Being Now - Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching

About Being Now - Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching

Zen Meditation and Mindfulness Coaching for Wellbeing and Insight

Being Now - Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching Description

Being Now is all about just that, Being Now!

Mindfulness is simply about paying attention, in a non-judgemental and non-attached way, to the present moment and everything that it contains. Our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the environment around us. We train our mind to recognise that present moment and remain there using meditation practices

By practising Meditation and Mindfulness we begin to see that we are not the events or physical sensations we experience. Nor are we the thoughts or mental commentary about those experiences.

This gives us perspective. We see things for how they really are instead of them being clouded by our emotions or preconceived ideas.

That perspective not only allows us to experience calm in the chaos but it also means we can be much more skilful in our response to any given situation.

Being Now teaches a number of different courses and workshops from Wellbeing, to Energy Cultivation and Grounding, and on to Insight with the ultimate goal being Kensho or a direct experience of your true nature.

For more information please visit http://www. beingnow. co. uk



The next Zenways Nottingham meeting is this Sunday at 4pm
Details in the event page


A mindfulness based workshop taking a deeper look at the science behind the stress reaction, the how and why of our response to stressors and how the effects impact us Plus practical methods that enable us to move toward a place of calm and greater perspective.
Suitable for anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of stress and how to manage it. Prior mediation experience is not required.
... Cost:: £12 - Waged £8 - Low waged/Students £5 - Benefits
6:30-8:30pm Thursday 9th May
Being Now Om Studios (2nd Floor) 19 Greyhound Street Nottingham NG1 2DP
See More


Very happy to announce the start of Zenways Nottingham, a satellite sangha of Zenways, that myself and other local members are launching on 14th April.
All welcome. Come along and get a taste of Zen meditation with (hopefully) live streaming of Daizan Roshi's Dharma talk from London


Really poor timing for me as I have family commitments that day but if you're around Hebden Bridge and interested in how and where the Rinzai and Soto lineages meet, Daizan is uniquely placed to expand on this having spent 14yrs in a Soto monastery and then 7yrs in a Rinzai one


My amazing wife, Natalie, is running a couple of energy clearing and shielding workshops in a few weeks time. They come highly recommend.
This is what she has to say about them:
“Many years ago I found I had a natural inclination and skill for energy clearing and shielding work, and ever since I tend to attract people who want help with this.
... Quite a few people over the last few months are asking for the same thing so I feel to run a workshop so I can share practical techniques and advice on this subject at a lower cost than you all having one to one sessions.
This way I can spread the knowledge further and I'd rather empower you to be able to do this for yourself- you are all more than capable of doing anything you put your mind to. ❤
I'll be running level 1 and level 2 on the same day, so you can do both if you choose to. We will practise everything as I teach and guide so you will be clear on how to use these techniques.
Blessings ❤ “
See More


Never ever give up. You can do anything you put your mind to.


A great interview with my teacher by Anneka Rice. Starts about 1:42 so skip forward to it.


My teachers new book due out 18th January. This will act as a course text book for the Wellbeing course I run and a copy will be given to students at the first session My next Wellbeing course starts 1st Feb so perfect timing! 152814/


This is a must watch video on consciousness.


A great post by a fellow Zenways mindfulness teacher on that control freak inside all of us.
You should check out the rest of her website if you fancy a retreat with a difference.
Sun and mindfulness? Yes it is possible!

More about Being Now - Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching

Being Now - Zen Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching is located at 19 Greyhound Street, NG1 2DP Nottingham, United Kingdom