Batley Sprinters Ltd

About Batley Sprinters Ltd

24 /7 365 days a year you want it there we will get it there.



Can people please share this we are seeing more and more vulnerable people out there wanting help but don’t know who or where to ask!
If your old or vulnerable or have health issues please contact us we are more then happy to collect your shopping or medicine or both for free!!
Send us a message with your name and contact number and we will call you as soon as possible to help you for FREE


If anyone needs help with transport from hospitals or collecting prescriptions please contact us. We have Buisness insurance that will cover this and limited staff with DBS checks. I will offer this service for free within 10 miles of WF176LL
Please share
🔥 this is a free service batley sprinters are offering!!! 🔥


As much as I appreciate the nhs and all the great they are doing I would Like to say a MASSIVE thank you to ALL the truckers out there that are delivering the essential to our NHS and and supermarkets with out you guys our nhs and are supermarkets would have NOTHING!! Well done guys please keep Going for us!!!


Wasn’t going to give any opinion on this matter however I have heard enough and we as a company will state are feeling.
People are not listening to what you have been told to do and STAY AT HOME there are a lot of company’s that are not key works that are still trading and taking advantage of this situation well my thoughts to that are you are nothing but selfish not just to other companies but to the ones that you are making work and risk taking the virus home to there love...d ones!!
As we ALL appreciate what the NHS are doing for us and care workers for are loved ones and the KEY WORKERS please please think about our truck drivers!! We are all rallying around making sure our NHS and care staff are looked after best we can ( absolutely right in doing this) but what about are key worker truckers? They are in a cab all day and all night they eat in them they sleep in them they after get washed in them but guess what? There no where for them to get food because fast foods closed nothing in supermarkets left for them most places closing shower places they are also struggling remember with out them there is no food for you there is no equipment for our NHS everything is done by transport please think of them in this time too we have nothing with out them!! Let’s show them some respect and stay off road so they can get there jobs done!!
Also am fed up of hearing its that “paki place” or them “foreign twats” listen it’s 2020 we are all humans we all breath the same eat the same what does it matter on colour? The only comment should be “them stupid people” because them stupid people who are NOT listening are prolonging the situation for us all stop been racist doesn’t matter if you are white, black, brown,yellow or even green we are all in it together let’s work together to get our country back to normal
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⚠️ as of today we will be running skeleton crew normal service will resume ones this virus as blown over I after think of my staff and there family members they go home to everyday ⚠️
That said I will still be reachable 24 hours a day 7 days a week I will do my best to help all our loyal customers who need emergency deliveries only!
BUT I will HELP ANYONE everyday any day in the need of help!!! If you are old or vulnerable or have underline health issues and need food or med...ication please please do not go out call us ANY TIME me and my staff are 100% dedicated to help in this situation. Also we will offer this service for FREE!!
Please listen to the advice we are all given stay in doors and look after your loved ones at home. There are thousands out there that would love to stay at home with there families but after go to work ( nhs , supermarkets, food delivery drivers ect) think about them ones and think how they feel before leaving your house for no emergency reason.
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Please take note


On the news this morning some old lady as isolated her self from this virus. Some low life scum as knocked on her door and asked her if she needs anything from the supermarket for her to ask for some milk and also give them the money for it. While later they turned back up and charged her double saying that’s what they been charged. 🤬 you low life scum making money from old and vulnerable🤬
If you know any old or vulnerable that’s need milk or bread ect message us we will try and help as many as we can for free!!!!


🔥 please please please read🔥
As some of you know we try and help out where we can for local charities we are very fortunate one of our customers donates teddy’s regular and we always donate them to help your fund raising days ect.
We have just been donated over 200 large teddy’s that we are always very great full of however this time we are doing it different.
... I have decided to help a family that I have followed from the birth of there son and they also need your help please please click on the link and have a read just look how far this little boy as come and proven everyone wrong he his a tough brave little boy.
Ones you have had a read you will see why this means so much to us and we want to help so. If you click on donate on the justgiving link and donate just £1 we will give you a free teddy!! Honestly £1 will help this family if you can donate more brilliant every pound counts. /
Please share have a read donate and collect your free!!! Teddy
We have around 200 large teddy’s ones there gone there gone. One teddy per donation even if it’s just £1.
These teddy’s will be donated for the ones who donated from 5/3/20
We do apologise for not donating these like we normally do however we will try and help next time
Please share guys -hydro-warrior…
I have added link for any one who wants to donate 😊😊😊
100% goes to this little boy and his family!
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How to stretch the emergency services...
Kirkless council doing what they do best NOTHING no grit on main roads at why? 6.30 on Monday morning snow everywhere and gritters are where?
Driving instructors why on earth would you take learners down Leeds road down the steep hill when the roads are full of snow the leaner is inexperienced ? Poor guy was sliding all over and the fear in is face wasn’t nice! Is it really worth £20 fee?
... Snow is expected until 3pm today stay of roads if you can it’s not worth it.
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Rain ISN’T stopping us today the silly man who ordered parts has..... this WILL be ready in few weeks 😬


As of Monday (17/2/20) we have added ANOTHER 7.5 ton wagon curtain sider to our fleet! Pictures to follow ones she been coloured up in are sticks..... but at moment she out earning her money 😊As of Monday (17/2/20) we have added ANOTHER 7.5 ton wagon curtain sider to our fleet! Pictures to follow ones she been coloured up in are sticks..... but at moment she out earning her money 😊


We have started to finish “ project kids” but unfortunately rained off. However this WILL be done with in the next month.
“Project kids” is the first 24 foot catering wagon that caters for everything! Not just your typical “burger van”
Ones finished I will rent this out for FREE for local charity to help raise money for there causes.
... If you know anyone/ charities that needs a catering wagon this summer and needs the help WE WILL HELP!
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And this is why are deliveries are put on hold to Ireland! Hopefully storm Denis goes very soon


Another family business always happy to help!


Storm Denis finally made it. Stay safe on the roads guys


Time to answer to frequent questions
What fleet do you have? ATV’S 4x4’s... Small vans Large vans Luton vans with tail lifts 7.5 wagons/curtains/ tail lifts 7.5 boxes but extended why have 20 foot when you can have 24 foot 🤷🏼‍♂️ Artics .... coming soon 😊
Why do you not have landline just mobile ? We DO have landline we just don’t use it because you phone one number and we can tell you everything from accounts to shipments. Half of the transport company’s there land line will divert you to there mobile anyway ! Or your passed pillow to post we save you the time!!
Do you subcontract your work out, ?
NO! If we quote you we do your work in house we do NOT sub your work out to 3rd party’s and take a % for your call !!
Do you have self employed drivers and or owner drivers ?
NO !! Every vehicle in are colours we OWN every member wearing our uniforms works for batley sprinters
Where do you deliver? England Wales Scotland North and south Ireland
What time do you start and finish?
When the job done and the customer is happy!
Are you cheap? No! All Are quotes all include fully insured, public liability insurance ,employees insurance ,goods in transit are theres? Risk you take when you pay CHEAP! You pay for what you get....
We do what it’s says! We deliver with no gimmicks no excuses. What we quote is what you get with 100% delivery!
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Floods are here and snow on its way!
If you know anyone with young families or elderly that can’t get out for bread and milk give us a shout we have ATV’S and 4x4’s with experience drivers.
If you don’t need to go out don’t!! Leave the emergency services to do what they do best EMERGENCIES!! not pull idiots out of puddles!!
... We offer this service for FREE with 15 mile radius of batley WF17
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More about Batley Sprinters Ltd

Batley Sprinters Ltd is located at Unit 7 Grange Road Industrial Estate, wf17 6ll Batley