Beating Osteoarthritis

About Beating Osteoarthritis

A community of Osteoarthritis sufferers discussing the management and how diets, exercise & energy healing therapy can help towards Beating Osteoarthritis

Beating Osteoarthritis Description

I have successfully overcome crippling Osteoarthritis, a disease that affects an estimated 8. 5 million people in the UK.

Having suffered with chronic knee pain for a year or so, in November 2011 at the age of 39, I was told by the medical profession that I had severe Osteoarthritis in my knees and that I faced a future of short-term relief with pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections before inevitably having to have joint replacements and extensive physical therapy.

Given my age, simply replacing my arthritic knees would not be the end of my problems either, as additional knee replacements would be required during my lifetime, given they wear out. But, and it is a pretty big BUT, just over three years later I am drug, surgery and most importantly, pain free!

This Facebook page acts as a community for Osteoarthritis sufferers, and shares information from me and others about alternative treatment for Osteoarthritis that could potentially help you towards Beating Osteoarthritis. For example alkalising diets & nutrition, certain exercise and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy.

We have a forum on our website where you can pose questions regarding Osteoarthritis and start discussions with others. You can visit our forum here www. beatingosteoarthritis. co. uk /forum /. Otherwise you can see our website for lots of tips and information about how I deal with Osteoarthritis - www. beatingosteoarthritis. co. uk



I like a pizza from time-to-time but it may be doing more harm than I thought. Please read this new blog to find out more...


Recent research has found that taking baking soda daily helps reduce inflammatory responses in the body. I’m going to incorporate it into my daily diet and see if it benefits my osteoarthritis…watch this space!


I’ve been attending weekly Wu Tai Chi sessions since September 2017 and the benefits I've experienced seems to be backed by scientific research. See my latest post for more info...


I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has read and liked my Facebook posts. Apologies for my posting absence this year but unforeseen family events have been a bit distracting. I plan on getting back to posting OA news and personal experience ASAP! Wishing you all the best of health, Paul Heseltine (Founder, Beating Osteoarthritis).


Further evidence that exercise can help reduce the pain we experience with Osteoarthritis. Find out more in this latest blog...


Being overweight or obese may increase the degeneration of knee cartilage and with it osteoarthritis. Check out the latest blog for more information...


Do you find it hard to commit to exercise? Recent research shows that opting into activity will benefit you in the long-run. Read more in this latest blog...


BBC One are currently seeking contributors with osteoarthritis to take part in a BBC One Documentary called The Crash Diet Revolution. Based on new research which suggests the crash diet may have been unfairly dismissed as a poor weight loss tool, they are working with scientists from Oxford University to put a very-low-calorie-diet to the test on six overweight/obese people with various health conditions relating to their weight, one of which is Osteoarthritis. Drop them a line if you you're interested in taking part...


Research has shown that taking Chondroitin is an effective option for osteoarthritis. Read this blog to find out why prescription painkillers may not be as useful...


Do you believe that you'll inevitably suffer from osteoarthritis when your old? Well that doesn't have to be the case! Please read this blog to see why this myth is being turned on it's head...


Do you get enough fibre in your diet? Read this post to see why you might just want to...


Do you take turmeric like I do? Research is now demonstrating it's support for combating arthritic symptoms...


New technology could help detect OA at an early stage. Find out more in this latest blog...


Worried about exercise causing more pain? Well it seems you can remain seated during yoga and still improve osteoarthritis pain. Read this blog to find out more...


Do you experience increased joint pain when it's less sunny, wet and cold? Well there may be something more to how we feel in different weather. Please read my latest blog for more on this:


It might sound counter-intuitive but running may very well help your knees. Read more here...


Here's five natural ways to beat knee pain in 2017!

More about Beating Osteoarthritis

Beating Osteoarthritis is located at BN21 4 Eastbourne, East Sussex
+44 (0)7866-421025