Barlow Pre School

About Barlow Pre School

Barlow Pre-school is a non profit-making charitable organisation with professional full time staff and run by a committee of parents.

Barlow Pre School Description

As an approved Early Years Education Establishment we receive funding from Derbyshire County Council Education Service for 3 and 4 year olds, but depend heavily on the participation of parents to support our staff and raise the essential additional funding required to make our Pre-School the best possible environment for the children to learn and play.

Our Pre School also offers children the exciting opportunity to experience Forest School, currently twice a week, all year round. This gives parents the option for their child to attend 9. 00am to 3. 00pm with a picnic lunch between the normal session and Forest School .

In addition to parents, our fundraising effort is generously supported by members of the Barlow community and local businesses.



Can you please collect old egg boxes and bring them to pre school for mother day crafts after half term Many thanks xx


Today the children enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year рҹ§§, they made some fantastic Chinese dragons and lanterns and enjoyed tasting some Chinese food at snack time, it did smell so yummy рҹҳӢ


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The NEDDC have requested that the village hall be used for the elections, these will be held On Thursday 2nd May 2019 so unfortunately we will have to close on this day and use one of our inset days to cover it. We apologise if this causes any inconvenience but hopefully we have given you enough notice to get it covered . Many thanks Sue Turner


If you buy comics or magazines for your children when they have finished looking at them could you please donate them to pre school, we would love to put them in our reading library for the children to enjoy , or have a leading library . Many thanks Barlow pre school


Please see below a list of items that will be on sale on Tuesday 22nd from the guide dogs, if you wish your child to be able to buy something please send them with some money on the morning or hand it to a staff member who will keep it safe for them .


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A date for you diary Tuesday 22nd January we will have a visit from the guide dogs , this is a great opportunity to get up close to these working dogs , and to understand the importance of these animals to some people and the role they play in helping people to stay independent when they loose their eye sight . Gabby will be bringing a selection of gift items that the children will be able to buy on the day , so please can you send your children w...ith a small amount of change so they can purchase something for themselves, this is not only exciting for them , it teaches them the value of money and most importantly all money raised will go to the guide dogs . If it is not your childвҖҷs usually day and you would like to come in then please speak to a member of staff , but all children must be accompanied by an adult . I hope you will all get behind us in supporting this worth while charity and organisation Many thanks Barlow Pre school рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶р ҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶р ҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶
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Enjoying the walk down to forest school , and we had a lovely afternoon in the woods


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A great day at Pre school , the boys and girls loved looking at the ice sculptures, working out what makes it melt and how , looking at the patterns they see in the ice and the bubbles inside , trying to chip sections off to see which piece melts the fastest, вқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пё Ҹвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„ пёҸрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җр ҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җ


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рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ»вӣ„пёҸвӣ„ пёҸвӣ„пёҸвӣ„пёҸрҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„ Details for our Pre-School Nativity on Friday. Please bring children ready dressed in their outfits for 9am. The nativity will start promptly at 9-15am. Tickets for the nativity are ВЈ1 per person and are available on the door if youвҖҷve not had chance yet.
All children have been given a part to dress up for. Please see a member of staff if your not sure what your child is in the nativity and what costume to wear.
... We are hoping for a special Christmas visitor рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ» to arrive at preschool around 11-30 and all the preschool children will receive a small gift.
Preschool will be closing at 12pm for the Christmas holidays and we wish you all and Very Merry Christmas from the team at preschool рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ…рҹҸ»р ҹҺ…рҹҸ» вӣ„пёҸ вӣ„пёҸвӣ„пёҸвӣ„пёҸ
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One of our parents is selling Elf on the shelf personalised bottles only ВЈ5 ,these will be available on party day too although we only have 20 left these are amazing value and a great stocking filler . They will be in the Hall all week if you wish to add your childвҖҷs name to the list , it will be personalised in time for the big day ,


Left at Pre school size 4-5 yrs does it belong to anyone ??? Xxx


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On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit from Reverend Father Peter , the children loved listening to his Christmas story and meeting his puppets, who acting out the story. Thank you so much for visiting and we wish you a very merry Christmas рҹҺ„ рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…р ҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ…р ҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ…рҹҺ…


рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„р ҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„р ҹҺ„рҹҺ„ Fire lighting in the woods , a little damp and the fire took a while to catch hold but we still managed to toast our marshmallows and enjoy collecting dry kindling , building the fire , and being around the fire keeping warm xxxxx


A beautiful afternoon in the woods and no rain for a change , we decided to decorate our very own Christmas tree in the woods , the children did a fab job рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„р ҹҺ„рҹҺ„


We had a special little visitor to preschool today рҹҳҠвқӨпёҸ Lovely to see Megan & her beautiful baby girl рҹ’•


Such a wonderful environment for little ones to grow and develop. Two of my Daughter's have attended Barlow and both have made friendships and memories to last a lifetime. Forest рҹҢі school is fantastic and allows for lots of splashing in muddy puddles рҹҳ„


My son has just finished at Barlow Preschool today and he has loved it there. He was always happy to go and was well supported by the staff. I wouldn't look at sending my other children anywhere else.


I canвҖҷt recommend this pre-school enough! Lovely staff, lovely setting and just lovely!! When the kids fall down or hurt themselves there is cuddles a plenty or just cuddles because kids just want a cuddle! Charlotte my daughter suffered with her speech due to hearing issues at birth. Barlow nurtured her and worked so close with me and the speech therapist to help Charlotte. They didnвҖҷt have to do this but they did, they even implemented her speech routine into the pre-school day so that Charlotte didnвҖҷt feel singled out.


Fantastic pre-school where both my boys have attended. Friendly caring staff, daily activities and educational too. Highly recommend.

More about Barlow Pre School

Barlow Pre School is located at Barlow Village Hall, Millcross Lane, S18 7TA Dronfield
0114 289 9046