Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00

About Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing

Beatitude - Sports Injuries & Wellbeing. Specialists in Sports Therapy, Rehabilitation and Holistic treatments.

Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing Description

Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing was founded by Debora Hasler in 2007. We specialise in treating sports and exercise related injuries, covering assessment, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, all tailored to individuals’ needs. Our aim is specifically focused on the treatment and prevention of injury, with an emphasis on rehabilitation to optimum levels of functional, occupational and sport specific fitness, regardless of age or ability. We aim to combine physiological and pathological processes and integrate physiotherapy skills to prepare the patient for training, competition and where applicable, work. Treatments are usually very hands on, but in addition where appropriate we utilise electrotherapy equipment such as ultrasound, interferential, and TENS. We are full members of the Society of Sports Therapists.

Here at Beatitude we do not only deal with Sports Injuries, but also offer a comprehensive range of Holistic Massage Therapy treatments. For more in depth information regarding all of our services, please visit our website.

We are located in the beautiful grade 2 listed building on the corner of Viaduct Road & Ditchling Road. Our full address is below:

Gallery 11, Citibase Brighton, 95 Ditchling Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4ST. Tel: 01273 573 833.

Cancellations require 24 hours notice or charges may apply.



・・・ 💥𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞💥 ——— Joint position sense describes a common measure of #proprioception in which an individual is asked to replicate a particular #joint position without the help of vision. This video does a great job of showing how someone could train proprioception on their own following a #shoulder #injury or #surgery. The same process can also be applied to other #peripheral joints. -... To perform this drill, move your unaffected limb first and then try to replicate the position with your affected limb. - 🎥Video credit: @drjarodhalldpt . #RehabScience #propriception #joint #gym #shoulder #exercise #bscsportscience #bscsporttherapy #beatitudesportsinjuries
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#Repost Tennis Prehab Lab with @get_repost ・・・ Immediately after ball impact during serve &/or forehand (FH) ground strokes, the posterior rotator cuff (iinfraspinatus & teres minor) work eccentrically to decel the arm as it continues to internally rotate (IR) & horizontally adduct (across body). It has been reported anterior translational forces during the accel. & follow-through phases of serve to be approximately 1x body weight in the shoulder joint. The post cuff muscles ...are responsible for maintaining joint stability by resisting this force (arm/shoulder pulled forward) to prevent injury. 🎾 A common finding in players w & w/out shoulder pathology (i.e. rotator cuff tendinitis) is post cuff weakness. 🎾 Placing the terminal end of the CLX band at the distal humerus ⬆️the demand on the scapular muscles as they oppose the horizontal adduction force. This is also a great external cue for players who have difficulty engaging their scap muscles. 🎾 ➖Types of contractions/tempos)➖ 1️⃣ Isotonic: equal tempo into ER (concentric contraction) & IR (eccentric contraction). This a great way to build absolute strength & endurance
2️⃣ Plyometric: Eccentric contractions (lowering into IR) followed by a rapid/forceful ER concentric contraction. Plyos will enhance the players “restraining” /braking system to rapidly decel the arm during serve. In doing so, it will improve the players ability to recover after said stroke & mitigate injury to post cuff.
3️⃣ Eccentrics: Slow IR for a count 0f 3-4 secs. Eccentrics are noted during follow through phase of serve & FH. This a functional way to build eccentric capacity as ball contact during serve ranges from 90-110°. It will also facilitate lengthening the posterior cuff (commonly “stiff & tight” in players). 🎾 ➖Guidelines➖ 🔸You can focus one of the above contractions or perform all 3 during a set. No hard or fast rules here. 🔸I would shoot for 2-3 sets of 15 reps w/ 30-60 secs break b/w, 3-4x/week. ✅Maintain elbow in line w/ the shoulder. No shrugging or lurching the shoulder forward. The goal is to maintain scap stability & centration of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa. #rotatorcuffrehab #gym #exerciserehab #shoulder
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If you are looking to try a new #exercise that #strengthens several #muscle groups at once, you may want to give this one a try. #Bird-dog targets the #core and #hip muscles that are essential in overall #stability and #injury prevention in both athletic #performance and everyday #activities such as #lifting objects.
Begin on a hands and knees, with hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips. Tighten stomach by drawing belly up towards the spine. Slowly lif...t one arm straight forward, while extending the opposite leg. Do not let your torso twist or your back arch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm/ leg. You should feel this exercise working #trunk #muscles such as your #obliques, #erector spinae, #transversus abdominis, and #multifidis, which all help to support a #healthy #back. This exercise also works scapular and #shoulder #stabilizers, as well as #hip muscles such as your #gluteus medius and maximus. please contact us for more info
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#Repost @achievefitnessboston with @get_repost ・・・ UPGRADE YOUR CLAMSHELLS! 🐚 - The idea behind performing clam shells is to help bring awareness to and strengthen the hip external rotators. 🍑... - The goal is to be able to isolate those muscles, rather than compensating and using your lower back as Achieve coach (and 2018 WFA Super Bowl Champion of the @bostonrenegades!) @ebeinsofine shows in this video. - When performed correctly, you can see that Emily puts her elbow on the floor and slides her top knee forward slightly which promotes a more closed-off position. She then keeps her hips from opening up as she lifts her top knee, truly isolating the hip rotators without any help from her lower back! - Performing clam shells in this manner will ensure that you get the most benefit that you can from this exercise! - We hope this post helped you out! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! 🙏💙💪 . . . #performbetter #clamshell #clamshells #minibands #miniband #somervillema #achievefitnessboston #glute #glutes #gluteworkout #sporttherapy #fitness #externalrotators
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With less than 5 months until the @BrightonMarathonWeekend, now is the time to iron out any issues affecting your #training schedule. #Sports massage improves #flexibility and #agility but can also help identify signs of #injury and speed up #recovery. So it's really worth booking a session with one of our team and make sure you're in tip-top-training-shape! #sporttherapy #brightonmarathon #sportinjury #run #running #marathon #injuryrunning #injuryfreerunning #


I would like to say a massive thank you to all my patients/clients who supported my business this year! Thanks to @fitnesshub_brighton for renting the treatment room. The PT’s for all the referrals and for my beautiful patients/clients for all the recommendations. My business had the best year ever and I’m sure 2019 it will be even better. See you all next year! Merry Christmas 🎄 #Christmas #happynewyear #lovemyjob #business #sportstherapy #love #workhard #collectwhatyouplant


Are you still looking for a present for this Christmas? We have gift vouchers available. DM me for more details. #christmas #christmaspresents #sportsinjuriestreatment #sportsmassage #gym #fitness #healthlifestyle #present #sporttherapy #crossfit #yoga #zumbafitness #zumba #run #running #rugby #football #lowerbackpain #injury #sportphysio #pilates #rehabtime #treatyoself #giftideas #exercise #exercisemotivation #


💥Persistence > Perfection💥 - 💥When striving to achieve your fitness, sport, or rehab goals, it's easy to get caught up in trying to make things perfect: - 📌Perfect FORM... 📌Perfect PROGRESS 📌Perfect DIET 📌Perfect PHYSIQUE 📌Perfect OUTCOMES 📌Perfect TRAINING PROGRAM 📌Perfect EXERCISE 📌Perfect SLEEP 📌Perfect ATTITUDE 📌Perfect WORKOUTS - 📃And the list goes on...I'm sure you could find countless other things to fill in here ⬆️⬆️⬆️ - 💥But as any good trainer, coach, or movement professional can tell you: - 🚫PERFECT DOESN'T EXIST - 💯PERSISTENCE DOES - 📌Persistence is what keeps us FOCUSED 📌Persistence is what keeps us GROUNDED 📌Persistence is what PICKS US UP again and again each time we fall down 📌Persistence is what allows us to forget about what happened yesterday and to focus on CONQUERING TODAY 📌Persistence keeps us REALISTIC about failures that will occur throughout the journey 📌Persistence is what finally allows us to achieve our GOALS - 💯This concept can really apply to ANYTHING in life when it comes to staying grounded and resilient in the pursuit of our goals - 💥So in a nutshell: 📌STOP focusing on trying to make things PERFECT 📌Instead, be PERSISTENT... then repeat, again and again and again until you achieve your goal(s) - ⁉️What GOAL(S) are you working toward?
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Before starting #hamstring #strengthening #exercises it helps to know a little bit about what the hamstring #muscles do. The main function of the hamstrings is to bend the #knees, important in activities such as #running, #jumping and climbing stairs.
They also help to control actions such as #kicking, working as the brakes when you swing your leg, and help rotate the lower leg to control foot position as you #walk.
The other function of the hamstrings is to work with the #gl...utes to help extend the hips in activities such as standing up from sitting, squatting and jumping. #Theraband is a specially designed elastic band that provides graded resistance to exercise. It is available in a range of resistance levels (each a different colour) so it is very easy to gradually progress the hamstring #strengthening exercises, so the same exercise can be done just with different resistance levels as you get #progressively #stronger. #sporttherapy
Make sure you can happily do the beginners hamstring strengthening exercises before you try these, particularly if you are recovering from an injury, and start with a low resistance band, such as tan or yellow. Theraband is a really effective, yet simple and cheap tool to make hamstring strengthening exercises more challenging and fun. #pilates #sporttherapy #gym #fitness #crossfit #sportphysio #osteopathy #beatitudesportsinjuries #rehabtime #injuryrehabilitation #humstringinjury
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#Repost @dr.caleb.burgess with @get_repost ・・・ 💥Tendon Pain and Loading💥 - 💥 Tendinopathy (Tendon pain) truth number 1: it does not improve LONG TERM with rest. The pain may settle in the SHORT TERM, but returning to the previously aggravating activity is often painful again, as rest does nothing to increase the LOAD TOLERANCE of the tendon. So what can you do?... - 💯 Progressively LOAD the tendon based on symptom irritability (response to load) as well as address any biomechanical issues that may be overloading the tendon in a NON-OPTIMAL way - 📚 A cool study from Silbernagel et al. 2007 showed that you can safely continue some activity - like running - with achilles tendinopathy, by using a pain-monitoring model (see picture). This did not demonstrate any negative effects and allowed some continued running. This same concept can be applied during specific exercise/rehab to progressively load the tendon in a safe and effective way👌🏼 - 🔹Pain 0-3/10: SAFE zone ➡️ OK to keep going 🔹Pain 4-5/10: ACCEPTABLE ➡️ OK to keep going but be careful to not push much past this 🔹Pain 6-10/10: STOP 🛑 - 🕒 24 hour pain behavior AFTER exercise seems to be more critical than pain DURING exercise. Stable pain is OK, but if there is increased pain or EMS (Early Morning Stiffness) a DAY LATER, decrease the load the next time you exercise. Modifying load is important in settling tendon pain, but tendons need to be loaded progressively so that they can develop greater tolerance to load over time - 📚 Future research must explore if this approach can be applied for different activities/sports and for other types of tendinopathy - 📸 Original Photo cred: #tendon #runners #gym #exercise #anatomy #tendonitis #tendonloading #painfree #sport #sporttherapy #sportphysio #osteopathy #pipates #yoga #crossfit
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#Rounded shoulder #posture is extremely common, especially in individuals who frequently #sit throughout the day. This type of #posture, which is typically caused by #weakness in the shoulder blade #muscles, can lead to pain in the neck or shoulders if not addressed. Fortunately, shoulder #retraction exercises can be helpful for #strengthening these #weak muscles and improving #posture. #sportstherapy #pilates #gym #shoulderretraction #goodposture #crossfit #rehabilitation #health #sportphysio #osteopath #yoga #wellbeing #fitness #workout #beatitudesportsinjuries #bookshelf #contactusforinformation


#Repost @rehabscience with @get_repost ・・・ 💥RUNNING INJURIES💥 ——— Having a running injury or wondering how to reduce your risk of developing one?... - Here are the big three factors to consider as explained by expert running physio, Tom Goom ( during our live discussion last week. - Let us know if you have any questions. Make sure to tag in your questions too. 👍 . #RehabScience #running #brightonmarathon #marathonrunner #sportstherapy #sportsphysio #exercise #recovey #strenghttraining #beatitudesportsinjuries
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#Repost @dr.caleb.burgess with @get_repost ・・・ 💥Less Wrong💥 - 📌 One of the many things I love about physical therapy, strength and conditioning, and fitness in general is how people can have the same goal yet use different skill sets and frames of thought to achieve similar goals... - 📌 Things are very rarely black and white. Instead, they're more often gray and open to interpretation - 🚨 However, this also leads to a lot of bickering, name-calling, putting down, and ego-centric behavior where professionals try everything they can to show how RIGHT they are and how others are WRONG - 📌 I feel that this way of thinking is inherently flawed, as so much of what we do as clinicians and coaches is provide the best care we can with the evidence that we currently have, which many times still does not give black and white answers - 💥 Instead, I believe it's more important to try to be LESS WRONG in the way in which we coach and manage patients and clients - 📌 In this way, we draw upon the best available evidence and experience to try to provide the best coaching and care that we can, always knowing that we DO NOT have all the answers - 💯 The key is to stay HUMBLE enough to keep learning and improving ourselves for the betterment of our professions and the people in which we serve - 💥 This really applies to everything in life. People will appreciate you much more if you keep an OPEN MIND while still having strong convictions and reasoning as to why you believe what you believe - ❤️ What do you think? Are you more concerned about being RIGHT or LESS WRONG? #sportstherapy #gym #sportphysio #sporttherapy #osteopathy #exercise #fitness #cience #resharge #thebesttreatment #everyprofession #lessego #experoence #wise
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#Adductors Why are they important? Our #adductors play a big part in #stabilising the body and torso when we stand. Tight #adductors can cause #knee pain, #hip pain, #groin pain, and #back pain – they can even affect the way we walk and sleep!
Research suggests that the adductor muscles work #synergistically to provide side-to-side #stabilisation of the #pelvis. Having #tight adductors on one side and not the other will make it difficult to hold the pelvis level which mean...s the opposite #hip will drop down as you walk. This can then result in #hip pain and further imbalance as the body tries to #compensate for the #tight muscles.
It is important to both #stretch and #strengthen the adductor muscles so that they are #strong enough to #balance the weight of the body and support the #pelvis and be #flexible enough to allow full range of motion while #walking. Next post I will show you 3 exercises to strengthen this muscle group. #sportstherapy #anatomy #gym #pilates #rehab #fisioterapia #sportsphysio #sports #painfree
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Aww what a great weekend! I had the opportunity to attend a Sporting Hip & Groin course hosted by the Director of Sports & Exercise Medicine Centre for Health & Human Performance. 2 very intense days, learning how to differentiate the Pathology, and how to rehab each of them. I have to say I’m exhausted today but profoundly happy to be able to develop my clinical skills and always give the best treatment to my patients. #hip #anatomy #cpd #professionaldevelopment #learning #beatitudesportsinjuries #exercise #sports #painfree #gym #sportstherapy


What is Sports Therapy?
#Sports Therapy is an aspect of #healthcare that is specifically concerned with the #prevention of #injury and the #rehabilitation of the #patient back to optimum levels of functional, #occupational and #sports specific #fitness, regardless of age and ability.
It utilises the principles of sport and #exercise #sciences incorporating #physiological and #pathological processes to prepare the participant for #training, competition and where applicable, wo...rk.
What is a #You Sports Therapist?
Since its inception 28 years ago, The Society of Sports Therapists is frequently asked, ‘What is a sports therapist?’ Even now there is confusion which, not only causes problems, but in many instances misunderstanding about the knowledge and skills that this specific occupational group possess.
Therefore for clarification - A Sports Therapist is a healthcare professional who has the knowledge, skills and ability to:
utilise sports and exercise principles to optimise performance, preparation and injury prevention programmes provide the immediate care of injuries and basic life support in a recreational, training & competitive environment assess, treat and, where appropriate, refer on for specialist advice and intervention. provide appropriate sport and remedial massage in a sport & exercise context plan and implement appropriate rehabilitation programmes The spectrum of expertise that a Member of The Society of Sports Therapists must possess is built within five key areas of competency related to injury and illness in the sport and exercise environment. These are:
Prevention Recognition & evaluation Management, treatment & referral Rehabilitation Education & professional practice issues
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Almost every one of the people I see in my #clinic has at least one #muscle group that isn’t functioning properly. Very often, one of these #muscle groups is the #glutes. Many of these people can’t even properly #fire their #glutes without first undergoing some teaching or #activation, on one or both sides.
"Even when people #train hard every day, if they spend the majority of the remainder of the day #sitting down, then they are simply not using their #glutes.
And I’m not t...alking your average #desk-worker who #exercises once in a while. I’m talking your five-times-a-week #fitness enthusiasts, your elite-level athletes, your weekend #warriors, and their #sedentary friends alike.
Why Are the Glutes So Inactive?
There are many potential reasons, but I am going to keep it simple and give you just two. The first and most common reason people suffer from underactive glutes or “glute amnesia” is due to lifestyle. Even when people train hard every day, if they spend the majority of the remainder of the day sitting down, then they are simply not using their glutes. And remember the old saying - if you don’t use it, you lose it. Unfortunately, this is just what happens with your #glutes. Another common reason I see glutes that aren’t working properly is due to #injury. Often an injury happens that changes the mechanics and motor programming of a person’s body. This can lead to some muscle groups becoming #overactive, while others become #underactive (think: compensation). This can alter things for a long time without the person even knowing it. Simply put, glute activation is waking up your #glutes. It makes the #connection from your brain to your #muscle and gets the #muscle #fired up and ready to do some work. #Glute activation should be done prior to your #workout. The bridge exercise is the first and generally the easiest way to get your glutes firing. The movement is small and targeted, so go slow and you will feel your glutes "waking up. #sportsinjury #glutes #glutesactivator #hipstabilizers #sportstherapy #gym #crossfit #pilates #yoga
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#Repost @a.s.sportstherapy with @get_repost ・・・ A bit about me.... Hello I am Angelo Serra founder of @a.s.sportstherapy and working together with @Beatitudeclinic. I graduated at the University of Chichester with a First class Honour in ‘Sports Therapy’. I was trained to treat a variety of injuries from different backgrounds, going from sports injuries to posture and work related problems. The course enabled me to develop several skills including: • Examination and assessme...nt of articular and soft tissue injuries. • Management of acute and chronic injuries. • Designing and planning rehabilitation regimes according to the patients’ fitness and goals. • Utilising sports and exercise principles to prevent injuries and optimise patient/athlete preparation to return to optimal functioning both in sport and in the everyday life. • Articular and soft tissue mobilisation and sport massage pre and post-activity. • Use of Electrotherapy modalities including ultrasound and interferentials. My knowledge and skills are based on a sound clinical reasoning which makes me look at the body from an overall prospective and look for the causes preventing the correct body functioning. I was head therapist for Portsmouth Football Ladies and helped Hove Rugby Team during training and match days providing pitch side first-aid. I am also very eager to broaden my medical skills and knowledge by attending regularly international conferences and CPD courses. @a.s.sportstherapy #welcometotheteam #sportstherapist #sportsinjuries #activeagain #gettingfitter #gym #injuryprevention #improvedperformance
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More about Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing

Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing is located at Beatitude Sports Injuries & Wellbeing, Fitnesshub, Units 5-6, Circus Parade, New England Road, BN1 4GW Brighton
07890 529969
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00