Bath Taps Into Science

About Bath Taps Into Science

Bath Taps into Science Festival inspires and enthuses young students with science, engineering and maths

Bath Taps Into Science Description

Bath Taps into Science Festival focuses on inspiring and enthusing young students and families with science, engineering and maths. It runs during Science Week from the 10th-17th March 2018.

The main events include:

Monday 12th – Friday 17th – Activities for schools /families

Friday 16th March - Schools Science Fair at the University of Bath

Saturday 17th March – Family Science Fair at Bath Rec in the centre of Bath

To book a place at the Schools Science Fair follow this link #book

If you are a researcher and would like to get involved, find out how here: /researchers

To keep up to date with events and to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, visit our website:

This festival is free and open to everybody, NO science background required!

We look forward to seeing you there!

https://www. /?hl=en