Beautiful Beginning - The Hypnobirthing Coach, Northampton.

About Beautiful Beginning - The Hypnobirthing Coach, Northampton.

Hypnobirthing workshops & courses to inspire, educate and support mums-to-be emotionally and practically. #calmconfidentfearlessbirth Northampton FEDANT Reg No. 12468



Beautiful prints for your nursery and home...
I am spoilt for choice!


Such kind words, thank you so much Amie...
For anyone who has attended my BB classes they will know that I love supporting women through such an exciting, yet, rather overwhelming time of your life.
Its only natural to feel mixed emotions ūüėĀūüėĒūüėćūüėĘ
... One moment you can feel filled with pure joy, the next you are washed over with complete and utter fear!
Remember, its about no-one else but YOU!
Yourself and your birth partner will work out whats best for you and your little one step by step.
It may feel scary and your hormones maybe on a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but, I promise YOU can do this even if things do go off plan. You honestly can.
Its truly amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it and I will be here if ever needed.
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In this 2 hour workshop we will be discussing how anxiety and fear affects your pregnancy, the physiology of birth and your hormones, breathing techniques to support you during pregnancy and labour, guided relaxation and talk time to ask any questions.
Tea, cake and handouts to take home, plus a follow up email ūüíó
This is ideal for birth partners too, although women are more than welcome to attend on their own if they prefer or if their birth partner is not available to join Suitable from your first 12 week scan.
You can use this as a great 'taster' to see if hypnobirthing is for you prior to committing to the full course, alternatively, you may wish to attend to be inspired and learn the foundations to then go away and practice what you have learnt independently.
Either way, this workshop is highly recommended as a fabulous starting place from MANY health professionals within maternity care.
Should you like to receive a FREE information pack to find out more please just ask, alternatively you can ring me on 07879061839 or message me with any questions you may have or to book on.
£25 Per Mummy-to-be.
Note: Places are VERY limited.
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*** WARNING ***
Please share.


Tonights meet up @ NGH 7.30pm.


Gender scans...
You are usually able to find out the sex of your baby during the anomaly scan, which happens around 20 weeks.
The sex of your baby is reasonably accurately determined by ultrasound from 12 weeks, but, most NHS departments will not offer an opinion until at least 16 weeks and more commonly not until the anomaly scan.
... Did you find out the sex of your baby and was it right??? Would LOVE to hear, please comment below.
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Wishing you a VERY Happy Mothering Sunday...
(& for the dads that play the role of mum too!).
Have a lovely lazy Sunday ūüíó
... #30thMarch2019ūüíó
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For ALL of you amazing individuals...
Y A Y its Friday and the sun is shining ‚ėÄÔłŹ
Make goals, dream BIG & make life fabulous!
... #PenPaperSitQuietlyDigDeepToYourWishesūüé Č
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Last night was 'BB Birth Partner night'...
Such a lovely final session with an adorable little man who's mummy kindly came to share her previous birth story to inspire the first/second time parents-to-be.
What was extra lovely is that she is pregnant again with their second little one and has already attended the whole course again to freshen up and prepare for this pregnancy, labour & birth, lovely to do if you can.
... Rory was such a good little boy bless him and he will be an AWESOME big brother to his sibling #SoCuteūüėć
Such an exciting time for all, always here ūüíóūüíóūüíó
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The BEST feeling in the world...
A beautiful moment to capture on film ūüíó
#HilaryDuffsHomeWaterBirthOfDaughterūüíó< br>


Your EDD is just that...
What are your thoughts on induction?
Have you been induced or did you refuse?
... How many days past your EDD did your baby arrive?
Would love to hear your story.
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HAPPY Monday lovely people...


The best feeling in the world.


A lovely maternity and baby event today...
Thank you to everyone that popped over to say hello or to find out more about my BB classes.
For all those that registered I promise I will email you tomorrow with the follow up info.
... For all my fabulous past and present ladies keep up the amazing work, you all rock ūüíó
Have a fabulous weekend.
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All set up...
See you soon xxx


BB Kit ready...
See you @ Maternity & Baby Event.


By being 'human' we can all have...
ūüíó Good days. ūüíó Bad days. ūüíó Easy days.... ūüíó Difficult days. ūüíó Happy days. ūüíó Overwhelming days.... the list can go on.
You are not alone, life can be bl@@dy tough and its OK to admit this and reach out. Ask for help if you need it.
Check-in on yourself like you do your friends and please most importantly give yourself a break and don't be too hard on yourself, being the best 'you' is all you can be. No one is perfect always remember this....
Look after each other, today's a new day & the w/end!
We. Are. All. Only. Human. ūüíó
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Really looking forward to this event tomorrow...
So many pregnancy and baby specialists under one roof, its FREE to attend and in a beautiful location @ Brampton Grange, Chapel Brampton, Northampton.
BB has donated an Introductory class for one lucky mummy-to-be RRP ¬£25 and all proceeds from the raffle are being donated to the Rainbow Trust Childrens Charity ūüíó
... There are so many other fabulous prizes to won too!
If you are considering hypnobirthing or want to find out more about how I can support you from fertility through to mother life please just pop over to see me for an informal chat or to register to receive further information via email.
There will also be an 'exclusive' BB offer at the show so it will certainly be worth the visit I promise.
We all look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
#MaternityAndBabyEventChapelBramptonūüíó< br> See More


It's all about 'YOU'... Calm, Confident, Fearless Birth.


Very helpful and supportive lady with a lot of knowledge and resources. Would recommend to anyone. Thank you Emma-Jane. X


The hypnobirthing course with Beginning for bump,birth and beyond was so informative and helpful in preparing me for the labour and delivery. Emma-Jane showed us all the techniques that we needed so we could achieve the birth that we wanted. She is really passionate about what she does and will do anything to help you to ensure that you get what you want! Not only did she prepare me for the labour but she gave me the confidence to realise that I can have a choice in the way things go and to stand up for myself. If she hadn’t have helped me gain that confidence then I don’t think I would have got the home birth I really longed for. Even now after my delivery I am still using the breathing techniques that she equipped me with when things get all too much! Thank You so much.


Really helpful. Has really helped relax my mind and put me in a very positive position for my forth coming labour. I feel very different about labour compared to when I first found out I was pregnant & I can only thank Emma & the hynobirthing course for the difference it has made. It has led me to have a relaxed pregnancy which I know will help so much for labour and motherhood.


Literally cannot fault Emma-Jane! My labour didnt end the way i wanted and yet with her teachings I was super chill throughout and ended up having a wonderful experience despite it ending in a C-section!


I'd really recommend the hypnobirthing course and Emma-Jane was a fantastic teacher. The hypnobirthing course really opened my eyes to how child,birth doesn't have to be a dreaded event ! I'm hoping to use the techniques I learnt on the course for whenever my baby decides to make his/her entrance into this world (not long now !). Thanks to Emma-Jane's teaching and support I'm really excited about my labour as opposed to nervous. Thank you :-)


I would highly recommend Emma-Jane and her hypno birthing classes, she completely put me at ease and explained everything so well, I even got over my fear of needles! Emma-Jane continued to give me support and advice during my whole pregnancy even after I had completed the course, all the techniques I learnt from Emma helped me throughout my labour and I managed to get the labour and birth I had dreamt of.

Thank you Emma-Jane x


I was treated to a class last year, I really enjoyed it and found it helpful to all some of the fears I had. Emma was very welcoming and supportive, always at the end of an email with advice and support. Thankyou so much!


I really enjoyed my relax, breathe and birth hypnobirthing introductory group session yesterday with Emma-Jane. I thought as I was over 38 weeks pregnant it was too late to do anything like this, but I found it very relaxing and learnt a lot. Can't wait for the birth of my daughter now. Feeling inspired. Thank you


I have recently completed The Wise Hippo hypnotherapy course and can highly recommend it to anyone thinking of doing hypnobirthing. Emma-Jane is so friendly and makes you feel totally at ease and relaxed. I genuinely feel so positive about my up coming labour and birth, far more than I ever did with my first. My fears and anxieties have been completely laid to rest and I feel I am ready to meet my baby. Thank you Emma-Jane :-)


I couldn't recommend hypnobirthing highly enough. Allows you to stay calm and in control whatever your birth experience ends up being. Emma-Jane is friendly, focused and will ensure you go into your labour well prepared.


I cannot recommend Emma-Jane highly enough! Beautiful Beginnings gave me the knowledge, confidence and positive state of mind to birth my baby in the calmest way possible xxx


I can't recommend beautiful beginnings enough, as well as the hypnobirthing (which was invaluable throughout my pregnancy and labour), Emma-Jane gave me so much information that allowed me to make my pregnancy and birth even more special than I thought it could be! Thank you so much xx


I came across this friendly, warm, caring vlog when Googling ‚Äėantenatal preparation options‚Äô in Northamptonshire. The beautiful woman on the video said she would support Mamas to be with ANY birth choice they had!! This was literally music to my ears that to hear that I could and would be supported for the choices that I made for my pregnancy and birth without judgement by this woman AND she could teach me ways of equipping myself for the road ahead - I knew at this point I need not look any further in my quest to find antenatal preparations and made my first contact with Emma-Jane to find out more about her course.

Emma-Jane is one of the most caring and beautiful people I have ever met, from the moment she responded to me I knew that the woman who had spoken in the video was definitely the real deal and I felt a connection to her within our first communications. Without hesitation I booked onto a taster course, being a little sceptical as to whether hypnobirthing would really be for me, but it was without doubt one of the best choices I made throughout my pregnancy.

Despite being a very confident and self assured individual not frightened of anyone or anything, I was quite apprehensive about the idea of giving birth. By nature I like to know exactly what I’m doing and be in control and really this birthing business was an expedition into the unknown and for me that was particularly unsettling. Emma-Jane gave me the confidence to ensure that I had my voice heard throughout my antenatal care and birth, whilst also providing the wisdom to learn and develop skills that made sure I kept my head as I walked further along the road of birth. I felt empowered to ensure that I was listened to by those who were caring for me throughout and make my feelings and preferences clear when making decisions about what happened to me throughout my birthing experience.

Having to be cared for under a consultant as I was ‚Äėhigh risk,‚Äô many of the choices that would have been open to text book pregnancies were taken away from me and this bothered me quite a lot. Emma-Jane supported me throughout this period and her classes helped me feel empowered to make the most of the other options that were available and equip me with the skill of remaining calm and relaxed in the face of any adversity that may crop up along the way regarding my antenatal care and birth preferences. Because of Emma-Jane I felt fully prepared with new skills to help me zone out and focus on meeting my baby but also with the knowledge of birth itself. During each class, we were able to discuss our many other aspects of pregnancy and birth that probably wouldn‚Äôt be covered elsewhere. I met some incredible women at the class who are simply awesome (Emma-Jane and my two other classmates) and hope to have established life long friendships. I wouldn‚Äôt have wanted to do my hypnobirthing journey without any of these three. I left Emma-Jane‚Äôs course with the certainty and belief that I‚Äôve got this birthing business sorted and for me that was invaluable.

When D-day arrived, I smashed it (and I‚Äôm normally a modest person - but I really, really did) despite the curve balls sent my way; and I attribute this to Emma-Jane, her support and the skills I gained in her classes. The woman who googled ‚Äėantenatal preparation options‚Äô those many weeks ago was now in the process of giving birth not as a quivery nervous inexperienced novice, but a powerful, mighty lioness, who‚Äôs got this birthing shiz. I‚Äôll never be able to thank Emma-Jane enough, she will always be a very precious and important part of my journey to meet my little angel.


Emma-Jane was super, the course was really useful. I used all the techniques throughout my pregnancy and through my induction, it ended not quite as planned, in a c-section but hubby reminded me to stay ‚Äúcalm and relaxed‚ÄĚ so we still used some of the techniques. And the breathing and relaxation exercises are still useful today (with a 7week old!!). Emma-Jane is lovely, and always there to help and answer questions. I would recommend (and have!) her to anyone who is expecting! ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Emma-Jane opened my eyes to something new ...

Learnt so much from the course

Made the pregnancy & birthing a breeze ..

I would Recommend this amazing experience to anyone ..


Emma-Jane is very passionate about what she does and was happy to answer any questions and give reassurance. She is professional and ensures you are comfortable with all techniques so you can use the ones suitable for you and your birth! I highly recommend Emma-Jane and hypnobirth!


Emma-Jane has been nothing short of fantastic! The hypnobirthing course was enjoyable, relaxed and informative, where I felt prepared and ready for labour and have made a great group of supportive friends. My husband came away from the course feeling confident that he could help me with my breathing techniques and play an active part in my labour.

When things didn't quite go to plan during the latter stages of my pregnancy, Emma-Jane was a huge support, even messaging while I was in the hospital.

The course helped me to feel empowered to speak up and make my own choices during labour, choosing what i knew was right for me. If anyone is pregnant and undecided on hypnobirthing, I couldn't recommend Emma-Jane and the course enough!


Emma is such a fantastic lady and supported me all the way through to give me the confidence I very much needed x x x


Emma is amazing. She completely relaxed me but still enabled me to stay focused. She gave me continued support throughout my pregnancy and labour. Poor Emma was giving me advice while in labour. Very caring and a genuine person. I would highly recommend emma to anyone x

More about Beautiful Beginning - The Hypnobirthing Coach, Northampton.

Beautiful Beginning - The Hypnobirthing Coach, Northampton. is located at Bugbrooke, Northampton, Northamptonshire