Barbelles And Ponytails With Victoria Hudson

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 20:00

About Barbelles And Ponytails With Victoria Hudson

Health - Fitness - Confidence - Nutrition Expert in Female Weight Loss Who Has Helped 100's Of Women Offering Small female only Bootcamps & 121 Personal Training. Online coaching also available.

Barbelles And Ponytails With Victoria Hudson Description

BarBelles and Ponytails is the Ultimate in Girl Power.

Owned and run By Victoria Hudson

Think strong & fit, Think HIIT, think Bootcamps, think fitness, think fat loss, think yoga, think sports massge, think Reiki Healing, think diet, think BADASS! !

No mirrors
No Egos

Just ladies empowering each other to become Badass confident women building bodies to be proud of.
lifting heavy shit (if thats your thing)
being the best version of you.
and being happy to do it!

What is offered?

Personal Training on a 121 or small group basis
and Plenty of group training options. . . .

due to popularity with these group sessions, i do not offer a drop in pay as you go option for most of the classes.
How does it work? you sign up to your chosen option (group pt /larger groups) and the days and times. Pay a monthly fee which is priced depending on how many sessions you wish to come to and your space is always available.

All PT is built around the lady lifts model. (designed and created by Victoria) Using programs and Diet advice that suits REAL ladies.
we still also offer the the lady lifts online programs.




Drilling a bit of snatchy snatchy tekkers today....feeling good! ‚ÄĘ Thanks to the gnome @clark_liam_ for the top tips ‚ėĚūüŹĹ #5minuteswiththegnome #grownbythegnome #snatch #crossfitgirlsuk #crossfitrotherham #girlpower


If I could speak to my 5 year old self I would say ‚Äėdon‚Äôt quit gymnastics Victoria you will want them when you are older‚Äô ‚ÄĘ Bike: max effort TTB: bike; M.E TTB....ūü•īūü§™ūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü§łūüŹľ‚ Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüöīūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔ łŹit was a fun day!


I keep talking about the link between mental health and exercise. And how it can make a huge impact on you and your life. ‚ÄĘ This is Chloe. And I want to share her story with you. She‚Äôs the most amazing young girl and she‚Äôs openly spoken of this on her social media and has given me her blessing to post it on mine. & To help raise awareness and the link between exercise and mental health. ‚ÄĘ Chloe started off like most girls do with the aim of losing a ‚Äėbit of fluff‚Äô and better. ‚ÄĘ Not knowing how to diet properly she went onto a restricted diet which spiralled out of control alongside excessive exercise. ‚ÄĘ I want to point out here. Exercising 4/5x a week is not excessive. ‚ÄĘExercise becomes excessive when; you arnt allowing your body time to recover. And it starts to effect performance - so doing so much that when you do next exercise you think you are giving ūüíĮ but actually you can‚Äôt. (You only improve on the days you recover) Or it takes over your life in a negative way - eg ‚Äėif I don‚Äôt exercise today I will punish myself by not eating‚Äô ‚ÄĘ Chloe became ill last year and was admitted to hospital with anorexia. And after spending time in hospital she is now on the road to recovery. Loving her body. Having a f**k it attitude to food, knowing that you eat to fuel the body and you eat because you enjoy it! ‚ÄĘ She‚Äôs started with me doing strength training, mostly weights, learning skills deadlifts, squats etc. And she‚Äôs loving it. Each week she comes she looks like a new woman. But most importantly her doing what she‚Äôs doing is making her realise how important it is to eat well to train well. And to get stronger physically is the get stronger mentally. ‚ÄĘ This next picture is Chloe now. Deadlifting 60kg (10 stone!) and looking amazing. I haven‚Äôt known you long Chloe but you really are amazing how you have handled everything. And your random knowledge of facts like yawning being a way of communicating ūüėāūüėā ‚ÄĘ I look forward to seeing you make this 60kg and 80kg next! #girlpower #girlsempowergirls #femaleinspiration @chloe_cripps ūü•įūüėėūüėėūüėėūüėė @ Barbelles and Ponytails with Victoria Hudson
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Remember the film legally blonde? if you haven‚Äôt seen it. Here is a quick (spoiler) recap. ‚ÄĘ She proves her client is innocent of murder on the basis her client exercises. ‚ÄĘ And I quote Elle woods ‚ÄėWhen you exercise you release endorphins- endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill people‚Äô... ‚ÄĘ 1 in 6 people in the uk report experiencing a common mental health problem such as anxiety or depression each week. ‚ÄĘ In the uk just 13% of the population report exercising on a regular basis. ‚ÄĘ In Australia that is compared with 1 in 4 with mental health problems and 54% of the population exercising regularly. ‚ÄĘ That is not a coincidence. EXERCISING can change your life. It can make those dark dark days where you do not want to leave the house become less frequent. Not enough people put mental health and exercise together. But when they do the results are astonishing. ‚ÄĘ And for me THATS what BarBelles and Ponytails is about. It‚Äôs not just about ‚Äėlosing weight‚Äô it‚Äôs about getting woman together. And getting them feeling better about themselves. Changing their state of mind. Making life that much better! ‚ÄĘ If you or anyone you know is having a hard time lately. I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you. But try this one thing. Get up. Go for a walk get just a little bit of exercise. And see how your mind feels then. Exercise is like giving your brain a hug. ūü§ó and we all need a hug sometimes. ‚ÄĘ I‚Äôm taking on new clients now for 121 personal training. Or hugs ūü§ó and I still have some free trials available for Bootcamp this week and next. Get in touch. What‚Äôs the worst that can happen??
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if you have signed up for the 21 day program.....please check you emails! (also check your junk folder if you cant see it!)
if you haven't signed up? why not? there IS still time.
its £21 and you can send it here:
once you have paid please drop me a message so i can send you all the info!
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Talking sense since 2010.
Needing to go back to weight watchers every year. Is not a good sign. Isn‚Äôt it time you didn‚Äôt re bound? You didn‚Äôt continue to only eat foods you don‚Äôt get too many ‚Äėpoints for‚Äô Isn‚Äôt it time you stopped demonising certain foods?
... Think of all those poor avocados ūü•Ď out there. Its makes me feel sad ūüėĒ what did they ever do wrong? They are a really good, not man made, full of stuff the body loves.
But people think they are bad.
All because of certain slimming clubs ūüė©ūüė©
I love avocados and you can too ūü•Ďūü•į
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There is still time to sign up to my 2019 21 day detox! ‚ÄĘ Stop guessing how you are going to do it. Let me teach you how. Let someone else help. Learn how to not be scared of a avocado ūü•Ď (cheers SW ūü§™) and how you don‚Äôt need to reward yourself with a points system ūüė≠ūü§£ because eating is actually a way of life. We have to eat to survive. So learning how to survive is basically what I do. ‚ÄĘ And you can still drink gin. Gin is part of survival. ... ‚ÄĘ Want in? ‚ÄĘ We start Monday. Everything will be sent out tonight. So you can get sorted over the weekend! Any questions just comment below :-)
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MY DETOX IS BACK. ūüė¨ūüíÉūüŹľTag a friend to do this with you and win a free place! ūü§™ūüĎŹūüŹĹ ‚ÄĘ What if I told you that you could be 1 stone lighter by February? ūüėćūü§∑ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ ‚ÄĘ Would you beg me to tell you HOW?ūüßź... ‚ÄĘ What if I said by February you can be feeling soooo good you will be looking in the mirror and liking what you see? ūüíÉūüŹľ‚̧ԳŹ ‚ÄĘ When I run these detoxes. People lose on average 5lb A WEEK!! Up to 8lbs in the first week ūüėć ‚ÄĘ Tag a friend to get them to do this with you! ‚ÄĘ It will start next Monday January 7th. The plans and shopping list will be emailed out Friday so the earlier you sign up the better.... ‚ÄĘ Last time I ran one of these I had to cap the entry at 21 people. So do not be last. ‚ÄĘ In fact I don‚Äôt even need to sell it. These results speak for them selves. Average of 6.5lb was lost per person ‚ÄĘ Payments can be made via PayPal ‚ÄĘ GO GO GO!!!!
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A lot is possible in just 21 days..... ‚ÄĘ You can join me for 21 days. It is like no other detox out there (in fact I hate the word but it‚Äôs got your attention ūüėĚ) ‚ÄĘ This will teach you how to eat. Not by just giving you a plan and saying ‚Äėbyeeee‚Äô ... So you could eat foods you like. You don‚Äôt have to eat stuff you don‚Äôt! ‚ÄĘ And by the end of the 21 days you will have learnt more about how to eat REAL food and to still lose. Than you might have learnt In 4 years with those famous ‚Äėfood club‚Äô meetings ūüė¨ūüôĄūüôĄ #justsaying ‚ÄĘ Want in? Drop me a message to get started this weekend!
Or pay here and drop me a message.
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Let Me Make You Excited For 2019!


It‚Äôs the month of the year where more people than ever will sign up to diets/gyms/promises of ‚Äėnew you‚Äô and by February most will have stopped. Or gone back to old habits. ‚ÄĘ Well. STOP ūüõĎ Because what I do is different. It not a fad. It‚Äôs a way of eating which you can do for the next 12 months without depriving yourself of everything you enjoy. ūüćĺūü•āūüćĽūüćļūüć∑ūüć©ūüßĀūüćįūüćęūüéāū üćĒūüĆģūüćüūüćē ‚ÄĘ So MY 21 DAY DETOX IS BACK. ūüė¨ūüíÉūüŹľ... ‚ÄĘ If I said by February you could be 1 stone lighter..and by February you will know how to eat so you can continue losing weight (or maintaining it) ‚ÄĘ Would you beg me to tell you HOW?ūüßź ‚ÄĘ When I run these detoxes. People lose on average 5lb A WEEK!! Up to 8lbs in the first week ūüėć ‚ÄĘ Tag a friend to get them to do this with you! ‚ÄĘ More details will follow over the next few days....however if you know. (Because if you know you KNOW) and you want to take part. Because you have before or you missed out last time... ‚ÄĘ It will start next Monday January 7th. The plans and shopping list will be emailed out Friday so the earlier you sign up the better.... ‚ÄĘ Last time I ran one of these I had to cap the entry at 21 people. So do not be last. ‚ÄĘ In fact I don‚Äôt even need to sell it. These results speak for them selves. Average of 6.5lb was lost per person ‚ÄĘ Payments can be made via PayPal ‚ÄĘ GO GO GO!!!!
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Tis true. January 1st can be a very powerful day (once the hangover has cleared)
And my 21 day DETOX program starts THIS WEEKEND. £21...£1 a day. Lose up to 7lb in the first week alone!
Want in? Comment below....
... Or just get started here....
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Getting on the scales today will serve you no purpose other than making you feel bad. ūüôÉ ‚ÄĘ Top tip. Don‚Äôt do it. If you have over indulged.... just start by drinking plenty of water every day this week. ‚ÄĘ Eat some healthier meals. And if you are serious. Go to the fridge and throw the left over trifle out/give it away.... ‚ÄĘ Move a bit more. And if you HAVE to - get on them at the weekend. ‚ÄĘ Personally I would just throw them out though Make the New Years resolution to not get on the scales ‚öĖÔłŹ (and wait till those jeans feel a bit better) ūü§Ēūü§™ūüėĚ ‚ÄĘ Free trials at BarBelles and Ponytails until January 15th. Where it‚Äôs not just a Bootcamp. I help you get away from the chains of dieting/scales cycle that you need to break! ‚ÄĘ #Repost @bencoomber with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ It was only 2 days. Panic over ūü§∑ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ #Repost @btnacademy „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ Don't panic!
There are a vast number of reasons, other than fat gain, for being a little heavier this morning
This won't just affect scale weight, but how lean (or not) you look in the mirror and how your clothes fit
Stay hydrated
Move a little
Eat well today
And take a look at yourself tomorrow or on the 28th
Back to normal in no time - - - #Nutrition #BTNacademy #diet #health #healthylifestyle #ukfitfam #PT #personaltrainer #fatloss #onlinecoach #nutritionist #dieting #bencoomber #fitfood #gym
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This is so true. Just getting out the house getting some fresh air and focusing on something else for 5 mins can change your day. Put your phone down and go for a walk. Even better go lift some weights or go to a exercise class - music and exercise can change your life! ‚̧ԳŹ


The speed you work at when you know you have over done the chocolate for the past week ūü§£ ‚ÄĘ Everything we do at BarBelles and Ponytails is something everyone can do. It‚Äôs not about ‚Äėbeing fit enough‚Äô or ‚Äėstrong enough‚Äô everyone starts somewhere so no one is expected to turn up for the first time and be super fit (although if you are and you want a new challenge this is definitely the place for you!) ‚ÄĘ We work together. We have fun. And we certainly don‚Äôt take it too seriously.... ‚ÄĘ I‚Äôve got space for 5 people for a free trial in my Bootcamp before January 14th. Time to do something about the way you feel? Get in touch now. #barbellesandponytails #bootcamp
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This is so sad. Hope you find them Stacey!


Merry Christmas to you all. ūüéĀūüéĄūüéÖūüŹľūü•į ‚ÄĘ You are all a gift. Be present. Be humble. And drink the wine! ūüíęūüėā


It‚Äôs elf day! ‚ÄĘ Today I‚Äôm sugar plumb sparkle ūüßĚ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüíę delivering a little bit of Christmas magic before the big man arrives ūüéÖūüŹľūüėć #elf #naughtyelf #christmasiscoming

More about Barbelles And Ponytails With Victoria Hudson

Barbelles And Ponytails With Victoria Hudson is located at Unit 12, S71 1HH Barnsley
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 20:00