Bedgebury Forest Yoga

About Bedgebury Forest Yoga

Yoga is not about postures. It is about letting your light shine through in everything you do. I am so excited to share my yoga practice at Bedgebury.



I thought I would share this to try to motivate all my lovely followers to get on their mat and salute to the sun 🌞. Remember you need to do both sides.


Caring for others begins with self care. Our ability to hold and nurture others is infinitely greater when we learn to hold ourselves. In Balasana we hold ourselves lightly, tenderly, curling in towards our own center. Balasana is the Sanskrit name for Child’s Pose. When we gently fold into this pose we feel safe, we feel held, nurtured. Our pulse softens and we begin to relax. . . . #yogapose #bedgeburyforestyoga #yogateacher #connected #selfcare #nurture


Anyone fancy joining me for yoga on Monday morning at 9:00 am in the studio? It will be a great start to the week. #mondaymorning #yogainspiration #startasyoumeantogoon


Parsvakonasana. This pose engages the thigh muscles and awakens the inner leg from the groin right down to the ankles. This pose gives a beautiful lateral stretch. So often our day to day movements are simple forward and backward motions so it’s important to open into the side body too. Use lateral stretching to encourage lateral thinking. . . . #yogateacher #yogaposes #gratitude #nature #bedgeburyforestyoga #bedgebury


Whatever you are up to this long weekend take some time to stop drop and yoga. We are so lucky at Bedgebury Forest Yoga to be surrounded, not only by beautiful parklands, but it's animals too.
We would love to see where you strike a pose and we are looking forward to seeing you back on the mat on Thursday at 7pm.
Happy weekend


Looking forward to teaching tomorrow evening. I hope you can join me. Let’s all be grateful for the longer evenings and warmer temperatures. Summer is coming! #gratitude #yogateacher #nature #sunshine #feelslikesummer


I hope to see you all at yoga tomorrow evening at 7:00 as usual. Newcomers are welcome 🙏


The pose in the photo is called Tree Pose. If you have not done this before try practicing against a wall for support.
Stand in Tadasana and bring your foot into your inner thigh. Engage the thigh to offer support. Use your hands to balance against the wall. Keep practicing and eventually you can work up to free standing and lifting your arms which is the more advanced version.
Focus on the breath and allow your troubles to fall away for a brief moment. xx


Sundays are always a great day for reflecting on the week that has been, releasing any energy that has not served you and taking the opportunity to invite in new energy for the week ahead.
Wishing you all a happy restful bank holiday weekend.


Good morning Yogis and Yoginis,
I'm ready for some midweek yoga action, how about you? Starting the morning with breath work and movement sets you up for a productive and positivity fuelled day.
All levels welcome, 9am classes weekdays.
... Namaste x
#yoga #yogateacher #wednesdayyoga #bedgeburyforestyoga #positivity #productiveday #healthyliving #dailyyogapractice #yogapractice #liveyourbestday
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Happy Weekend Yogis and Yoginis,
For those of you who I haven't had the pleasure to teach, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Gabriella. I specialise in Yin, Sivananda and Iyengar Yoga. I'm a trained Aryuveda and Holistic Massage Therapist and I have created Bedgebury Forest Yoga to share a practice with you inspired by nature. Whether you are brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner I would love to welcome you to the studio.
#yoga #yogateaching #yogateacher #bedgeburyforestyoga #shivinanda #yin #iyengaryoga


"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame. Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life. Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility and joy." B.K.S Iyengar


Practicing, learning, growing...🌸


There is something truly magic in the air at Bedgebury Forest! To teach yoga within this park is a dream come true. Come join me this evening at 7 pm to reconnect to nature and to reconnect to yourself.
#bedgeburyforest #bedgeburyforestyoga #yoga #sivananda #nature #yogalife #yogateacher


I am back from my time away in the mountains skiing. I grew up in the mountains and it takes me back to my childhood. The conditions were fantastic and I found my ski legs!!


We’ve had such a great response to the classes being held here at Bedgebury Forest Yoga and I am so grateful to hold this space for all of you beautiful Yogis.
Teaching is my absolute passion and I am excited to tell you that I will now be holding classes every morning (Monday to Friday) at 9:00 am. I invite you to join me on the mat for a variety of Sivananda, Iyengar and Yin inspired yoga. We will be keeping the 7:00 pm evening class on Thursday due to popular demand.
I wo...uld love your feedback on these new times. Does a morning class work best for you? Please comment or message me directly if this new daily class interests you.
Namaste x
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i am reading the Yogas Sutras of Patanjali which date back to 5000 B.C.
The point which resonated with me the most was:
“Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.”
... Yoga can make a difference in your life. Get your mat out and make it a daily practice. That is where the real benefit comes from.
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More about Bedgebury Forest Yoga

+44 7769 608890