Bambach And Cerebral Palsy

About Bambach And Cerebral Palsy

The Bambach Saddle Seat can radically improve the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy. Call 0800 581108 for a no obligation demonstration and free trial.

Bambach And Cerebral Palsy Description

Change a seat. Change a life.

Children who display very poor posture and sitting balance on conventional seating will often find a Bambach considerably more supportive, and will assume healthier sitting postures. As well as being a highly effective means of increasing independence, optimizing quality of life and preventing the onset of further complications, continued use of the Bambach will act as a therapy and will improve trunk control, sitting balance, and both lower and upper limb function.

Bambach special needs seating for children with Cerebral Palsy can make a massive difference to a child suffering with this condition.



Did you know... Adults with Cerebral Palsy could get funding for a Bambach Saddle Seat through the government run scheme - 'Access to Work'
If you'd like to know more about the Bambach Saddle Seat, please call our freephone number 0800 581108, email or visit
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Hannah suffered from TB induced meningitis at the age of one, as a result of which she had a stroke. This has left her with severe weakness down her right hand side. Her right arm is particularly affected, which means that Hannah has very little functional use of her right hand. Although Hannah is able to walk independently, weakness in her right leg means that she needs a stick for walking distances and is unable to stand for long periods and when standing she has to use her... left hand to hold on to her stick or a solid surface, which means she has no useful hand to carry out tasks.
Before using a Bambach: Hannah had difficulty in maintaining a healthy sitting posture on conventional seating. Decreased pelvic control resulted in her pelvis rotating backwards into a posterior tilt position which caused her to slouch, often over to her weaker side which placed unnecessary strain on her spine and also compromised her ability to use her stronger left arm/hand. Hannah’s Physiotherapist highlighted the need for a functional task seat that would encourage an active sitting position and also encourage active use of her weaker right leg. By fitting a fixed footplate on the left side of the star base, the therapist aimed to encourage increased use of Hannah’s weaker right leg for movement.
Since using her Bambach: In the Bambach, Hannah’s pelvis was maintained and supported in its neutral position, which allowed her to actively maintain an upright and symmetrical sitting posture. This improved her core stability and her postural control. Hannah's improved posture allowed her to sit upright and unsupported eliminating the need to use her stronger hand for balance and support, enabling her to carry out many tasks which she would otherwise be unable to do.
For a free no obligation assessment and demonstration and/or a free 14 day trial, freephone 0800 581108, email or visit
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Why not see the Bambach at one of our exhibitions. To find out where we're exhibiting, email or freephone 0800 581108.


Change a seat. Change a life.
The Bambach is used by Health Professionals worldwide as a therapeutic tool to manage and improve the lives of children as young as 2 years old, all the way through to adult, with numerous conditions including:
ASD... S is much taller than his peers and is using the Bambach with a higher desk to improve his posture in class, as standard school seats encourage him to slump forward and for his concentration to lapse. He also often complained of Backache prior to using the Bambach. Since using the Bambach and a slightly higher desk, S sits much more upright, his concentration has improved and his Back no longer hurts at the end of the school day.
Downs Syndrome T is 4 and was finding it hard to sit at her desk comfortably for any longer than a few seconds, which was very disruptive in class. Her OT requested an assessment and a free trial with the Bambach and after the 2 Week free trial the school were delighted with her behavior, posture and attention span during lessons.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome S is 8 and suffers with painful joints and was finding it very uncomfortable to sit and concentrate in class on a standard seat. Following the 2 week trial she reported much less pain and the class teacher reported that her concentration was much improved.
Leg length Discrepancy Following trials of various different chairs his therapists decided to trial the Bambach seat at school. J uses his Bambach all the time at school and sits symmetrically and well with good foot positioning, and when engaged he was able to sit still and focus on task.
Low Muscle tone C (9) is very floppy and normally sits in a wheelchair. Mum was keen to have him sitting well and being more inclusive in class. She took advantage of the free trial and C now uses the seat at home and school. In his Bambach he is at the same height as his peers enabling better social interaction, improving his posture and confidence.
Poor Core Stability S is 11 and used to spend most of her time in a wheelchair strapped in, when out of her harness her nose gravitates to the desk, making concentration very difficult. She now uses the Bambach for several lessons a day where she feels much more confident and independent, and enjoys giving her muscles a good stretch. She understand that she cannot use it all day, but it has greatly improved her access to the curriculum.
Scoliosis J (14) is a very enthusiastic user of the Bambach. It enables him to be out of his wheelchair for 2 lessons a day and be like everyone else. The seat rotates, levels and supports his pelvis activating core muscles which slow the development of his scoliosis.
Call freephone 0800 581 108 and ask for details of our free assessment and free trial. Or visit ral-palsy
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Paediatric FREE TRIAL application form:…/free-assessm ent-demonstration-a…/


The childrens Bambach is available in four sizes:
1. Bambino (small, for children as young as 2).
2. Standard.
... 3. Cutaway (for petite users with limited abduction).
4. Executive (for larger users).
All versions are available with or without a back rest.
Freephone 0800 581 108, mention Facebook and ask for your free assessment, demonstration and home/school trial. Funding may be available!
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The Bambach really can radically improve the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy. Freephone 0800 581108 and ask for details of our free assessment, demonstration and free no obligation trial. Funding may be available.
Call 0800 581 108


"My son has one for his cerebral palsy... Such a different seating position x" Lynne Dotty Carver Lampard


Change a seat. Change a life.
Cerebral Palsy ... Spina Bifida Muscular Dystrophy Juvenile Arthritis Prader-Willi Syndrome Rett Syndrome Stickler Syndrome Scoliosis
FREE assessment, demonstration and 14 day trial. Funding may be available.
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Bambach supportive seating for children with cerebral palsy is an extremely flexible product. With many optional extras, it can be precisely tailored to the needs of almost any child or young person.
• 3 seat sizes • 5 adjustable height ranges • Free stem upgrade so user cannot outgrow seat... • Many colour options • Natural wool covering option • Adjustable pelvic supports • Thoracic supports - width and height adjustable • Pelvic strap • Height and angle adjustable back rest • Adjustable foot rest • Easily positionable base with foot operated locking castors • FREE 14-day trial on most seats
Call FREEPHONE 0800 581108 Visit ral-palsy/
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Case study: Laurel
Laurel, a 17 years old with Cerebral Palsy, has a spinal scoliosis and is also autistic.
Seat specification: ... Bambach Executive with a backrest.
Laurel can walk independently for short distances but mobilizes with a flexed gait due to tightness in her hip flexors. She relies on her wheelchair for mobility in situations which would need her to walk longer distances. Laurel’s spinal deformity means that she often suffers with considerable back pain and finds standing for long periods particularly painful.
Before using a Bambach: Laurel had tried other specialist seating but had found them difficult to tolerate due to her decreased sitting balance and back pain. Her Occupational Therapist recommended the Bambach Saddle Seat as she was aware that Laurel had been horse-riding for several years which had been very successful in improving balance, coordination and core stability. The aim of using a Bambach was to improve sitting balance and allow a more symmetrical sitting posture with the hope of addressing her scoliosis and reducing back pain.
Since using her Bambach: Laurel mainly uses her Bambach at the computer for her studies and leisure activities. With the pelvis and trunk supported on the Bambach, Laurel is able to maintain a healthy, upright sitting posture when working at the computer. This is crucial in ensuring that her spinal deformity does not progress which could possibly result in surgical intervention. The sitting position on the Bambach also places the hips flexor muscles in a lengthened position compared with conventional seating which will hopefully help maintain muscle length which will assist Laurel’s mobility. Laurel uses an executive saddle as it gave her a wider base of support and she found it the most comfortable of the Bambach range. Since using the Bambach, Laurel’s family saw a marked improvement in terms of her back pain.
For more information, call Bambach free on 0800 581108 or visit ral-palsy/
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Free, no obligation assessment, demonstration, and 14 day trial, at home or school. Visit ral-palsy/ or freephone 0800 581108


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More about Bambach And Cerebral Palsy

Bambach And Cerebral Palsy is located at 6 Prospect Business Park, Langston Road, IG10 3TR London, United Kingdom
0800 581108