Be Unbelievable

About Be Unbelievable

Is it possible that we all have an unbelievable passion, a powerful obsession that once known could unify all the various fragments of our lives under one powerful purpose?

Be Unbelievable Description

Is it possible that we all have an unbelievable passion, a powerful obsession that once known could unify all the various fragments of our lives under one powerful purpose?



Loving the @Nimble daily emails! What a time saver! #SocialBusiness


Had a massive 4hr coaching marathon yesterday deconstructing their story to see the real truth of the past and evaporating the fear, worry and doubt that had plagued them for years. What would your life be like you could do that too?


We all narrate the journey of our lives. Does your story empower you, or keep you stuck? Having an empowering story is a key skill in leadership. We've all got one, it's just whether we see it or not. MEN: Join us on Saturday and create your power story to lead you through 2013.


"That millions share the same forms of mental pathology does not make those people sane." - Erich Fromm. Psst... Happiness need not be sought. after all, you were born happy


"There's no use trying" said Alice, "once can't believe in unbelievable things."
"I dare say that you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age I used to practise for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six unbelievable things before breakfast."


"All miracles involve a shift in perception" - A course in miracles


We're either living our dreams or our fears are living us. Our fears belong in the past, let's put them where they belong.


Have you noticed that all real change happens by having a change of heart.


Happiness lives in the realm of being, not doing. One can't 'do' or 'attain' happiness, one can simply be it.


if next year was going to be unbelievable for you, what would you create, what would you do and how would you need to grow?


Life favours the adventurous. What is your adventure for 2013?


Life is a horse, and we're its captive rider. We can let it wander around, or take the reigns and run. You choose.


Tonight: Discover your purpose! This workshop is going to be amazing! I'm going to be sharing one of my most powerful tools I use with my private coaching clients that gets them totally clear about what is important to them, and what they want. Over 25 people have RSVP'd this event. Be one of them. I'm sure you'll find it valuable.
Looking forward to seeing you there.


The next evening session is scheduled for Wednesday the 4th April. I'll be sharing a key technique I use for my private coaching clients to discover what you really want


FREE public talk on the power of emotions, 22nd March! FInd out how they work inside our minds and how we can begin to master them. Come and discover what you can do to utilise your emotional power and not just be at the mercy of it.

More about Be Unbelievable