Bede Burn Kindergarten

About Bede Burn Kindergarten

Bede Burn Kindergarten is a privately run day nursery situated on Bede Burn Road in Jarrow and has been open since March 2013.



At Bede Burn Kindergarten, safety is always at the centre of our focus and we make every effort to ensure that all children are kept safe and well cared for. It’s important to us that you feel confident in our ability to provide an environment which excels in delivering a secure, unique and aspiring experience.
We are proud to announce that every member of our team is fully qualified in Paediatric First Aid. This means that your children are always accompanied by at least one member of staff that is wholly capable of delivering a perfectly safe and secure experience, without exception. If you have any questions, we are more than happy to help!


We are looking for any unused items that you no longer want to enhance our nursery environment. Do you have any of the following?
ūüŹ†Wooden dolls house... ūüöį Plastic guttering or piping ūüĎę Small world people ūüöó Wooden or plastic vehicles ūüß• Dressing up clothes including; hats, scarves, bags, bangles and clippy cloppy shoes. We are trying to move away from the character dress up items. ūüĎĀ Plastic mirrors ūüŹē Plants, compost, gardening tools such as; spades, buckets, watering cans etc. ūü•ĺ Wellies of all sizes ūüßĶ Materials ūüß≥ Wooden or wicker baskets of different sizes and leather suitcases.
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Easter Holiday Dates... ūüźįūüź£
Just a reminder to parents/carers that funded children will be breaking up Friday 5th April and will be returning back to nursery Tuesday 22nd April.
Children who split their 30 hour entitlement can still attend nursery as normal.
... If you require childcare during the holidays and would like to pay for sessions, please speak to a member of staff.
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In our 2-3 and 3-5 room on Thursday 4th April we will be holding a Superhero and Princess themed day.
This is to support our Graduation where we will say goodbye to some of our 3-5 and 2-3 children.
... On the day we’re asking for a £1 donation for your child to come dressed up. This money will be going towards our graduation in July.
On Thursday we will be providing lots of fun activities for your children based around this theme as it is a reoccurring interest in our pre-school room.
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World Happiness Day! ūüėĀ
Let us know what makes you happy.
Please feel free to write a little note on a post it and pop it into our basket.


Please join us for Afternoon Tea for Mother’s Day.
If your child isn’t at nursery this day, you’re more than welcome to come in for the event. We are asking one adult per child.
We look forward to seeing you all there for an afternoon of fun.


On Wednesday 20th March we’re holding an opening evening, this will be on from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm.
You can come along and speak to the room managers who will be happy to answer questions you may have. You will also have the opportunity to see our nursery and some of the activities we provide for the children in our care on a daily basis.
If you register your child to attend Bede Burn Kindergarten on the open evening you have the chance of receiving 1 week of free childcar...e** and 10% off your childcare fee’s for the first 3 months.
If you’re unable to attend the open evening and still would like to come and have a look around please feel free to give us a call or message and we can arrange a time that’s best for you.
We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.
**terms and conditions apply**
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I jumped on board a...
In our 0-2 room today our children have thoroughly enjoyed sitting in different sized baskets driving different vehicles.
We have sang lot's of different songs, dressed up and used instruments to create different sounds. The children also used the different sized tubes to look through and create different sounds using their mouth's.
... We have had lots of fun this morning!
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Yesterday the children used open ended materials to create their own pizzas in the playdough area.
To extend this interest, the children used wraps and ingredients to create their own mini pizzas. Unfortunately, our children were unable to see how the pizzas they created were cooked so to next step this further we took a group of children to Dominos to observe the base being made and the dough being cooked in the oven.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the outing, especially the food tasting of the end product!


The children in 2-3 have been exploring spring colours ūüź•ūüź£ūüĆĽūüĆě
To extend this interest a group of the children went on a spring walk to see what other changes we could see in the environment.
Together the children observed some beautiful white blossoms and daffodils at different stages of growth.


We are supporting Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March. Your children are more than welcome to come in dressed in something red or follow the theme of Disney.
We look forward to seeing you‚Äôs all support an amazing cause!ūüĒīūüĒī


We've had lots of fun in our 0-2 room for World Book Day today.
Please see the photos below of what we have been getting up too.


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What started off as World Book Week, has now became "Super Hero and Princess Week".
A top favourite has been Supertato. The children have enjoyed listening to the story, coming up with their own stories of saving the poor carrot from the evil peas, designing their own Supertatos, hulksmashing numbers in a number recognition game and other different activities.


World Book Day week!
Here are some photo's of the stories and activities our babies have been exploring.
We have all had lots of fun and can't wait to see what other stories our children bring in.


We are holding World Book Day everyday this week, we are doing this so every child has a chance to dress up and show us their costumes.
If your child would also like to bring their favourite story into nursery ūüďö


The staff in 2-3's have been carrying out some research into early language development and the effects of dummies.
As a result of this we have created a dummy box for anyone thinking of taking the step to remove their child's dummy. This will be ongoing as we know this is a big decision which cannot be rushed. We understand that dummies are a great comfort to children and they will be ready for this step at different times.
Name tags will be provided to attach to the dummies to make sure the dummy fairy knows who to write their letter back to.


As nursery practitioners, we understand the importance of making song time an opportunity for children to explore and be adventurous which gives children the opportunity to develop their prerequisite language skills.
Take a look at how 2-3's engage our children through song time ūü•≥ūüėÄūüôÉ


On the 20th March we will be holding an open evening between 5:30pm and 6:30pm for a chance to view the setting and meet our team members.
During this event you will: - see activities that are set up through out the day in each room - chat with the room managers about the things we offer... - sign up your child/children for the remaining term - a chance of 1 week free childcare** - 10% off your first 3 months
**terms and conditions apply**
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Today my daughter started reception so has officially finished bedeburn kindergarten. I can't thank the staff enough for everything they have done for Summer. Putting her in at such a young age was the hardest thing for me but I don't regret it for a second. Being on your own with a baby/toddler was hard at times but the staff here helped to relieve the pressure while making it fun and enjoyable for Summer too. Thankyou for everything. X


Reccomend bedeburn totally, my little boy James goes here and loves itÔŅĹÔŅĹ he loved the messy play party today and the girls are so good with himÔŅĹ he smiles as he enters the door! Xx


My little girl Grace has just started Bede Burn Kindergarten and I am so pleased at how well she is settling and her doesn't stop talking about her nursery when she gets home x


My daughter has been attending Bedeburn since she was 4 months old and has now just celebrated her second birthday. The staff have went above and beyond to make sure she has always been happy, comfortable and thriving. Even certain needs she had such as having reflux which meant as an infant she had to be constantly upright or sleep on an incline, they ensured her needs were met. Over the years my daughter has became attached to certain members of staff, particularly Ashleigh, her Key Worker. At any signs of upset or distress Ashleigh would make sure she was there to comfort and reassure her and bring her back to peace even when she was attending to other duties. This was particularly comforting to me because I know how attached and clingy she can be and how she needs constant reassurances that her ‚Äėpeople‚Äô are there. Cassidy and Jade are also fantastic and I‚Äôve never walked into the room and there‚Äôs not been some form of singing, dancing or playing going on. There‚Äôs constant interaction and stimulation and those were so important for me, rather than a place where your child is left to their own devices. For example, themed days such as French Day etc. I 100% recommend Bedeburn to any parent considering the kindergarten. The staff, their warmth and genuine affection for the children in their care, as well as their obvious professionalism, are unparalleled. My daughter continues to attend and I couldn‚Äôt imagine for her go anywhere else in the area.


My daughter has been a part of the nursery for 2 years. She loves it and the staff are great.


My daughter Alice has been attending Bedeburn Kindergarten from the age of one, she is now two and a half.

Alice thoroughly enjoys her two days at nursery and the staff are extremely attentive of her needs, whether it be using the same techniques as we do when she is misbehaving or even helping with potty training.

Alice has developed some special relationships with the staff and some of the other girls and boys who attend the nursery too.

No suggestion or question is too much for the staff and they are extremely accommodating if for any reason we need to change one of her set days.

Richie and I are extremely pleased we chose Bedeburn, we couldn't imagine Alice growing into the imaginative little girl that she is without the support of the staff and the environment she learns within.


Most excellent care given to my one-year-old son. He comes home happy, dirty and full of things to tell us.


Kayla absolutely loved bede burn kindergarten and most of all the lovely staff thanks very much x


I can't speak highly enough of the staff at Bede Burn. My son Harrison started coming for short visits in July to prepare him for starting in September. From our first visit we loved the place. Every member of staff is so professional and friendly and all of the children so well behaved and happy. A true reflection on the kind of place it is. In the first few weeks of starting Harrison really struggled with separation anxiety and became really hard to deal with on a night time. Before this Harrison was a great sleeper and happy to be away from us with friends and family. But he was obviously struggling with his new transition. The staff were so understanding and reassured us that is was all very normal. They went above and beyond to help Harrison settle in especially his key worker Morgan. Morgan made a visual timetable of his day at nursery so he knew what to expect next and so he could see at the end of the day Mam and Dad always come back. Extra phone calls throughout the day to reassure me and even ringing me on days Harrison wasn't in nursery to see how he has been sleeping. Thankfully we are back to 12 hours of unbroken sleep from him and this morning for the first time he ran away from me without a single tear. He absolutely loves his nursery, thank you to all the staff xxxx


Gona miss all the lovely teachers ÔŅĹCan't fault this nursry. Wil be sendin Katie in a couple years. ÔŅĹ xxxx


Couldn't thank the staff at bede burn kindergarten enough, brought my little boy on loads and he's sobbed his little heart out today as he leaves ready for school in September ÔŅĹ see you's in a few years girls when it's Ruby's turn xxxx


Bedeburn Kindergarten is a truly amazing place. Millie started when she was only 4 months old, which was daunting, but exciting. I was so apprehensive about putting Millie into a nursery at such a young age but was thrilled with how she was accepted with open arms.

The first day at nursery, they asked how she ate, and I said she was breastfed and didn't take a bottle, she didn't take a dummy, couldn't sit up and couldn't get herself to sleep in a cot, she had to be cuddled. I thought they'd say no straight away but it was amazing they took her in like she was one of their own. Each of the staff are incredibly friendly and adapt to each baby/child in their own way. Within a month, Millie was eating food, sleeping through and even drinking from a bottle and took a dummy! They're all super nannies in my eyes. She's 1 next week and is such a social butterfly and it's all thanks to these girls.

A truly amazing nursery and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. It made going back to work a breeze. x


Amazing place. My little one has been here since 7 months old and his final year aged 4 will be in Sept. They helped identify at an early age he may have additional needs And provided great support through the years with this. These girls have been like 2nd mothers to him. They've cared for him and helped him learn and grow into the happy, loving, playful little boy he is today. I can't thank them all enough!

More about Bede Burn Kindergarten

Bede Burn Kindergarten is located at Bede Burn Rd, NE32 5 Jarrow