Barnes Common

About Barnes Common

Barnes Common is common land in the south east of Barnes, London, England, adjoining Putney Lower Common to the east and bounded to the south by the Upper Richmond Road. Along with Barnes Green, it is one of the largest areas of common land in London with 49. 55ha of protected commons. It is also a Local Nature Reserve. Its facilities include a full-size football pitch and a nature trail. The Common is made up of mixed broadleaf woodland, scrubland and acid grassland and is generally flat. It is owned by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral, acting through the Church Commissioners, and managed by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, advised and assisted by the Friends of Barnes Common. TransportBarnes railway station is on the edge of Barnes Common. The Common is also served by London Buses routes 33, 72, 265 and 485.

Barnes Common Description

Barnes Common is common land in the south east of Barnes, London, England, adjoining Putney Lower Common to the east and bounded to the south by the Upper Richmond Road. Along with Barnes Green, it is one of the largest areas of common land in London with 49. 55ha of protected commons. It is also a Local Nature Reserve. Its facilities include a full-size football pitch and a nature trail. The Common is made up of mixed broadleaf woodland, scrubland and acid grassland and is generally flat. It is owned by the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral, acting through the Church Commissioners, and managed by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, advised and assisted by the Friends of Barnes Common. TransportBarnes railway station is on the edge of Barnes Common. The Common is also served by London Buses routes 33, 72, 265 and 485.