Bartley Green School



Used to be a good school, however no longer does it have this reputation. I have witnessed fights and gangs gathering in streets upon leaving the school at home time. I believe the bullies are getting away with their behaviour. These unruley pupils are in the minority who get away with the trouble they create. The staff are very good and the reward and praise system is good.


My son has been going here is the worst school ever bullying is out of control and has been going on for years am trying to get him moved but waiting lists are too long teachers cover things up and no support is given can't even get to meet the governors as letters sent get missing worst school ever


lol i love pakistan


it is ok if your child is good at learning with no support but if you have a child with emotional/behaviour issues this is not the school for you, I have 3 children in this school (for now) and 2 are getting on ok but my son who is dyslexic and has anger issues got no support at all, even though the school claims to be able to deal with this. My son has had a teacher pick his work up in front of the class and put down about his hand writing even though they know he has dyslexia and finds it hard to read and write.
I have only ever seen the head teacher once and she was very rude to me and didn't offer any help with his anger problems until she decided to exclude him. bullying is also a big thing in this school and is not delt with also the school has been know to have children that deal/take drugs.
I have only found maybe 2 teacher that have wanted to support the children the rest just teach the ones that like to learn. homework is also an issue at this school because if the child writes none set the teacher dose not check the planner and then you don't know if the child has home work or not until you get a letter due to loss of points, also they don't always tell you if your child has detention until u ring the school wondering where your child is and why they haven't came out of school yet .

all in all it is an ok school if your child likes to learn and is happy to get on with it but if your child has any sort of issues I would suggest a different school as the new head teacher isn't very good at all and they can not deal with problem students.

update, after waiting 2-3 months my ''problem child'' is still not in school even though they was pass porting him before Christmas and no work has been sent home for him to do in the mean time, also my other child who was getting on well at school has been threatened by another student to be stabbed in school and this is not being dealt with at all..


I am really proud of Bartley Green School. Every school has its problems but the staff at Bartley Green are brilliant and are straight on it whenever something goes wrong. If you don't get on well there I think it is more about you not the school.

I loved the atmosphere and I loved the activities and relationships. We should be celebrating having such a great school in our community.

Keep it up BG


Bad school loads of fighting since one girl maddison lowe made all the fighting since she came to the school


Right, where do I begin. This school is absolutely and utterly terrible, one reason as to this is the bullying, this school acts like they're bully free or take care of bullying very well when quite frankly... they don't. I recently just left Bartley Green School and over the past 5 years of being there, bullying is just out of control. I've seen many different people in many years get bullied, go to teachers to sort it out and when they do that, they still get bullied or get bullied even more and maybe by a few others too. In the past year I seen two fist fights... TWO FIST FIGHTS IN ONE YEAR, this shows that this school is NOT bully free and cannot take care of bullying at all.

A second reason as to not go to this school is the grades and teaching... now, you may think that I'm lying when I say this because they have a high pass rate but the people that pass are the people that a cocky, naturally smart people or unbelievably lucky people where most of them don't even listen in class and really shouldn't have passed. The people that don't pass are the people that are willing to put in the effort of working hard in lessons, but they don't pass due to the fact that the teaching is appalling, for year 10 and 11 I been doing the subjects that you have to do and three other subjects of my choice, which were as followed: Music, History and Art, and most of these subjects I failed mainly because of their teaching. I failed Music and got an F in it, only because the teacher taught us absolute garbage, none of the teaching was ever needed or even helpful at the least in the exam and I just tried to answer the questions and hoped to God that I would pass. My next subject that I failed in is English, and I'm probably most indignant about purely because of the teachers, my teacher taught us how to do each question and in a mock exam I failed, so me and others that failed also had to come in during the half-term to get taught by Cambridge teachers and I'm going to be very honest with you... the teaching didn't help at the slightest, even though I was taught by professionals from Cambridge. When it came to the proper GCSE English examination, I did EXACTLY what both my teacher and Cambridge teachers taught me and I came out with a D... Obviously they must have missed some stuff that they could've taught me, but for some reason just didn't. I also did IT and the school did stuff down right wrong, apparently we we're meant to spent half the year doing coursework and other half exam practice, but what the school did was make us do coursework with one teacher for almost the whole of year 11 and only gave us 1 month of exam prep and when we did the exam prep, they gave us a totally different teacher and not trying to be rude but the teacher didn't know much, if anything at all about IT and what topics will be in the exam. I can go on forever with other subjects.

I surely think these two reasons are enough for you to be smart and not bring your child here. When I had to give this a rating out of 5 stars, I could only give it a minimum of 1 star and really, this school shouldn't even deserve 1 whole star. Now, I'm not your boss or anything and tell you what to do, but I'm just going to recommend you... PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD TO THIS SCHOOL, If you want your kid to have a successful school life, look for some other school, but just don't bring them here, I'm saying all of this because I care about children's education and I hope you do too and go with my recommendation.


This is the worst school ive ever been to, its not very well managed, the teachers value the pupils who are disrespectful over the ones who arent, and the teachers aren't helpful at all.

I had an experience where I did a GCSE maths mock exam in year 10 and the school lost my exam and didnt mark it, just like that, they didn't let me re-take it and all was left like that. While thats nothing compared to what they did with my GCSE's, with those they lost my english literature, maths statistics and computing papers and didnt mark me on those GCSE's and they also marked me for doing French GCSE and I didnt do that. Not to mention the attitude some teachers have even though i tried sticking to the rules and being the best student possible i was still treated like trash frankly. As I have a physical disability the school said that they didnt want me anymore, they say its for my future, but its clearly to just get rid of me so if something bad happens its not their fault, and later after that i was schooled by a bunch of amazing teachers that made me believe in myself and the back-to-forth communication between my new teachers and bartley even made them mad.

While I was there the place went under new management of head teacher and I can say that they are both frankly crap, with more talk then do. If you are thinking about taking your child here because its close, dont because to this day i still dont trust my teachers even in college, I expected my particular college to be just as unorganised as this school and they havent.

I have never heard a story about a school making pupils standards go so low, but bartley did it, and they did it with flying colours. just go somewhere else, not because I told you but because you're children will thank you later. Appalling

oh and last of all, if you're looking to apply here as a teacher, and you are sold on the idea, then treat your students with respect.

More about Bartley Green School

Bartley Green School is located at Adams Hill, Birmingham B32 3QJ, UK
+44 121 476 9246