Baraka Certified Translations

About Baraka Certified Translations

We offer Professional, Certified Translations, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates. Competitive rates, starting from £30!

Baraka Certified Translations Description

We offer Professional, Certified Translations, accepted by all major UK government agencies, as well as all major Embassies.


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If you are in Leicester and you need help with your Benefits applications, call Taraque! He worked more than 20 years for the City Council, before starting his own agency.


If you are a business buyer, you may wish to read the guide published by the Institute of Translators and Interpreting: Translation - Getting it Right! /242/English.pdf


Per qualsiasi vostra esigenza di traduzioni di documenti ufficiali, non esitate a contattarci, senza impegno telefonicamente o per email, saremo lieti di fornirvi un tempestivo preventivo gratuito e qualunque tipo di informazione e assistenza. Essendo membro del CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists) e Membro Associato dell'ITI (Institute of Translating nd Interpreting), le mie traduzioni certificate sono accettate da Home Office, HMRC (Tax Credit), Università, NARIC, NHS e ...dal Consolato italiano.
Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI
Tel: 07815500826
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Some of the documents we translate:
Academic Transcripts/Diplomas Passports / ID cards Birth Certificates... Marriage Certificates Divorce Decrees Driving Licenses Medical Reports Police Clearance CRBs Insurance Claims Bank Statements Affidavits Reference Letters All Official and Legal Documents Certified Translations for Official Use in the UK and Abroad To have your document certified
Scan your documents to PDF or any image format. E-mail us your request at If you are happy with our quote, you will easily pay online. Once payment is received, the deadline for completion of your translation will usually be 24 hours. When complete and approved, your Translation and Certificate of Authenticity are stamped, embossed, dated, signed and posted to you.
Tel: 07815500826
Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI Certified Translator
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Baraka Translations & Services è un’agenzia di traduzioni leader nel settore, riconosciuta per la competenza, qualità e tempestività nei servizi che offre, specializzata in traduzioni certificate. Essendo membro del CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists) di Londra, le nostre traduzioni certificate sono accettate da Home Office, HMRC (Tax Credit), Università, NARIC, Ambasciate e Consolati, Uffici Benefits, e altri uffici nel Regno Unito e all’estero. Per qualsiasi vostra esig...enza di traduzioni di testi o di documenti, non esitate a contattarci, senza impegno telefonicamente o per email, saremo lieti di fornirvi un tempestivo preventivo gratuito e qualunque tipo di informazione e assistenza
Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL Traduttrice Certificata
Tel: 07815500826
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Depuis 2012, je fournis avec compétence et dévouement mes services de traduction certifiée (assermentée, agréé) de vos documents officiels. Je suis: – Membre du Chartered Institute of Linguists (Institut Agréé de Linguistes de Londres), – Membre Associée de l’Institute of Translation and Interpreting (Institut de Traducteurs et Interprètes). Mes traductions certifiées (assermentées) sont en conformité avec le Ministère de l’intérieur (Home Office), la NARIC, les instituts aca...démiques, consulats, tribunaux, NHS (système de santé britannique), Bureaux pour les Prestations sociales (Child Benefits, Tax Credit, Housing Benefits) et bien d’autres agences et institutions d’Etat au Royaume-Uni et à l’étranger. N’hésitez pas à me contacter maintenant, afin de discuter de vos besoins particuliers, pour profiter de mon expertise et obtenir des traductions rapides, exactes, certifiées à des prix raisonnables ; j’espère bientôt pouvoir être à votre service.
Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI Traductrice certifiée Manager au sein de Baraka Certified Translations
Pour obtenir un devis immédiatement, téléphonez-moi au +44 07815500826 E-mail:< br> See MoreSince 2012, I have provided with competence and dedication my certified translation services (Certified, approved) of your official documents.
I am:
- member of the chartered institute of linguists (Accredited Institute of linguists in London),
- Associate member of the institute of translation and interpreting (Institute of translators and interpreters).
My certified translations are in conformity with the ministry of the interior (home office), naric, academic institutes, consulates, courts, NHS (British Health System), offices for social benefits (child benefits, tax credit) , housing benefits) and many other state agencies and institutions in the United Kingdom and abroad.
Do not hesitate to contact me now, to discuss your special needs, to benefit from my expertise and to obtain fast, accurate, certified translations at reasonable prices; I hope soon to be at your service.

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI
Certified Translator
Manager in baraka certified translations

To get a quote immediately, call me at + 44 07815500826
Email: Barakatranslations@Hotmail.Com
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We are OPEN this SUMMER! Except for Eid Holidays (20-26 August 2018).
For a free quote, contact us today!
... E-mail:
Tel. 07815500826
Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL Certified Translator
#certified #translation #translations #translator #sworn #UK #official #document #documents #immigration #certificate #birth #marriage #medical #report #divorce #decree #diploma #degree #university #open #summer
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User mici-inglese


ITI’s Code of Professional Conduct:…/Code%20of%20pro fessional%20conduct%…


great service, very professional and courteous, friendly and helpful for each need, I highly recommend


Very professional, cooperative and competent with very good prices. I recommend it to everyone. I asked for a document for my university and she did everything in the same day! I am very happy to know this agency


Very professional and so quick! Highly recommended


Very professional and cooperative. Dealing with Baraka Translation, as a translator, was a really very satisfactory, enjoyable and professional experience, ma shaa Allah. The agency is run by someone who is very attentive to detail; understands the time needed for providing an accurate and excellent work, provides a perfect link between the translator and clients to facilitate any textual difficulties or ambiguities, and is exceptionally prompt in payment for the service. I highly recommend it for certain.


Very impressed with the service provided. Great quality and customer service. I highly recommend Baraka Translations for any translating job.


Very competent and professional..

I needed help her once to translate my ''diploma di stato'' from Italian to English and it was quite urgent.

So Mrs Aisha Barbara, mashallah, translated my certificate very quickly and in less than 48 hours it delivered to mine.

It was perfect.. I absolutely recommend her to you as she is professional as well as really nice!


Traduzioni validissime e personale efficientissimo e serissimo...contattate BARAKA TRANSLATIONS e vi troverete benissimo!! ^_^


Traduzioni affidabili e professionali, e prezzi ottimi! Consigliatissima!


Sono rimasto molto contento dal servizio fornito,ottimo lavoro qualita’ e servizio clienti. Consiglio vivamente Baraka Translations per qualsiasi lavoro di traduzione.


Ottimo servizio di qualità e tanta cortesia.

In futuro continuerò a rivolgermi a Baraka Translations & Services in sha Allah .


Mi sono affidata a Barbara che è stata molto professionale, preparata, disponibile e sopratutto veloce nel suo servizio. Sono molto soddisfatta


Massima professionalità ed affidabilità. Sono molto soddisfatta delle traduzioni effettuate da Baraka. Aisha è stata estremamente cortese e disponibile. Ho apprezzato particolarmente anche la celerità del servizio: ho ricevuto la copia digitale dei miei documenti tradotti in soli 2 giorni e quella cartacea il giorno successivo.


Il partner ideale per chi ha necessità di traduzioni... Li avessi conosciuti prima, mi sarei affidato a loro per il mio viaggio in UK...


I used another translation agency for the past 10 years. Last month, they let us down on a very large project and we needed to find a new agency to work with (in a hurry). As it was Easter time we were really stuck and we were very lucky to have found Baraka Translations. Not only did they deliver the translations urgently as we needed them, but they were cheaper than the other company.


I needed an urgent certified translation for my embassy, ​​I turned to Baraka translations by chance and found professionalism speed and price.


I am very happy to know this agency, very prefessional and confidential. I recommend it to everyone


Grande professionalità e accurato servizio per diversi tipi di traduzione. Baraka Translation è un'importante strumento per traduzioni di qualità.


Friendly and courteous. Mrs Farina'work is very thorough and she listens to your concerns with undivided attention. I rate her translations 10/10.


Dal punto di vista linguistico è veramente preparata, ottime le traduzioni dal'inglese all'italiano. Un supporto utilissimo per chi avesse bisogno di questo servizio.


great service, very professional and courteous, friendly and helpful for each need, I highly recommend


Very professional, cooperative and competent with very good prices. I recommend it to everyone. I asked for a document for my university and she did everything in the same day! I am very happy to know this agency


Very professional and so quick! Highly recommended


Very professional and cooperative. Dealing with Baraka Translation, as a translator, was a really very satisfactory, enjoyable and professional experience, ma shaa Allah. The agency is run by someone who is very attentive to detail; understands the time needed for providing an accurate and excellent work, provides a perfect link between the translator and clients to facilitate any textual difficulties or ambiguities, and is exceptionally prompt in payment for the service. I highly recommend it for certain.


Very impressed with the service provided. Great quality and customer service. I highly recommend Baraka Translations for any translating job.


Very competent and professional..

I needed help her once to translate my ''diploma di stato'' from Italian to English and it was quite urgent.

So Mrs Aisha Barbara, mashallah, translated my certificate very quickly and in less than 48 hours it delivered to mine.

It was perfect.. I absolutely recommend her to you as she is professional as well as really nice!


Traduzioni validissime e personale efficientissimo e serissimo...contattate BARAKA TRANSLATIONS e vi troverete benissimo!! ^_^


Traduzioni affidabili e professionali, e prezzi ottimi! Consigliatissima!


Sono rimasto molto contento dal servizio fornito,ottimo lavoro qualita’ e servizio clienti. Consiglio vivamente Baraka Translations per qualsiasi lavoro di traduzione.


Ottimo servizio di qualità e tanta cortesia.

In futuro continuerò a rivolgermi a Baraka Translations & Services in sha Allah .


Mi sono affidata a Barbara che è stata molto professionale, preparata, disponibile e sopratutto veloce nel suo servizio. Sono molto soddisfatta


Massima professionalità ed affidabilità. Sono molto soddisfatta delle traduzioni effettuate da Baraka. Aisha è stata estremamente cortese e disponibile. Ho apprezzato particolarmente anche la celerità del servizio: ho ricevuto la copia digitale dei miei documenti tradotti in soli 2 giorni e quella cartacea il giorno successivo.


Il partner ideale per chi ha necessità di traduzioni... Li avessi conosciuti prima, mi sarei affidato a loro per il mio viaggio in UK...


I used another translation agency for the past 10 years. Last month, they let us down on a very large project and we needed to find a new agency to work with (in a hurry). As it was Easter time we were really stuck and we were very lucky to have found Baraka Translations. Not only did they deliver the translations urgently as we needed them, but they were cheaper than the other company.


I needed an urgent certified translation for my embassy, ​​I turned to Baraka translations by chance and found professionalism speed and price.


I am very happy to know this agency, very prefessional and confidential. I recommend it to everyone


Grande professionalità e accurato servizio per diversi tipi di traduzione. Baraka Translation è un'importante strumento per traduzioni di qualità.


Friendly and courteous. Mrs Farina'work is very thorough and she listens to your concerns with undivided attention. I rate her translations 10/10.


Dal punto di vista linguistico è veramente preparata, ottime le traduzioni dal'inglese all'italiano. Un supporto utilissimo per chi avesse bisogno di questo servizio.

More about Baraka Certified Translations