Bcdp Drop-In

About Bcdp Drop-In

Supporting the homeless, addicted and those in need since 2002

Bcdp Drop-In Description

We run a drop-in three times a week providing hot and cold food and drinks to the homeless, alcoholics, substance users and impoverished in Barnsley. We provide a listening ear and hand out donated clothing and toiletries when we have them. We are run by Volunteers, a Committee and a Coordinator.



Thankyou Tesco Barnsley, helping us yet again


13 years at the project and it still breaks my heart to hear someone so proud and tearful ask if we can help as they have nothing. We are doing a brilliant job BCDP Volunteers.


Team Thursday, why not join us 9-230 🙂 Volunteering at BCDP


The cupboards are looking bare at the drop in. We are short of coffee, gravy granules, biscuits, veg, cheese. We are making bread and jam sandwiches today.


We are looking for new Volunteers Monday 8-1230 and Thursday 9-230. Preparing food, making sandwiches, serving food, washing up, signing people in, making up goody bags. Please call 321877 or email bcdp@live.co.uk


A massive thankyou to Pixie and all those that helped organise yesterday. To those who donated prizes and went along, The Crown Inn team, thankyou so much. Fantastic amount raised for the project.


Extremely short of volunteers on Thursdays, especially over Summer. If anyone can help please get in touch


Don’t forget there is a fundraiser event at crown inn elsecar on Saturday starting 2pm get your self along for a good day/evening out and support a long standing charity and if you can’t make it and would like to donate you can do that here Thank you


120 meals today. Over 10,000 meals served so far this year. Funds are incredibly scarce for the project. We have enough coffee for one more session. If anyone would like to make a donation or donate any coffee, it would help us out immensely.


We are looking for new Volunteers Thursdays 9-230 and Mondays 8-1230. Get in contact if you fancy helping out.


A fun day and evening with all sorts of fun activities to keep the chldren occupied as well as raffles, tombolas, fancy dress is encouraged with prizes galore. in the evening fancy dress is also encouraged, resident DJ, karaoke and more fun and games.

More about Bcdp Drop-In

01226 321877