Believe Achieve Transformative Life And Business Coaching

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About Believe Achieve Transformative Life And Business Coaching

Believe Achieve Coaching for professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs who want to gain clarity, transform their thinking and achieve their goals.

Believe Achieve Transformative Life And Business Coaching Description

"The thoroughly accomplished twenty-first century woman should spend less time worrying about whether she is competent and more time focused on self belief and action. Competence she has plenty of"

This brilliant quote from the New York Bestseller "The Confidence Code" by Katty Kay and Clare Shipman captures exactly why I'm a coach and what I want for all female entrepreneurs and business women.

If you want to clarify exactly where you're going and how you'll get there, I will support you in developing action based strategies and a success focused mindset so that you'll totally believe in yourself and your abilities, achieve your true potential, and most importantly enjoy the journey

How am I able to do this?

Well, firstly, I'm a qualified Personal Performance Coach, Success Coach, Business Coach and NLP Practitioner with over 20 years coaching experience.

But far more importantly I've been there, done it and bought the tee shirt! ​

After getting divorced at 26 I qualified as a solicitor as a single parent at 31.

Over the next 20 years I went on to become Head of Law and Governance in the public sector, leading on major strategic projects, managing a wide range of service areas and a staff of over 150.

During this time I qualified as a yoga teacher (and as an aromatherapist and a Coach) and ran a successful and popular yoga class for 14 years.
In 2010, after having skin cancer, and while still working part-time as a lawyer, I created, developed and marketed a natural skincare range which went on to win multiple national awards, and I also won a number of business awards in the process.

In 2017, for various reasons, I took the difficult, but absolutely right for me, decision to close the company and concentrate on working with fabulous female entrepreneurs, encouraging them to Believe in their abilities and Achieve their goals.

I therefore bring a vast array of skills, expertise and experience s to my coaching practice, and in addition I incorporate a wide range of tools, resources and strategies into all my Coaching Programmes.

I currently offer two Signature Coaching Programmes, aimed at both the budding entrepreneur and those who are more established and wanting to grow.

The Startup Kickstarter Programme is designed for women with a business start up, whether this is at the idea stage or in the first 2 years of trading. During this 4 week Programme I'll help you to become aware of your values and motivations, because any business will ultimately fail if it isn't congruent with them! You'll clarify your "3P Principles" - your Proposal, Plans and Profit. I'll support you in creating a viable Three Year Business Plan, setting strategic goals for your business and some personal goals for yourself to ensure that you keep stress at bay. You'll prepare your 12 month Aspiration Plan and commit to 90, 30 and 7 day Action Plans. This programme will empower you to start your entrepreneurial journey with a clear vision of where your're headed and how you'll get there.
Programme Fee £295

​The Mindset Makeover Programme is for fabulous female entrepreneurs who already have a viable business, but feel that its's in need of re- invigoration or reinvention. Over an 8 week period I'll help you to be ready, mentally and practically, to deal with any issues that you are facing in your life as an entrepreneur. We'll look at your money mindset and your life programming and ensure they're not holding you back or sabotaging your success. We'll brainstorm strategies and, using established business tools and techniques, explore your progress so far so that you commit to taking massive actions to move you forward. You'll gain the "3C Skills" of Clarity, Confidence and Challenge and develop a mindset that's fully focused on your journey to success
Programme Fee £750

Message me for further information.
Please also take a look at my website
www. believeachieve. co. uk for more info on myself and my signature Coaching Programmes



I will be running Group Coaching workshops on a monthly basis as from March 2018. At £30 per session these are a cost effective introduction to transformational life coaching. They will be held at a venue near Chester. More details can be found on my website


Resilience has many factors. Here are some of them #success #coaching #resilience #Mindset ntally-tough/


Don't believe your thoughts but look inside to your innate sense of peace.




Not only have I had my first article published in Thrive Global but my Free online Programme "3 Major Steps on the Road to Success" is now available on my website! Brilliant day!! Website details in comments. Subscribe on the Home Page and it will wing its way to you over the next 10 days.


My first article published in Thrive Global. So excited to be accepted as a contributor to this renowned international publication. Link is in comments 😀do-ordinary-things-to-live-an-extraor dinary-life


Overwhelm or procrastination can really put a stop to your achieving your goals! I'll be launching my signature Coaching Programmes very soon to help you take action, believe in yourself and your abilities and achieve your true potential. Don't duck your chances of success!


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing , you will be successful"
These words from Albert Schweitzer are fundamental to achieving a Success Mindset. You may believe that you need to have certain things, earn a set amount of income, make a certain number of sales or look a particular way in order to be successful, and that doing this will make you happy. But fortunately it can be a lot simpler than that to be succes...sful and happy!
You can simply make a choice to feel happy with your life or business exactly as it is now. From that positive starting point you then make plans to make it even better, knowing that it's not the end of the world if the plans need to be changed as circumstances change.
Make inner happiness your priority and outer happiness will follow. Remember that your happiness does not depend on getting what you think you want!
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The first step to Success is forgiving others and also forgiving yourself for your past mistakes. Forgiveness is a massive Mindset action! The Hoponopono exercise of saying "I'm sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you " as you consider each event is really powerful. It helps you release the negativity of the past. Do let me know how this works for you.


​Latest testimonial from Mags. HR Manager. Cheshire.
"From our first meeting I knew I had chosen the right Coach for me.
Cecilia is clearly passionate about her profession and got to the essence of where I was needing support with my life transition challenges extremely quickly. After only a couple of sessions I already felt my life was moving forward in a new and positive direction which I am excited about (after months of not being able to decide which way to go). Cec...ilia's approach is always highly professional, warm, challenging and supportive.
​I would thoroughly recommend her broad-ranging and inspirational coaching methods and style to anyone who is currently looking to make positive changes in their life."
Thanks so much Mags!
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My FREE 10 day programme "3 Major Steps on The Way to Success" launches in November 2017. It will enable you to gain clarity and self awareness, and to understand your values and motivation. These are all essential elements of success and form the foundations of developing a Success Mindset.
Look out for further details coming soon!


You can make great career choices at any time of your life. The Japanese don't have a word for "retirement" as they feel that they can remain active, resourceful, fulfilled and successful at any stage of their lives. I agree. Do you?


Is your self-talk self-defeating? Are you stuck in a rut in your personal or business life? Do you believe that you're the only one who can do something right or that you always do the wrong thing? Do you lack confidence... or sometimes appear over confident? Are you letting past events deeply affect your present and future beliefs and actions? Then you probably have Mindset Blocks!
Believe Achieve Success Mindset Coaching can help you to overcome patterns of thinking which no longer serve you. Get in touch now for details.
And watch out for news of my FREE programme "3 Major Steps on the Way to Success" COMING SOON !!!
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Mindset is all about awareness. . Do you lack confidence in yourself or your ability? Are past events or relationships having an ongoing effect on your life? Are you staying in your comfort zone or going for growth? Becoming aware of your issues is the first step to moving forward. So what is holding you back in your life right now?

More about Believe Achieve Transformative Life And Business Coaching