Beachcomber Cottage

About Beachcomber Cottage

Beachcomber Cottage is a secluded, self-catering holiday cottage on the edge of the dunes, just north of Holy Island, Lindisfarne in north Northumberland.



Every walk on this beach brings a new perspective. This is looking back to Beachcomber from the sea, across a pool that wasn't there yesterday. Love this place.


Our friend Simon Landale, who has visited several times, is raising money for The Red Cross, The Doddie Weir Foundation to aid research into Motor Neurone Disease and the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society. If you would like to give to a good cause, then please do support him. t40


Please be a picker-up rather than dropper! :)


We have noticed an increase in plastics, even over the last three years, and been speaking with Northumberland Wildlife Trust and the "CoastCare" project and are looking to have a beach tidy and plastic pick. This is a global problem of scary proportions and it affects even the most remote beaches. Please do your "bit" to help: re-useable drinks bottles, refillable cups and perhaps carry a bag with you when you walk, to collect a little waste as you walk. :)…/world-environment -day-why…/ar-AAydPNh…


We have noticed an increase in plastics, even over the last three years, and been speaking with Northumberland Wildlife Trust and the "CoastCare" project and are looking to have a beach tidy and plastic pick. This is a global problem of scary proportions and it affects even the most remote beaches. Please do your "bit" to help: re-useable drinks bottles, refillable cups and perhaps carry a bag with you when you walk, to collect a little waste as you walk. :)…/world-environment -day-why…/ar-AAydPNh…


We have noticed an increase in plastics, even over the last three years, and been speaking with Northumberland Wildlife Trust and the "CoastCare" project and are looking to have a beach tidy and plastic pick. This is a global problem of scary proportions and it affects even the most remote beaches. Please do your "bit" to help: re-useable drinks bottles, refillable cups and perhaps carry a bag with you when you walk, to collect a little waste as you walk. :)…/world-environment -day-why…/ar-AAydPNh…


We have noticed an increase in plastics, even over the last three years, and been speaking with Northumberland Wildlife Trust and the "CoastCare" project and are looking to have a beach tidy and plastic pick. This is a global problem of scary proportions and it affects even the most remote beaches. Please do your "bit" to help: re-useable drinks bottles, refillable cups and perhaps carry a bag with you when you walk, to collect a little waste as you walk. :)


I've lost count of how many times I have walked along this beach, and each time it is different: I've even enjoyed walking along in gales and snow when it is so wild it feels like a movie, but this afternoon it was stunning.


It's wildflower time again - spring sunshine and spring flowers.


We find discarded plastic often; please help to be part of the solution. This problem can be addressed and solutions are available, please help all you can.


Another beautiful day on the beach.


I have collected over a dozen plastic bottles on one walk along our secluded beach. Please help to make a difference.


We have been so fortunate with the weather, these last few months have been spectacular and we're pleased to say that our guests have enjoyed some fabulous sunrises and sunsets. When I have the time, on a changeover day, I take the dogs onto the beach - and sometimes it still takes my breath away 😊


We are looking forward to our next stay in Beachcomber so much - roll on August - and fingers crossed for some sunshine!

More about Beachcomber Cottage

Beachcomber Cottage is located at Goswick, TD15 2RW Berwick on Tweed