Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force

About Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force

The Army Cadets in Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire provide exciting and challenging, military themed and adventurous training to young people in 40 towns and villages throughout both counties.

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force Description

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) offers a variety a training. This goes from Ceremonial Drill to Rock Climbing. The variety is broad and the content challenging, this is why the ACF is one of the largest youth movements today.

The majority of our training is focused around the Army Proficiency Syllabus (APC Syllabus). This syllabus is compiled of various military and non-military subjects, each then divided into up to 6 levels.

These levels are known as star levels and based on the level of experience and achievement the cadet has already reached, ranging from Basic Cadet to Master Cadet.
For Parade nights and times please go to the website and search for the Detachment concerned



A few more pictures from Camp. Many more to follow!


Night exercises for our older cadets. Can you see anyone in the dark??


Good morning from Annual Camp! Thanks to Denise for the picture.


Photos from Camp ! Our Cadets are having fantastic fun on Annual Camp! We will update the photos as we get them in!


Annual Camp has started ! Lots of photos on the way!


Standby for lots of photos of our cadets and instructors enjoying their annual camp!


Annual Camp 2018 is coming!
Heres a little reminder of the fun, friendship, action and adventure that awaits our cadets and adult volunteers.
Have a quick look back at this short film from a previous annual camp film to see what you can expect!
... The PR team will be at camp this year so don’t forget to give them a wave and smile for the camera!
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Cadets Join the Army Netball Team!
Cadet Sports crossed a new boundary last weekend as girls from across Beds & Herts ACF were invited to a unique joint training session with their Regular Army counterparts. The Int Corps Netball Team is based at Chicksands and they invited us to participate in a showcase event designed to improve our girls' sporting skills and also demonstrate the importance of sport in Army life. We received very positive feedback from the cadets and look forward to more joint events in the future!


Cadets and adults from 5 Company helped marshall the first Bubble Rush fundraising event for Keech Hospice. There were over 1600 participants at the event which was a huge success. This is another example of how our cadets help out in the community, and looks like a whole lot of fun too! Well done to all who helped out this very worthy cause.


Cadets star at Battle Proms !
Cadets from 1 and 2 Companys helped out again this year at The Battle Proms at Hatfield House. A Spitfire performed a flypast as they marched and took the salute to the gun that was fired at Passchendaele in The Great War. TV personality and event compare Pam Rhodes had her photo taken with some of the cadets.
... Well done to all who took part so smartly, especially during the very hot weather.
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Padre John Hallows passes away.
We send our condolences to family and friends of Padre John who passed away suddenly last week.
He had been married for just 18 months after retiring from the church.
... RIP Padre.
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Cadet Executive Officer retires with awards after 22 years service.
Major Peter Barlow who as CEO ran Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army cadets heading up the permanent staff has retired after 22 years.
He was awarded the Meritous Award for Service by both Lord Lieutenants from Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
... Commandant Colonel Andrew Every said " I can't thank Peter enough for all the hard work he has put in over the years, he has done a sterling job as CEO and I wish him all the best in his retirement"
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The girls excel at Exercise Sapper Cadet!
Female cadets and CFAV's from across the 7th Brigade descended on Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell for Exercise Sapper Cadet, a weekend giving them an introduction to the Royal engineers and engineering.
The weekend was timed to coincide with the International Women in Engineering day on the 23rd June. Along with stands and activities run by both Regualr and reserve soldiers, there was guest speaker Yuli Rigby, who is the first non-militar...y Fellow of the Institution of Royal Engineers.
Thirty two female cadets from Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire attended and had an amazing time, taking part in the various activities, from first aid senarios to bridge building and STEM building to command tasks and even seven seater bike riding!
All this was possible thanks to the hard work by the event organiser, Beds and Herts ACF 3 Company's CSM Dunscombe, who is also a Sergeant in the reserves unit 65 Works Group Royal Engineers, and Deputy Commandant Lt Col Wendy Adams.
The cadets left happy and inspired by that they learned on a very successful weekend.
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Credit Joe Hooper Photography


Colonel Andrew thanks everyone for an 'outstanding parade'
Commandant Colonel Andrew Every sends his personal thanks to all involved with the 10th Anniversary Parade last Saturday.
Colonel Andrew said "I would like to personally thank all the cadets, officers and instructors for such a smart turnout, plus the family, friends, visitors and VIPs who turned up in their hundreds to watch the parade and the displays the cadets put on. There was a lot of hard work involved by adult... volunteers behing the scenes and I thank them as well"
Well done to everyone who took part in a fantastic day
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Last Saturday Beds and Herts ACF celebrated the 10th Anniversay of the amalgamation of the two counties with a massive parade. Three hundred of our cadets plus officers and instructors paraded infront of sixty VIPs and hundreds of parents, friends and family. After the parade the cadets put on displays showing their activities to the visitors. Well done to all who took part and to the volunteers who made it possible.


cadets is just too good to explain in 40 words


Very informative


Great for the youth. Teaches values and courtesy.


cadets is just too good to explain in 40 words


Very informative


Great for the youth. Teaches values and courtesy.


cadets is just too good to explain in 40 words


Very informative


Great for the youth. Teaches values and courtesy.

More about Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force is located at Army Reserve Centre, St Andrew Street, SG14 1JA Hertford, Hertfordshire