is not accurate.


Don't forget we're open throughout the day during the holidays from mid-day until 9.00pm (or later....)
Also may we express a big 'thank you' once again to all our customers for your patience and good humour at this very busy time of year. I know we say it every year, and it seems that St Ives (and the Balancing Eel) are getting busier and busier!
Whilst we're on the 'thank yous', a quick mention to all who have taken the time to comment on the travel review sites. Your... lovely comments are appreciated and passed on to the team who work hard at this time.
Enjoy your holidays!!
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Please join our campaign to reduce single use plastic


We know!


Proud to say the Balancing Eel is supporting this campaign to help reduce the use of plastic in St Ives. Please help us spread the news by sharing this


Happy holidays everyone!
The great news is this amazing weather looks set to continue for a while yet, so enjoy it and enjoy St Ives. If you need a break from the heat why not call in for some delicious food - maybe something 'cooler' than normal....


We took a day away from work yesterday but not away from fish n chips!


We support the England team - wishing Harry and the team best of luck tomorrow!


Take a look!


Wenn Sie nach St. Ives kommen wollen sie sicher gute Fisch & Chips essen. Wir verkaufen die besten Fisch & Chips der ganzen Stadt St. Ives. Sechs verschiedene Arten Fisch bieten wir ihnen an, entweder frittiert oder gegrillt.
- Kabeljau – Der Standardfisch von Großbrittanien. Den benutzt man im traditionellen Fisch & Chips - Schellfisch – Ein Fisch mit einen kräftigeren Geschmack. Schellfisch wird mit Haut an einer Seite serviert wird. - Scholle – Ein flacher Fisch der eine...m nicht im Magen schwer liegen wird. Mit ein Stückchien Zitrone ist dieser Fisch perfekt zum Mittagessen. - Hecht – Die Spezialität von St. Ives. Dieser Fisch wird in die Hafen von Cornwall gefangen und abgeliefert, so frisch wie es sein kann. - Mackrele – Der würzigster Fisch auf unsere Speisekarte. Mit pfefferigem Geschmack. - Rotzunge – Ein köstlicher Fisch, der Fisch der von sich aus einen Zitronen Geschmack hat.
Besuchen sie unser kleines Restaurant mit freundlicher Bedienung und natürlich auch die Auswahl an traditionelles, Englisches Essen. Wir haben eine gemütliche Lage wo man Hafenblick ein Bisschien vom Touristenbetrieb entfernt bekommen kann, aber sind auch nicht vom Hafen entfernt.
Probieren sie Fisch & Chips bei the Balancing Eel sie werden nicht enttäuscht sein!
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great service with friendly staff and very tasty food


The best by far


Good grub and friendly service.


Five stars, highly recommend.


Best place on earth


Best fish & chips


Best chippy for miles and the little bald fella is a star


great service with friendly staff and very tasty food


The best by far


Good grub and friendly service.


Five stars, highly recommend.


Best place on earth


Best fish & chips


Best chippy for miles and the little bald fella is a star


great service with friendly staff and very tasty food


The best by far


Good grub and friendly service.


Five stars, highly recommend.


Best place on earth


Best fish & chips


Best chippy for miles and the little bald fella is a star

More about Balancing Eel

01736 796792