Becca Macmahon Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Becca Macmahon Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Cognitive Hypnotherapy is more than just talking. I use effective, proven techniques to help you gently let go of your problems

Becca Macmahon Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Coaching Description




I've had the most incredible weekend surrounded by inspiring strong women. We connected. We shared stories. We danced. We laughed ...... A lot! It got me thinking. How do we build these strong connections? . I believe it's through VULNERABILITY. .
Choosing to be vulnerable with eachother is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It's the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or d...eeper & more meaningful lives, vulnerability is important. . Of course you can choose to stay safe ......and avoid being vulnerable, you can avoid taking risks, avoid putting your heart on the line, revealing who you truly are, or asking for what you want in life - but as Susan David, author of Emotional Agility writes: . "These are DEAD PEOPLE GOALS" . So you decide ..... You're the boss Happy Sunday ! X
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WANNA PLAY? 🤗 WHEN DID WE STOP? WHY DID WE STOP? I’ve been learning about how creativity boosts happiness, so I'm incorporating more play into my life. Hanging off climbing frames, drawing (badly), writing poetry, jumping in puddles and dressing up. How could you be more creative today?

User Yk Cognitive Hypnotherapy is quite a new approach to therapy. It's so much more than just talking. This video explains it really neatly in 3 minutes! Enjoy :)


WHO WERE YOU MEANT TO BE? Who were you before your heart was broken or your head became full of noisy thoughts? QUESTION EVERYTHING, your intentions, your beliefs, your habits, the company you keep- do they SUPPORT or HINDER you in being who you were always meant to be? Do they keep you safe or help you grow?


PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. . . Choosing to boldly venture towards change is challenging. If you slip up on the way to your goals, there's always something to learn. ALL IS NOT LOST. Dust yourself off, take a deep breath and off you go again with more knowledge and power than before. . You've got this 💪 #relapse


❤️EMOTION comes from the Latin word EMOVERE. 'To move through or out' // BAD FEELINGS CAN BE GOOD NEWS if we're ready to listen and learn from them.// I recommend checking out Pema Chodron's work to explore this further. #emotional #therapy #pemachodron #meditation #mindfullness #buddhism #healing #stillness #enquiry #selfcompassion #beherenow #clarity #lifecoach #takeaction #journey #spiritual #leanin #feels #allthefeels #breathe #anxiety #depression #conciousness


This is one of my favourite thoughts ❤️ This ever-changing life is full of infinite possibility. Some of the most amazing moments of our lives haven't happened yet!!!! There are places we haven't been, people we haven't met, hugged & kissed, dogs we haven't stroked, sunsets we haven't seen, songs we haven't heard, perfumes we haven't smelt, delicious foods we haven't eaten ..... If you're having a tough day, hang in there. THE BEST IS YET TO COME ❤️


I BEND SO I DONT BREAK.... // WHAT'S YOUR DAILY HABIT? // a good ol' stretch & breathe gets me out of my busy head and into my body - I never regret it🙏 When yoga class is cancelled I see it as a chance to get creative and improvise....ANYWHERE!


HAPPINESS & SELF LOVE ARE NOT GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY. Sadly many industries are kept afloat by our insecurities. Do you feel you're not beautiful, thin, secure, happy, rich, bendy, strong or popular enough? Maybe you learned never say out loud how awesome you are? NEVER TOO LATE. Being calm and satisfied with our own gloriously chaotic human existence is like a revolutionary act. We're all uniquely loveable. So today try this: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO OBSESS about the things you love about yourself ❤️#selflove


✨20 S E C O N D S O F I N S A N E C O U R A G E .✨ Some of the best moments of my life have happened because of a deep breath & 20 seconds of EMBARASSING-CRINGE-INDUCING- BRAVERY 😖. How could 20 seconds change your life today? * Ask that burning question, * Pull on your lycra & go for that run * Decide to tell the scary truth, * Choose to admit you need help * Book that Smear test / Prostate exam . ⏰ 20 SECONDS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE ⏰ #anxiety #breathe


TRY THIS: A way to evaluate how kindly we speak to ourselves is to ask if we’d say the same thing to a friend. The way we speak to ourselves has an impact on our lives, so TODAY try telling yourself you're good enough, you're beautiful, you're deserving and you got this 🙏❤️


DO A GOOD DEED TODAY. Doing a random act of kindness is like human magic + is scientifically proven to improve your mood. So put that nice heart to good use today, help an old lady across the road and reap the benefits ❤️


YOU DO YOU! Feel like putting your tulips in a bottle of unicorn tears? why not! Tuesdays are a perfect day to celebrate your glorious uniqueness 💐🦄

More about Becca Macmahon Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 20:00
Friday: 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -