Ben Ambage Fitness

About Ben Ambage Fitness

Freelance trainer currently based at WTF Gym, Congleton. Open to clients of all levels /abilities.

Outdoor /home sessions also available.

DM /email /text /call for enquiries.



This is what coaching is all about. Bloody love it!
I know how hard @rachelbnz and Sheila have been working on their pull-ups; can throw anything at them and they’ll do it with success (and a sprinkling of sass).
1st pull up done. Going to continue building that strict strength and bang out a few more! Well done Rach ūüéČūüéČūüéČ


Crossfitters are just the worst. Can’t go anywhere without them being like ooooo look me.


Since day 1, it‚Äôs been a dream of mine to handstand walk, do some RMU and walk back on my hands. ūüí≠ Few clips of some of today‚Äôs training from @redline ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä It definitely hasn‚Äôt. But goals change. When I first saw ‚ÄėCrossFit‚Äô I saw people doing mad things like that, things I thought I‚Äôd never be able to do. Stupid stuff takes a lot of hours of practice and a lot more hours of failing. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä @olliemarchon hit the nail on the head. I train so I can feel comfortable going against any form of fitness or exercise. I don‚Äôt want to feel out of my depth in any form. Train to be the strongest/fastest I can be while holding on to a physique that suggests I actually eat someūüĆĹ


ūüí• BEN‚ÄôS BOOTCAMP ūüí• (episode 3)
Awesome class today. 16 in. Simple movements. Full body workout. High intensity. You can’t go wrong!
Message me if you‚Äôre interested. Get ready for summer ‚ėÄÔłŹ


ūüí• THE KIPPING PULL-UP ūüí• ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä If you struggle to tie together kipping pull-ups, give this a try! ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Here, using a box, we place emphasis on the PUSH away from the bar. Why? It gives us room to ‚Äėload-up‚Äô and re-enter that strong arc position. If we didn‚Äôt push AWAY from the bar, we‚Äôd be dropping into a dead hang; we‚Äôd then have to start the kipping process all over again. This is a common problem for those learning to kip! KEEP THE FLOW.... ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä No matter your efficiency in pull-ups (strict/kipping/butterfly) it‚Äôs always good to return to the basics and refresh the movement pattern in your mind.
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‚ÄúI don‚Äôt count my sit-ups; I only start counting when they start hurting because they‚Äôre the only ones that count‚ÄĚ Muhammad Ali. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä I do the same with devil presses. I start counting at 1 and anything after that is a bonus. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä #paytheman #HWPO #BeBeyond


Looking back at this years work. First 8-9 months of CrossFit and being a member at @crossfit_silk_macc has gone too quick. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Made some great friends and learned from some amazing coaches there, who‚Äôve managed to get me to a relatively respectable fitness level (I still hate running and everything to do with it) ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ and I‚Äôm proud to be joining their team in the new year. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä I couldn‚Äôt ask to train at a better box, with better members. Everyone works hard a...nd parties harder! ūüéČ ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Roll on 2019.
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The ūüĒ• for training is unreal at the moment. ‚ÄĘ Took on the partner WOD yesterday. No one likes me so I tackled it on my own ūüėě (Thanks @livfitpt for this WOD ūüôĄ). ‚ÄĘ 20MIN TIME CAP.... - 100 burpee over rower. - max distance row. Ended with 2,742m. Not a bad outing. ‚ÄĘ Programming from @crossfit_silk_macc has been on point. The buzz for training is back ūüĎŹ #strongerthansteel
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‚ÄúErrors are an unavoidable consequence of development.‚ÄĚ ‚ÄĘ I‚Äôm not one for a ‚Äėmotivational‚Äô post - but if you want to get better at something, do it more. Be patient. Things will go wrong and you will get frustrated. It‚Äôs an erroneous assumption to believe you can get better at something over night. 10,000 hours and all that... ūüôĄ. ‚ÄĘ Handstand walks weren‚Äôt built in day. A few months ago I couldn‚Äôt move at all on my hands. It‚Äôs not perfect but it‚Äôs getting there!


Apologies for the amount of flesh on the video... but....
Try this spicy little conditioning piece! ūüĆ∂ūüĆ∂ūüĆ∂ - 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME - 25 assault bike cals ūüö≤... 10 devil presses ūüĎŅ 5 KB snatches (each arm) ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ ‚ÄĘ Last set of 4 ūüö∑ūüö∑ūüö∑ Aim was to stay consistent and remain unbroken on everything - stayed around 3:30 mins each round. ‚ÄĘ Excuse the nudity ūüĎÄ #dadbod
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SESSION 1/2 | GYMNASTICS - STRICT RING MUSCLE UPS | BMU ūüé™ ‚ÄĘ Got my first ever strict RMU on Monday. Today I got 3x3. Working on keeping the legs locked, toes pointed keeping the core engaged. (Few pointers from @danheath56 ) SESSION 1/2 | GYMNASTICS - STRICT RING MUSCLE UPS | BMU ūüé™ ‚ÄĘ Got my first ever strict RMU on Monday. Today I got 3x3. Working on keeping the legs locked, toes pointed keeping the core engaged. CURSE OF THE BENT LEGS STRIKES AGAIN ūüė©... ‚ÄĘ 5x3 BMU | 40s rest. Felt comfortable; didn‚Äôt want to push it any further with a dodgy shoulder. All in all, nice bit of progress ūüĎćūüŹľ. CURSE OF THE BENT LEGS STRIKES AGAIN ūüė©. ‚ÄĘ 5x3 BMU | 40s rest. Felt comfortable; didn‚Äôt want to push it any further with a dodgy shoulder. All in all, nice bit of progress ūüĎćūüŹľ ‚ÄĘ If you want any help with Gymnastic... or any other form of exercise (bar dancing) slide into the DM‚Äôs ūüēļūüŹĽ
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Comp #2 complete ‚úÖ finishing second ūü•ąbehind an unbelievable team including @kitambage and @jredd14 winning 4/5 WODs including the final ūüĎŹ ‚ÄĘ @crossfit_silk_macc Unreal shift put in by everyone; 4 teams, 2 ūü•ą places, 1 amazing weekend. Particular shoutout to @livxroberts @haylz_jayne89 and @nicolaharrison1982 Winning 3/4 WODs to get to the final! ‚ÄĘ Lessons learned, legs destroyed. We go again.


‚ÄĘ First of all, I‚Äôm not a nutritionist - I have an unhealthy obsession with pizza and cookies... but here‚Äôs my 2 cents on ‚Äėnutrition‚Äô...ūüćēor ūü•ó?
... ‚ÄĘ CALORIES ūüćĒ Irrespective of your ‚Äėgoals‚Äô (weight loss, weight gain, getting hench af) lifestyle, fitness level; CALORIC INTAKE is the deciding factor to wether you‚Äôre successful or not in achieving the aforementioned ‚Äėgoal‚Äô of yours. Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) gives you an indication of how many calories you burn per day - EVERYONES IS DIFFERENT. Now here‚Äôs the science ūü§ď IF YOU EAT MORE CALORIES THAN YOU BURN YOU PUT WEIGHT ON. IF YOU EAT LESS CALORIES THAN YOU BURN YOU LOSE WEIGHT. Crazy isn‚Äôt it. ūüēļūüŹĽPrioritise your caloric intake.
‚ÄĘ MACRONUTRIENTS ūüćē How you ‚Äėbalance‚Äô your caloric intake is subjective to your desire. Once you‚Äôve decided your goal, you can take things a little more seriously. Macronutrients cover 3 bases; CARBOHYDRATES | FAT | PROTEIN. All do different thaaangs, all taste good - HAVE THEM ALL ūüĆ≠. Carbs - 4 kcal per gram. Fat - 9 kcal per gram. Protein - 4 kcal per gram. CARBS DON‚ÄôT MAKE YOU FAT. FAT ALSO DOESN‚ÄôT MAKE YOU FAT. But that‚Äôs a different discussion for a different day! Don‚Äôt get too obsessed with your macros. Keep it clean, keep it balanced.
‚ÄĘ MICRONUTRIENTS ūü•ó Fruit and veg and other green stuff. This is where you get all your ‚ÄėHEALTH‚Äô. For me, it should take equal priority to caloric intake - we all want and, in some cases, need to be healthier. Have your fruit and veg. Life ain‚Äôt all sundaes and donuts ūüć©.
‚ÄĘ MEAL TIMING/FREQUENCY ‚Źį As shown, takes less precedence for a healthy diet. Unless you‚Äôre a top level athlete, when you get your calories in doesn‚Äôt make a noticeable difference. Calories don‚Äôt change dependant on the time of day ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Eat yo damn food whenever you want.
‚ÄĘ SUPPLEMENTS ūüíä Not essential and often non-beneficial. As pictured, these should NOT take priority for the general population. Recommendations - multivits (stay healthy), cod liver oil (high in vitamins A and D) and glucosamine & chondroitin (great for joints). Creatine for athletes ‚úÖ
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Walking into @crossfit_silk_macc 2018 Crossfit open re-runs like...


Who would be interested for both ‚Äėin-gym‚Äô and/or outdoor classes? Conditioning ‚úÖ Muscle growth ‚úÖ Strength ‚úÖ Teamwork ‚úÖ ... Fun ‚úÖ ¬£5 per person, per class. Message for more details/any enquiries!
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STRENGTH UNDER FATIGUE. One of my favourite WODs recently: WILLIAM MAHONEY 3RFT 5 thrusters @ 70kg... 10 burpees 15 box jump 30‚ÄĚ 20 KB swings 24kg Time: 11:01. 12 week strength cycle starts, so working with a heavier barbell in all movements is the priority. Burpees/box jumps/ KB swings to spike the heart rate and help maintain a solid baseline of aerobic performance while concentrating on strength ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
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CHALLENGE ALL ENERGY PATHWAYS. - Phosphagen - Anaerobic glycolysis - Aerobic . For the general population, ‚Äėall-round‚Äô fitness is the goal. This is obtained by challenging all 3 energy systems/pathways.... PHOSPHAGEN (creatine phosphate) - short use, fast acting. Quick powerful movements/sets/workouts. Often used to improve speed and power. . ANAEROBIC - uses energy in glucose for activity 30s-3m. . AEROBIC - carbs and fats are only burned in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic training is often labelled as ‚Äúcardio‚ÄĚ - longer bouts of exercise using a slower release of energy. . Not 1 single system is used, they‚Äôre all combined, only they switch as the ‚Äėprime‚Äô source of energy. To feel athletic, energetic and functional it‚Äôs beneficial to challenge ALL systems. BE VARIANT. lift, run, jump, swim... anything that raises the heart rate and challenges you - do it! All exercise has benefit.
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The squad is real. CrossFit Silk Macclesfield

More about Ben Ambage Fitness

Ben Ambage Fitness is located at WTF Gym, CW12 2AQ Congleton