Bat And Ball Railway Station

About Bat And Ball Railway Station

Bat & Ball railway station is located on Bat & Ball Road in Sevenoaks in Kent, England. The station is managed by Southeastern; however all train services (except for two evening peak departures) are operated and provided by Thameslink. HistoryThe station opened in 1862. It was previously named Sevenoaks Bat & Ball and was renamed in 1950. The name derives from the Bat & Ball Inn, which no longer exists. FacilitiesBat and Ball railway station lies just to the north of Sevenoaks, Kent, on the Sevenoaks-Swanley via Otford route. There is a shelter containing a bench on the northbound platform, and in August 2014 new benches and a public information speaker were installed on the southbound platform towards Sevenoaks. It has been unstaffed since closure of the booking office on 30 November 1991 - although its staffing had been sporadic prior to that date. Southeastern have fitted an electronic screen with the latest train times and calling points. The station has a car park. In 2010 a fee of £3 per day to park was introduced, although the car park was previously free to use. The charges resulted in the displacement of parking by rail commuters from the station car park into the surrounding residential streets, particularly into Chatham Hill Road. This has created several parking problems for local residents, whilst leaving the station's car park almost deserted. A PERTIS 'permit to travel' machine was located at the entrance to the southbound platform on the 'down' side, later replaced by a 'card payment only' ticket machine in 2016. Prior to de-staffing in 1991, it had converted from the previous NCR21 card ticket system to APTIS on 12 April 1988. A rare misprint on some tickets issued just after conversion to APTIS rendered the station name as BAT BALL.

Bat And Ball Railway Station Description

Bat & Ball railway station is located on Bat & Ball Road in Sevenoaks in Kent, England. The station is managed by Southeastern; however all train services (except for two evening peak departures) are operated and provided by Thameslink. HistoryThe station opened in 1862. It was previously named Sevenoaks Bat & Ball and was renamed in 1950. The name derives from the Bat & Ball Inn, which no longer exists. FacilitiesBat and Ball railway station lies just to the north of Sevenoaks, Kent, on the Sevenoaks-Swanley via Otford route. There is a shelter containing a bench on the northbound platform, and in August 2014 new benches and a public information speaker were installed on the southbound platform towards Sevenoaks. It has been unstaffed since closure of the booking office on 30 November 1991 - although its staffing had been sporadic prior to that date. Southeastern have fitted an electronic screen with the latest train times and calling points. The station has a car park. In 2010 a fee of £3 per day to park was introduced, although the car park was previously free to use. The charges resulted in the displacement of parking by rail commuters from the station car park into the surrounding residential streets, particularly into Chatham Hill Road. This has created several parking problems for local residents, whilst leaving the station's car park almost deserted. A PERTIS 'permit to travel' machine was located at the entrance to the southbound platform on the 'down' side, later replaced by a 'card payment only' ticket machine in 2016. Prior to de-staffing in 1991, it had converted from the previous NCR21 card ticket system to APTIS on 12 April 1988. A rare misprint on some tickets issued just after conversion to APTIS rendered the station name as BAT BALL.

More about Bat And Ball Railway Station

Bat And Ball Railway Station is located at Sevenoaks, Kent