Belavia Uk

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Belavia Uk

5 Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EJ, United Kingdom



🎬Episode 2 Remember our story about four adventurous tourists? Today's episode is about one of them! John planed a fantastic adventure with Belavia! Have a look at how Belavia Leader Card became his irreplaceable travel companion!✈️ 🎬Эпизод 2 Помните историю о друзьях-путешественни ках? Сегодняшняя серия расскажет об одном из наших героев: у Джона фантастические планы на путешествия с Белавиа. Узнайте о программе Белавиа-Лидер, и как она ему в этом поможет ✈️


It’s such a pleasure to see photos taken in our planes! The reason is because it’s taken by inspired dreamers and travelers. And we are inspired by you as well, dear passengers! Today is the 23rd birthday of our company. We are happy to send our warmest congratulations to all colleagues and, of course, to our passengers! Thank you! There would be no “us” without you!💖🛫


Summer is almost here !! And the school and academic holidays are approaching. This is the time of the year for going on exciting tours and meetings with relatives and friends. For those who live in the North West Region of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, the third-most populate part in the 🇬🇧, and plan to spend a pleasant time in Belarus 🇧🇾, we are happy to remind you that Belavia resumes its traditional summer direct flights from Manchester to Minsk from the 25th May, which, we believe, will ease... your trip and make it more convenient and comfortable. Belavia also gives you the opportunity to use those flights for transit to a good range of cities for your convenience in the Baltic States,🇷🇺, 🇰🇿, 🇺🇦, 🇬🇪 and other countries of CIS. For those who wish to discover the capital of Belarus during their journey, we offer a stopover in Minsk for up to three days without any increase in the flight cost (even cheaper sometimes). Please note that Belarus is a visa free destination for lots of countries. We are looking forward to plan your trip with us! ✨✈️ Приближается лето! Впереди каникулы, удивительные путешествия и долгожданные встречи с друзьями и родственниками. Мы рады напомнить вам, что для тех, кто живет в Северо-Восточной части Англии и планирует провести время в Беларуси, Белавиа традиционно предлагает летние прямые перелёты из Манчестера в Минск с 25 мая каждую субботу. Кроме того, у вас есть возможность лететь транзитными рейсами через Минск по многим направлениям. Мы будем рады помочь вам в планировании вашего путешествия!🛫😊 #Manchester #manchestergram #manchesterutd #manchesterairport
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With deep regret we have heard that Victor Mizzi, the founder of Chernobyl Children Lifeline and our big friend, has passed away peacefully yesterday. Victor founded this Charity organization 27 years ago, with which we have worked since 1995. Thanks to his tireless energy and activity, thousands of Belarusian children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster were able not only to undergo a recuperation holiday in the UK, improve their health, but also certainly shaped thei...r future for the better. His work has been well recognized in both countries. For special merits in humanitarian and charitable activities, he became the first foreigner in Belarus who received the highest award, the order of the FRANCYSK SKARYNA. In Great Britain he has been awarded the Order of the British Empire for services to the child victims of the Chernobyl disaster. We are proud to have worked with him all these past years and being a part in his organization’s activities. The legacy he has left is something to be really proud of. Belavia office in the UK shares the sorrow along with all those who knew and loved him and express the condolences to his family and friends. The bright memory of the Great and Noble Man will remain with us forever. Victor was truly a blessing in the lives of many people, his name will not be forgotten.
С глубоким сожалением мы узнали, что Виктор Мицци, основатель Чернобыльской линии помощи детям и наш большой друг, вчера ушел из жизни. Виктор основал эту благотворительную организацию 27 лет назад, с которой мы работаем с 1995 года. Благодаря его неутомимой энергии и активности тысячи белорусских детей, пострадавших от чернобыльской катастрофы, смогли не только провести оздоровительные каникулы в Великобритании, улучшить свое здоровье, но также и сформировали свое будущее в лучшую сторону. Его работа была хорошо известна в обеих странах. За особые заслуги в гуманитарной и благотворительной деятельности он стал первым иностранцем в Беларуси, получившим высшую награду - орден ФРАНЦИСКА СКАРИНЫ. В Великобритании он был награжден орденом Британской империи за заслуги перед детьми, ставшими жертвами чернобыльской катастрофы. Мы гордимся тем, что работали с ним все эти прошедшие годы и принимаем участие в деятельности его организации. Оставленное им наследие - это то, чем можно гордиться. Белавиа офис в Великобритании разделяет соболезнования его семье и друзьям, вместе со всеми, кто знал его и работал с ним. Светлая память о великом и благородном человеке навсегда останется с нами. Виктор был поистине благословением в жизни многих людей, его имя не будет забыто.
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We are pleased to present you a video collage of an important event for the development of tourism to Belarus. On February 8, The Belarusian Tourism Union has become an associated member of the Association of Independent Tour Operators of the UK (AITO). The agreement was signed during a seminar organized at the initiative of the Embassy and with the active support of Belavia We believe, this greatly expands the possibilities of exploring our country, which has deep roots in ...European history, native and beautiful nature with the hospitable and generous people living there. In addition to cultural and historical tourism, great potential opportunities exist in the development of sports tourism as well. In June 2019 Minsk will host the 2nd European Games and athletes and their supporters from the UK are expected to take part in the sport forum. At the seminar, among the presentations of the British Embassy in Belarus on the organization of the Great British Festival and fan zones during the European Games in Minsk, the Republican Union and selected Belarusian tour operators, Belavia introduced its capabilities and proposals for supporting and developing this market segment. Read more details at:…/belarusian-touri sm-union-joins-aito…/ To see all full presentation go:…/1jIcV_nBzX3J 10QEDgmsRvX7giV…/view
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Looking for new destinations? See, how we can help ✈️ Episode 1. Perfect idea 💡 🎬Presenting you the first episode of the cartoon about four traveling friends! John, Alisia, Emelie and Peter live in London and are planning new trips! Check out how did they pick a perfect route, by adding Minsk to their trip plan! ✈️... 🎬Представляем вашему вниманию 1 серию мультсериала о друзьях-путешественни ках, живущих в Лондоне. Джон, Алисия, Эмили и Питер поделятся с вами своими идеями о том, как открыть для себя новые страны, путешествуя через Минск с Белавиа! ✨
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The Independent named top-10 destinations for travellers in 2019. Minsk takes a well-deserved place in this list. Operating direct flights between London and Minsk, Belavia Belarussian airlines will be happy to help you fill your 2019 with bright emotions and vivid memories.…/best-eu ropean-city-break-20…


Season's Greetings


While hundreds and hundreds flights have been cancelled affected about 150 thousand passengers during Gatwick Airport disruption on 20-21 December, Belavia is proud that we have managed to operate our flight from/to Minsk nearly on schedule and save the holiday plans for children, families and other our passengers for this coming Christmas and New Year festive time. x-46648200


Dear customers, friends and colleagues. Thanks a lot for your support and loyalty over the year! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For those who have not yet decided where to celebrate this festive occasion - you are welcome to Belarus! No visa needed and seats are still available on Belavia direct flights from London to Minsk on 28 & 30 December! 🎄✨🎄 See the clip how it is simple, comfortable and exciting!✨✨✨✈️


Today, 07 December, is International Civil Aviation Day. Currently 30 million flights are flown annually served the total number of 3 billion passengers. Belavia is proud to be a part of this aviation world and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our colleagues, partners, customers and wish you all the best in your life activity. Thanks for your cooperation and your confidence with us!


The Christmas holidays are a truly magical time filled with warm meetings old friends, inspiration and discovery of a miracle. We are sure that you are already planning your time during this festive period and believe that Belarus is a perfect idea. You still get a chance to celebrate a New Year there flying to Minsk with Belavia on the 28th or 30th of December and enjoy magical atmosphere in Belarus. ✨ #Repost @get_repost ・・・ Открой Беларусь с! ... #vetliva #belarus #travel #traveling #travelgram #travelling #travelingram #traveler #q #traveller #winter #winterwonderland #wintertime #winteriscoming
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Traveling becomes more thrilling with us. Belavia is inspiringly joining business to pleasure. The World Travel Market was held between the 5th to 7th of November. For the next five years, your journey will be shaped with innovative and ingenious ideas framing the travel industry.
Belavia took part of this captivating occasion offering pleasant and comfortable direct flights from the UK to Belarus.
2019 looks bright and exciting. In fact, the beautiful Minks, our capital, wil...l host the 2nd European games, a multi-sport competition directed by the European Olympic committee. An amazing event that will gather a lot of fans and about 4000 participants from 50 countries over the continent, including more than 200 members of British team who will fly from London to Belarus with Belavia. This is a great opportunity for everyone to support your favorite athletes by visiting the sport events in 23 disciplines and extend (combine) it with an acquaintance with the country, its history and culture, see its natural beauty on your own and enjoy of Belarusian hospitality. Excited to join? Follow us! Bright Year, Bright You!✨ ✨ Всемирная выставка путешествий прошла в Лондоне 5-7 ноября 2018 года. Республика Беларусь приняла участие в этом мероприятии и представила вниманию посетителей интересные возможности для тех, кто хотел бы ближе познакомиться со страной, ощутить её гостеприимство и увидеть своими глазами все её красоты. Белавиа присоединяется к приглашению и предлагает прямые перелёты из Лондона в Минск и обратно. К тому же в 2019 году Республика Беларусь примет у себя II Европейские игры. Это отличная возможность совместить знакомство со страной и посещение захватывающих спортивных мероприятий. Во время проведения Игр ожидается, что в белорусскую столицу приедут более 4 тыс. спортсменов, около 2 тыс. тренеров и обслуживающего персонала. Они представят официальные делегации из 50 европейских Национальных олимпийских комитетов. Присоединяйтесь и вы!✨
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We are excited to announce good news to make your morning even better! Check to find new experemental fares from Minsk.


✈☁Flying is certainly magical. Our minds are a lot more lucid and "unclouded" in the sky. Seeing the great expanse of the Earth divided into neat patterns, heavenly fields painting an artistic landscape and roads racing to the horizon, brings symmetry to the messiness of everyday life. Even at night, when darkness shrouds the sky, it is breathtaking to look out and see the radiance of light spreading across the world below us.💭✨ 🌎✈ ☁Полет – это волшебно. Иногда кажется, что мир имеет больше смысла, когда видишь его с высоты. Наблюдаешь, как Земля аккуратно разделена на узоры, ярко и складно, подобно шахматной доске; дороги стремятся к горизонту – и в суете повседневной жизни появляется симметрия. Ночью же, когда темнота окутывает небо, а островки света заполняют мир внизу, невозможно оторвать взгляд от иллюминатора.💭✨

More about Belavia Uk

Belavia Uk is located at 5 Lower Grosvenor Place, SW1W 0EJ London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 2072338559
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -